Arthri D For Joint Pain Relief (Page 18)


Has anyone taken Arthri-D for joint pain relief?

362 Replies (19 Pages)

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I was diagnosed with a herniated disk in the lower lumbar of my back and preceded taking steroid shots for the pain in June 2010. I started taking arthri-d3 back in September of the same year and I am doing so much better at this time. I can tolerate what little pain I have; also, I had facial pain caused by arthritic joints in the jaw; knee joint pain; believe me, it took about 2 weeks before I started feeling relief and a good 2 months for the pain to be fairly resolved. I haven't had a steroid shot since September 2010. I am very happy with this Arthri-D.Like everything in this world nothing is 100% but Arthri-D has improved my life and many others

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Arthri-D relieved my pain, On Nov. 25 I woke up at 2am and could not get back to sleep. My wife woke up shortly afterword. We turned on tv and the program for Arthri-D3 was on. My wife who is a on Nov 25 I woke up at 2am and could not get back to sleep. My wife woke up shortly afterword. We turned on tv and the program for Arthri-D3 was on. My wife who is a nurse told me to order it but I was not believing it would work. My wife ordered it thinking that the timing of this was meant to be. I am 50yrs old and had knee surgery on Dec 2009 on my right knee and in June 2010 on my left. In Nov. 2010 I had so my pain from arthritis I could not walk down steps. After taking Arthri-D3 for about 10 days the knees still made a cracking sound but the pain was gone! –Robert R

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Arthri-D is also in GNC and 1/2 the price!! From what i can tell the ingredients are similar, and has been sold a lot longer. I would try Arthri-D first

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The testimonials I have seen on Arthri-D are awesome. Too bad there are so many negative people in the world. Arthrid3 seems to be helping a lot

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Saw a new advertisement for Arthrid with Jim
shriner talking about his pain cream. Anyone try it yet? I love my Arthrid, but was curious about the pain cream

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Yeah I saw the new show for Arthri-d. I love the product ! Thank you Arthrid3.

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You can get Arthri-D at GNC for half the cost of other joint health products.

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I must say: I have never taken Vitamin D in my lifetime and I'm 85. Since I've been taking Arthri-D, I have no more pain. The doctor told me to keep taking Arthri-D. It truly has helped me. No more pain! I am very grateful to have found Arthri-D. I've been telling everyone about Arthri-D and the ones who have tried it are thanking me every day for the results they are feeling, too.

Maria, Boca, FL

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My dad swears by Arthrid! He is more active now than in years. Thank you Arthri-D!

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Great decision, Steve. Money-back guarantee. Still not good enough for you, enjoy your pain.

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Well when I called they told me it would be 199.00 plus 18.00 for sending. Wow way over my budget. Someone is making a killing off of us who are really in pain and they scream they want to help us, and all we are doing is trying to find a cure. I set in a wheelchair cause my knees and lower part oft back will not let me stand for very long and I am ashamed cause I am only 42. Plz someone if you know something else out there that works as well plz let me know but have a cheaper price tag. Ty

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Try Flex Protex D. Arthri-D is a copycat of Flex Protex-D, which has been out for several years. The ingredients are exactly the same, except Arthri-D made a slight change to the dose of one or two of the vitamins for legal reasons.

You can get Flex Protex D on eBay and Amazon for MUCH less than Arthri-D. It's great stuff; I've been using it myself for years.

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What is the name of the stuff at GNC?

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Hi Robert,

I've had a few injuries (not the hip yet, thankfully), and I saw the infomercial on TV. But Arthri D is so expensive! Fortunately I found another supplement called Flex Protex D -- it's the exact same stuff but costs a lot less. And they say Flex Protex D has been around longer. When I injured my back a few years ago I was in the worst pain of my life and could barely stand up. My doctor prescribed some painkillers that dulled the pain, but he said it would always hurt. Flex Protex took away the pain in a couple weeks! I guess for some people it can take up to 3 months, but for me it was quicker. And the Flex Protex Cream works really well on my fingers and knees. Has a funny smell, but the stuff works.

Flex Protex D usually sells for between $20-28 a bottle, or even less if you buy a bigger supply. The cream is really cheap too. I find the best places to get it are eBay and Amazon, from this company in NH called TV Health. It comes in a few days, and eBay and Amazon both have great protection if for some reason you don't receive your order. Just take 4 Flex Protex D a day, use the cream as needed, and (in my case anyway) the pain doesn't come back!

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Try trader joes probiotics. The super formula (if u don't have TJs in your area, maybe you can order from their website or find another multi-strain probiotic- whole foods?). It's about 15$ a bottle. Take one or two pills a day. Keep it in yr fridge one you open. Should see some relief after 2-4 weeks. You have to keep taking them til ya die

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Wow, this scam artist is still on tv, $39.99 a month plus shipping and handling. If you want real results- take 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil a day (once every 8 hours) when available eat blue berries or take bilberry extract, one 450 mg turmeric extract capsule, 1000 iu of vitamin d3, 400 vitamin E, 500 mg vitamin c with rose hips, per day, if you're able walk 30 minutes a day or even walk around inside your home, skip the supplements on weekends for it to work better after taking them for a month, pick a good brand like NOW or hy-vee. May the Good Lord heal you.

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Hi Verwon, I hope your day is going. Wel, I just want to ask if you are on every comentary board?

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It gave me awful stomach pain... Has anyone got better with joints? I am not willing to continue trying with this pain I get. It seems like a scam.

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Rebecca, have you tried taking it with meals? Sometimes that's easier on the stomach. Two capsules with breakfast, and two with dinner.

Personally, I take Flex Protex D which is the exact same ingredients and a lot less expensive. Flex Protex D is the original supplement that the others copied. It took away my pain 10 years ago, and the pain hasn't come back. I would be careful on eBay and Amazon; a lot of counterfeits have shown up there recently (I was fooled by a seller of counterfeit Flex Protex on eBay.) Make sure you get it direct from the manufacturer.

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