Generic Percocet 10 A333 White Oblong (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Anyone had stomach / intestinal effects from this particular form? I've been switched from Watson 932 10/325 because of drug store supply.

101 Replies (6 Pages)

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I research everything I put into my body, especially if it's "new." My best advice to everyone else is keep filing complaints. Seek out pharmacies that will dispense other brands. There's always an exception to the rule, and I suppose that's me. It's not okay that pharma companies can just switch meds without notice. I've had issues with other generic meds in the past (not pain meds) so I can understand the suffering. Best wishes.

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Does everyone know they can file a complaint with side effects you have had to the FDA? I think you either need to ask the pharmacist or your doctor. I will find out.. my mother did it once. If we ALL file complaints maybe they will take it off the market! My Walgreens pharmacist doesn't care. He said "it's the only brand we get now"...seeing another comment in here I noticed Walgreens actually ordered another brand? Wondering why it's not an option with my Walgreens.

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Thank you @Jennifer for your reply. I was able to find a pharmacy one town over that will order the endocet for me - arriving tomorrow :) I called probably ten places and ALL of them only carry the Actavis brand, so that stinks. I will post my results, and will definitely file my complaints with the FDA. I have been on the Actavis brand for quite awhile, and have had horrible problems with my stomach, low bp and other issues. I have pretty severe chronic pain from lupus, chronic pancreatitis, bulging cervical discs and fibro - just to name a few. It didn't even occur to me that it was the brand causing the problems. I believe I had a Watson supply of percocet last year, and then was switched to Actavis. There is a HUGE difference in side effects and lack of pain control! I was changed from 5 to 10mg and thought something was wrong with me, because they weren't helping me at all! Thanks again for your help and advice.

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Alicia. problem...anytime! Thats what these threads r find answers n share what e know or have experienced. Jyst an fyi...when ur changing from one med to another, your body will go thru withdrawals so the first 2 weeks to a month might b tough for u, but then youll start to notice if the endocet help control ur b prepared for the worst before it gets better....

my2sense.....reread my post I made before ur last....I talked about how some Walgreen s wont special order n some will....

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Jennifer - thanks again! I actually got my endocet yesterday, and I can already tell a major difference (in a good way). It provides much more pain control than the Actavis, which in turn has increased my energy level. There isn't that awful "crash and burn" feeling with horrible physical effects that came from the Actavis. It may not be as noticeable at first, but it is better quality and lasts much longer. And, anyone with chronic pain appreciates that way more than some sort of "kick!"

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So happy to hear ur feeling better! From one pain management patient to another....its a good feeling when someone who started off in horrible pain and the end result is a positive one only because they took a shot on trusting ur advise. Its music to my ears! Ive been to that place where im in so much pain I just wanna die cause u cant find anything to help, then I chanced taking someones advise that was going to b my one last shot...only to come out in the end being able to control my pain. It was like birdies signing in the air....the world looked like a different place to me. I didnt hope to not wake up next time I fell asleep. So I know what being in pain could do to ur life n spirit. If I hadnt listened, god knows where id b, so im just paying it forward in hopes to help legitimate pain sufferers. Please do the same here on this website when u see someone searching for help.....Keep In touch n pop in every now n then n give us an update!

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Sorry about the double post, I couldn't edit the other. After talking to my pharmacist today in relation to these ******* pills, I can, without fear of libel, say that he is aware that they are not as good and has received numerous complaints about them. What burns me about this is that instead of telling me this months ago, I have spent that much time suffering needlessly. His excuse: it costs him too much in relation to how much he is re-imbursed by insurance.

Now, I can understand not wanting to take a loss on a prescription, but not straight up telling me that I might want to find another pharmacy at least for THIS script, he just kept taking the loss and giving me ineffective meds.

So, if you suffer from chronic pain and you've suddenly found yourself wondering if you've just built up too much of a tolerance and that's why they just don't seem to be working, take any comfort you can from knowing that if you're taking this brand, that's not the case.

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Is there anyone else experiencing painful abdominal issues from the nasty side effects of the Actavis brand?
After using that Actavis brand with their new formulation and fillers, I'm now scheduled for gallbladder removal surgery. I figured that after stopping using the Actavis brand, my abdominal pain from the side effects from the Actavis brand would have gone away, but they never did. I never had any problems with my gallbladder until the switch of the medication was made after Actavis bought out Watson and Actavis reformulated it. The Watson brand worked great with no side effects, but Actavis reformulated the drug with new fillers to deter street junkies from using it, and it has caused the real pain sufferers to suffer even more in the process.

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I am having severe itching and gi upset I've taken the watson before and never remember anyone this the new generic is really terrible the itching is so severe I've gotta call my doctor I haven't slept all night from itching and sleeplessness

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A333's have 0 actual ocycodone in them. Actavis is by far the worst generic drug manufacturer! Their labs/mills are under constant violation and have paid millions to the Fda for violations. The oxycodone/ tylenol A333 came out along time ago probably year and half ago replacing the Watson oxycodone/aceitametphine. These Percocets sent thousands to the E.R. for chest pains, numbness in limbs, major G.I. issues including gas, diarrhea etc. Nothing was done, the A333's were not taken off the shelves and CP patients were forced to switch drugs, either to another brand or a total different medication like OxycontinER.
I took the A333's and I filed lots of "bad drug" complaints with the Fda. I switched backto Perdue Brand oxycontin and won't touch a generic opiate medication ever again! Actavis paid off the FDA so they could keep slingin their Indian backyard made oxycodone Perc's.Never trust generic drug manufacturers EVER!! Their's a reason why the Actavis generics are 80% cheaper...

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A333 DO NOT WORK PERIOD' END OF STORY. This is a terrible thing to do to to all of us who suffer. And it's like we have no choice. I am willing to be a part of the solutions' if I only knew how to do that.

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Same here except for the pain in the arm.

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i was prescribed "percocet" several days ago. i used percocet 10years ago and felt pain relief. now, i must use? gerneric drug which is not as effective-- lasts less than 3 hrs. according to my pharmacist, generics only need to 85% drug and the rest fillers. what are the fillers/ inactive ingredients? i started itching and had to take benedryl for relief. is anyone else tired of generics, but must use them for their insurance??

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Sick and Tired, Ya I believe we all are sick of cheap generics that provide no relief. My advise is to call your dr, have your reactions documented by dr or hospital staff member and get a copy of that paper. Cal your insurance company and tell them you are unable to take this brand or that brand of generics, they have got to help you but you must have proof. Also contact the maker of that generic and submit a complaint. I am unable to find inactive ingred for Watson now Actavis brand A333 pill, but that pill is not good. Watson now Actavis has kept in contact with me ever since I submitted claim about their Cheap Generic form of what they call a pain med. It gave me medication poisoning & gastric problems that I still have, that is all documented from the ER. Your insurance should pay for a different med for your pain if you have documentation, I cant say for sure, but just get all the documentation you can so they know you have reactions from the generic brands. Sorry for your pain & I do hope you get some relief. Take care & Good Luck to you

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Jennifer, Is this article implying what I think it is, that we the patient who have been given this Cheap Generic Actavis med have been Actavis Guinea Pigs? Testing this out without our knowledge? I am Literally Terrified! OMG, is all I can say and I am going further than just a complaint now, I am Done. What this med has put me through & continues to put me through & who knows long term effects, I REFUSE to be some DRUG COMPANIES GUINEA PIG. THIS INFO NEEDS TO GET THE MEDIA & FAST!

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Hi riley, look up the article. I listed the title and what website had it. You are correct, 2014 is when they released the medicine. They haven't received FDA approval yet so from how I understood what I read, to sum it up, we are the guinea pigs. They are trying to make abuse deterant oxycodonon. So they have removed the addictive additives from the medicine and added whatever so if it's being abused by people for that immediate high, it wont work. They are trying to prove in this form it can still provide pain relief to those who need it. Its ridiculous and I as well am livid. Go read the article. Its on the internet so it is already public info. Its just who finds it to know. That's the tricky part.

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Michael, you should read all the comments on this thread. You will see all the problems we've been having and our experiences.

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What article? I want to read it. I know these pills are making me sick!

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Robin, Yes, I think a lot of people should read this - try googling Actavis makes agreement for generic abuse-deterrent oxycodone posted 3-5-13 check this article out... We cannot give websites on here, but look at what I wrote and Jennifer, then hopefully you will get the article. God Bless and I hope you find relief soon

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