What Does Opana Er Show Up As On A Urine Test (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I took a 20mg opana er yesterday morning and have to do a drug test today. I need to know what it will show up as?

69 Replies (4 Pages)

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Im just curious...is this true? Does oxymorphone have to be specifically tested for such as methadone or suboxin? Took one myself...know im coming up a drug screen, will i fail for oxycodone? Or no?

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Your unborn baby is becoming a drug addict because you won't stop using drugs while your pregnant.... you should be put in prison for child neglect.... and all your innocent children should be taken away from you!!!!

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Doctors prescribe narcotics if you're pregnant. With all 6 of my kids I was on narcotics for chronic pain and not one of them came out with withdrawals and my 11 year old and 8 yr old is fine, same with others. Now taking some crack and methamphetamine and drinking like a fish and all that is something you can talk some s*** about.

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If she didn't know she was pregnant she should have been taking precautions while taking the medication anyways to start off with to prevent any pregnancy and if she decided to have a baby she should take all necessary action to wean herself off of the medication before conception.!

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My husband just failed for opana, it was what was wrote on the paper the doctor gave him, which he has never taken, he is prescribed oxycodone, they said he would not be receiving his medication anymore for his back, what can make him fail it like this. He just started going to the doctor for is back, we had just moved to another state last year, he has been without his medication for a year till we could get him into the doctor here and he was able to get his medication he was on in his previous state, he would not mess it up like this. He never failed a drug test at his previous doctor and was on oxycodone for years. I saw you had posted you failed for oxycodone taking oxymorphone, can it do it the other way around, is there over the counter medication that can cause this? He needs his medication to help him get through the day, he doesn't over take his medication I know because we keep count of them everyday. He doesn't do any other drugs besides stuff like ibuprofen or BC powders for headaches, medications for allergies, etc. We need to know what to do because this new doctor won't prescribe his medication and when he goes in Friday to talk to him he probably won't believe him that he isn't taking them especially being a new patient here.

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Just think how it feels for u to DT. That's what your baby is going to feel. You should not be having babies use birth control if you are a drug addict. Your selfish person and only pleasing yourself hope you are not like that as a mother. GOD BLESS YOUR BABY!

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I seriously hope you are joking. You are a sick individual if you are pregnant and taking narcotics. If you keep it up, your baby will be addicted and have to be weaned off. Why the hell would you do that to a child that didn't ask to be conceived, didn't have a choice whether to take drugs, and certainly didn't pick its mother. Please, seriously consider getting some psychological help because you are definitely sick.

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What kind of effect does a drug called opana have on a 15 wk fetus

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Wtf! Are you serious?!!! If your that fckd up your taking opana pregnant. Why are you even pregnant?!!! Why do that to a baby? Why risk having a child that can be born with severe birth defects and have to suffer/struggle threw life because your a selfish junkie!!!

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