How Can You Crush New Oxycontin (Page 2)
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I have the new oxycontin and it seems undoable to crush and take them - anybody know anything about that?

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i don't care if people abuse it so why should i have to be in more horrible pain because of it? this new one DOES NOT WORK!!! The abusers will get their "high" somewhere but i won't get pain relief anywhere.

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U no that almost all the peeps who abuse them well thay started like u.w/pain and a doc change the script or lost script for some reason and found out WOW IM ADDICTED!u r ADDICTED u just have them dont go looking down on people cuz after just taking them for a week ur addicted. No matter if u take them for pain or not.and what im saying is NOT just my opinion its fact that.that almost all methadone clients r in major pain and something happend to them and thay cant get there script them. Thay find out that there a addic b in there shoes one day but ur sake i hope was ur doctor who "gives "u ur drugs and a guy off the street.u r not ANY better than any of the others please remeber cuz u might just

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The best way to get a pretty fast, nicely sustained euphoric high from time-release oxycontin it to get a pill cutter and split the pills into 1/4's or 1/8's. Don't mash the pills. Just nice, clean cuts. Then swallow them with fairly sweet, high-end estate coffee. Jamaican Blue Mountain is my preferred blend. 15 minutes later you'll be thanking God.

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you need your doctor to send you to pain management. Government has made all the doctors afraid to write scripts for people that they know need it. And this is all about the money in big pharm, the junkies will go get heroin, the pain patients will suffer.

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stop winning you do you and leave everyone else alone to do them

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Euthanasia plan, I think you are wise to proceed with a well thought out plan. It is a damning indictment of your nation's healthcare plan that a man can live in abject pain with no relief for an entire year and no hope for relief. That is my worst fear.Bless you and post some more if you want to talk it out.I hope things have gotten better since you posted.

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This really works!!! I was surprised. That was good thinking.....

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Take it from someone who has used both types. The new OP formula is useless. It does not deliver enough medication. Everyone one needs to complain to Purdue that this stuff is a joke. It upsets your stomach, it gives you headaches and it does NOT give pain relief. if you abuse it or not. For the chronically ill patients here: If you are in that much pain, you should be taking Hydromorphone. IR. None of these these new long acting drugs are worth a damn. You can thank G Bush JR. for that. Do not be afraid to ask for what you need. If the MD thinks you are nervous about asking, he will think you are an abuser. It is a sad time when this country cares more about stopping abuse than they do pain. I wish you all in pain the best. Also there is another way it is called Suboxone. Yes it is an Opiate but with Naloxone. It will keep from you from withdrawels while bringing down your dependency very slowly. If you are sincere in wanting to be drug free, it can help. Ask your MD's they will be happy to give it to you as it is impossible to abuse. Good Luck to all.

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One thing I wanted to add about Methadone. I to was taking 30mg per day. During one month the pain I suffer was pretty bad. 2 back Surgeries and an Abdominal Tumor removed. So I would pop an extra Methadone once in awhile. I came up 2.5 days short from my refill. Remember this was only 30mg per day Methadone. Within 24 hours the withdrawal was like nothing I had ever experienced in my life. I ended up in the emergency room. Diagnosis? Acute Methadone withdrawal. And I have been using Opiates for the last 25 years. It was then I started researching Methadone a little more. It is a wonderful, long lasting analgesic. Probably one of the best, however, the withdrawal symptoms are many, many times worse than even withdrawal from Heroin. Heroin blows through your system in about 24 hours, then comes the kick, then the flu like symptoms, then after about 4-5 days, you start to feel better. Methadone withdrawal can last for months depending on how high the dosage. This is not an anti Methadone story, just a warning to those who are on Methadone. The next Doc may not want to give it out, then what? Our Health Care system is one of the screwiest there is.

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One thing it seems everyone has not mentioned or tried if it is just the buzz you want. This may sound weird, but it works. With 2-10mg Oxy OP's start to chew them, just a little mind you, then like snuff, put the resulting goo between cheek and gums. The mouth is one of the fastest routes for ingestion into the bloodstream, which is why people with heart conditions let nitro dissolve in the mouth. It takes practice, but the goo will stick to the gums, dissolve faster, and yes, a buzz is had over a longer period of time. It even sticks while drinking hot coffee, though the hot liquid melts the goo faster. Eating? well, chew mostly on the other side. Told you it sounded weird. But it does work.

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LOL! Love your first sentence full of determination & encouragement! LOL! I use a lil grater that makes a fine powder :)

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Long story short. Working stiff, came home from work, had seizure, crushed 3 vertebrae in lower back due to intensity of pressure. Life took new meaning. I couldn't work, go anywhere life just stopped. I had to move from my inner city apt to a boarding houses filled with junkies, alchos, parolees, guns you name it. Finally after taking about 3 painkillers , because I was chronicly affected by this injury and had constant pain, they put me on OxyContin. I had never even heard of this drug. (workinstiff) At first it did nothing. Then the dr started raising the dose. Because im 6'7 and 122kg I usually need more of an absorbed long acting pain reliever due to weight ratio. This is when my real night mare began. When I reached a certain dose, the doctor just said don't come back, that's it. After finding that almost no dr would prescribe me I had to see a few and got the lovely title of "Doctor shopper". And because I was asking for pain relief for my shattered veterbrae I was also BESTOWED with "drug seeker". Finally found a dr that understood me and my situation. He put me on after a few consultations, he put me on 6 x 80mg per day. This was the only way to control the unexplainable pain I was in, granted I only needed 2 in morn and 2 at night. The dr was busy and said I didn't need to see him and he knew there was nothing we could do for my back except manage the pain. (three orthapedic surgeons wouldn't touch me due to risk of a piece of bone in my spinal cord, paralyzing me.) Anyway, because of this he began giving monthly scripts. That's 200 80mg tablets in my possession. Anyway because of the dose, of course I became dependent on them. But I can honestly say that my chronic spinal injury, I had to take pain killers, right? Wrong. One day ( st this time I couldn't simple things like walk to the shops (not alowed to drive because of epilepsy,) go to drs and chemist with my pain as much as it could be, It hit me that this unjust was a lifer, even with pain medication I still can't work, and I was on 100k a year! You don't throw that away to get paid about 13k a year!! Sorry back on track. Ok BANG I'm on the train coming back from an appointment with another back specialist. Next think I know? I'm on the train platform not knowing who I am and or my ass from grass. Another Gran Mal seizure. The people got me off the train but in the statements that due to the shock snd heat of the moment and they didn't see my bag (which was partially under the seat. Due to people knowing i had oxycontin because they found the boxes in the bin, they stoop,my rooms being robbed by boarding house people I keep (the few) valuables I have in my bag. Lost phone jewelry paperwork and, which I didnt know at the time, was going to start THE BIGGEST PROBLEM OF MY LIFE. When I went to see my dr and explained the situation and he flew into a rage and said im the second one who said he lost his tablets today and accused me of selling them or whatever. I had another seizure and then the withdrawal came , I ended up in hospital. Like I said long story short, they just stopped my OxyContin and put me on methadone. Remember I've never used heroin, but they said it works for pain management. So I said ok. Let's try it. Now the nightmare got worse. They started me on 30mg methadone a day, and every 2 weeks I'd go back pleading that this is doing nothing for my pain. This is where my life stopped. They upped my dose to 200mg quite quickly, and for the last 400 days, because I have nothing for pain at all now, the methadone doesn't affect me one bit, so now I spend 23 hours a day because I am in so much agony. They now are making me take 8 valiums a day as well! (do they want me to od? ) so now I do nothing, can't work, cant drive, can't play, can't be with a woman CAN'T DO ANYTHING I USED TO. imagine having cancer and just lying in hospital all day, with no pain relief, just rotting away. I have contacted the health dept about my dr but this resulted in him reducing my takeaways as punishment for "bad behavior". The guy would just smile and keep telling me its all in my head, even though mu xrays show i have severe spinal damage. So after a year if pleading with this guy for some relief, I went to another dr and they said there's nothing they can do now I'm a "methadone addict". I brought my carer along because someone needed to see how this guy was treating me. He came out into the waiting room in front of everyone, said I can find another doctor to manipulate for drugs AFTER SEEING HIM FOR OVER A YEAR. Anyways if I was a real drug seeker I wouldn't have gone onto methadone, or wasted a year with this idiot?? Anyway end of story - I cannot live like this anymore. I am in bed at least 23 hrs in bed (like hospital) but no one brings me food or medication. So I have decided to euthanize myself because I can't live in this hell of a life I'm in. I don't "live anymore" I just exist. I'm on the disability pension due to my injury, I have s taxi card, even getting done money for being permanently disabled, but I CAN'T EVEN GET A PANADINE FORTE. I have written to my MP, the DHS, it's like this dr is above the law. So I'm gonna stop the pain cause it's one thing I can still CONTROL. I keep having seizures and if I have a bad enough one with my spinal damage I could become a para/quad rapleigic and be unable to do this, so I'm going to do it while I can. Anyway, sorry to have talked for so long, but that's my 2 cents. :-). Ps do I have a date in mind? Damn straight I do. I have to wait a few months to tie up my personal/financial situation, I don't want to leave my family with problems, even though I only see my mum once a week, I don't see anyone else, seriously what do you day to a person who hasnt been able to even care for himself for this long I think they've forgotten about me. But I understand, what can they say or do? Any thoughts on my situation? Thanks for listening, not many people do or if they do they do what can they do? Ive run out of breath telling my story, even writing to the U.N. but to no response. If there's any holes in my story it's only because I'm condensing it so much, happy to answer any questions if it will help get some opinions. Peace.

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You are si right , I have a kidney disease and have to take medication for the pain. I pass kidney stones all the time and it does begin to feel like you've become a slave to the drug, I myself wish I can be off all these med's. Good luck to u all.

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@UndertheRadar.. I am in the SAME position you are in... I am sorry to reply twice, but I jut saw your post. Can we chat a bit? I don't know how to message anyone on here, maybe because I don't come on all that much.

I have the same name on Bluelight, maybe you could message me there-if you would. My dr wants to lower me, from the 4mg Dilaudid from every 6 to every 8.. and theres just no way I can do that. I duno what to say, how to deal with it, talk to him etc. I've been on Oxycontin and some form of bt pain relief for about 5-6 years now, the pain is actually from my spleen, it's enlarged.. about the size of a watermelon, they thought it would shrink after the liver transplant, but it hasn't.. and they say there's nothing they can do, I just dunno how I can possibly ever go off these meds or go down if the pain will never go away?

Is your spleen enlarged at all? Again, if you don't mind messaging me I'd be nice to be able to ask you a few questions.

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Easiest thing I've been doing. I suck on the pills for about 3-5 minutes and then wipe off the coating.. which I'm not even sure you need to do, I just like to do it. Then I put them in a shot glass of root beer (or coke, I just think root beer tastes way better) overnight-I leave it overnight, but it's worked for me in 3-4 hrs. I just let them soak, if I wake up in the middle of the night, or walk by them, I swirl the glass a little so the pills flip or sometimes they stick to the bottom or sides and I twirl them apart with my finger. Then when I wake up, I just take the shot and they kick in real fast and are real strong. In my opinion it's the easiest way, also the best way if you're living with people where you can't necessarily do the CWE..

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Use a ped egg to shave em down

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Iv seen it done first hand, IT WORKS,
USE and method to make it as fine as possible ,
Mix or add something that you already inhale with
a 2 to 1 ratio (so u have twice as much as the mix add.)
then do it.
It takes about 10-15 minutes for effects

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Wow, when I read you guys saying that you are on a lot of the drug and I can't seem see your point when it is a 20 or 30 or 40. I have been taking 3 80's, 3 40's and 5 oxy for breakthrough pain for about 5 or 6 years now. I am totally used to the amount. I don't have problems unless I miss a dosage time, but my body tells me I did sure enough. I have just started with the new meds this week so I will have to wait and see how they work for me. We are in Canada and it just became a law here for the new recipe crap. WEell....only in Ontario anyways but I'm sure the other provences will follow suite. I hope they are going to kill the pain as effective as the old ones. I won't be able to function at all if it doesn't.

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Shawn, just tell your dr the oxy done isn't lasting long enough and ask if there is something longer lasting, thy should suggest the OxyContin in that instance. And depending on how long you've been on the drug, it gets to a point where you build up tolerance and will need to go up on the dose. I was on OxyContin twice a day and oxycodone for breakthrough every 4-6 hrs for over two years. Now, (granted ive had a liver transplant since then and am still in chronic pain) but I am still on OxyContin (just moved down to 30s from 40s) twice a day, and now am on Dilauded 4mg as needed every 4 hrs. The oxycodone just wasn't enough and I had to keep asking for more that it wasn't covering my pain, so they switched me to the Dilauded. But I think the best way to approach it is simple say, hey doc, it's not working long enough. It helps for maybe 1/2 hrs, is there anything longer lasting? And they should recommend the OxyContin, because thats what it's for.

And lifever, there are people with legit chronic pain conditions who have been on their medications so long they need to in erase their dose, or find a better route to administer. Like bob said, just getting them in faster helps. So before you judge and criticize, think a little bit. Sometimes abuse isn't a choice, it's a necessity!

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Sounds like you used to snort them

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