Shortage Oxycodone (Page 2) (Top voted first)


This is freaking ridiculous!!! Last month it took 3 weeks to fill the RX and this month, it's going on another 3 weeks. Pretty soon I'm going to have multiple scripts that I won't be able to fill any of them! This is going to screw up my whole cycle. I'm suppose to be taking the oxy with methadone at the same time for my pain. Do you realize how much gas and time I've wasted in the past 3 weeks? I've gone to the same pharmacy every day, you mean to tell me that none of them has them for the past 3 weeks! I get bogus excuse every like, ohh we can't fill methadone with oxy, or you need to be in the same county as your doctor, you are out of your zip code, we can't fill that many pills, you have never filled at this location....blagh, blagh, blagh!!! Or they tell me they are out of stock and don't know when they will be getting any, this should be illegal!! does the DEA understand what might happen when someone goes without their medication. I want a DEA to get hurt on the job and forced to take these medication and then all of sudden not be able to get any because of 'shortages'. I'm sure they would like the withdrawls and there's even a possibility they would die. DO THEY UNDERSTAND THIS??? I can't fill my scripts until after the 28 day cycle, although they r they reason why I can't fill going on the 3rd week, now I have to wait 28 days before I can fill and my dr's apt is next week!!! WTF!?!??! I've spend so much gas money just driving around every wallgreens and cvs just for them to roll their eyes and tell me off the bat that they don't have any. I feel like suing someone! How can we bring attention to the cause. Does someone have to die from withdrawls and their family having to sue the state/pharmacies in order for someone to care?? do they realize how much stress and pain they are causing us? I can't afford to be wasting gas just to track these down. Seriously, I've gone every day, spending 3-5 hours driving to each pharmacy and I'm only limited to local pharmacies since I have to stay within my zip code, which is ridiculous!!! The pharmacy in Longwood won't accept me because she said I'm out of the zip code, I live in LONGWOOD, it's even on my driver's license, although I live on the other side of town but still!!! I'm just so pissed and sick and tired of the pharmacist treating me differently, like i'm such a bad person. I'm just a person with pain, if that makes me such a bad person then so be it.

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I too have filled at walgreens for almost 2 yrs. The pharmacist also told me she wasnt comfortable filling roxy script. Unfortunately, they have the right to not fill bc it's their license on the line too. If a dr writes a script,the pharmacist should have to fill it. I will post the link to the fb page of the woman fighting for pain patients rights. We can also notify our congressman, Senator and governor. I will get this info asap. Blessings

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Her name is Donna Ratliff and this is the name of the network is: "Fight for Florida Pain Care Action Network". She is on Facebook,friend request her, and she will accept, as she wants as many people as possible to join and fight for us in Tallahassee. God Bless.

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Fight for pain action network, fb. Ratliff Donna.

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Friend request the name in my previous post. She is an advocate who is tirelessly working to help chronic pain patients. There are strength in numbers so let's band together, and maybe we can bring about change.

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Oh I do hope I hear from her.I did send her a add a friend with a note. Today was another day from HELL. wasted a full tank of gas to be told yes we have them and no we WONT fill them.What bull s*** to know the wal-greens are now starting to get them and they are profiling people and just to scared to fill scripts....

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Untamed, she will accept your friend request. I know exactly how you feel, it's so wrong of them to do this to us. I called corporate walgreens last month and reported the pharmacist. A corporate a**hole called me back and said, oh, it's for roxycodone, right? I said yes, and he proceeded to talk to me like I was a piece of sh** and said they have the right to not fill amd prescription if the pharmacist isn't comfortable with it. I stated that's wrong, and he said that's the way it is. This whole thing is so out of hand, and legitimate chronic pain patients are paying the price. The only thing I can suggest is a mom and pop pharmacy. It's hard to communicate where we each live on here. I'll try to find you on the fb page I referred to previously. Take care and see if tomorrow you can get you med filled. Blessings

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I've been praying untamed you've been able too fill your medication. Also hoped you were able to be added to pain network thru fb. If you get a chance post how you're doing. God bless

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I was told it is only going to get a Pharmacist. It will take voting down ObamaCare, so make sure you write your senators and congressmen or women. Pay attention to the politics of healthcare. It will take amassing with others who are willing to march on Washington DC to get this sure to get it "out there", or those in pain WILL die. I am one of those, my pain pills have been cut in half, CVS will not renew my prescriptions until they are good and ready to, no reasons except I have to wait 30 days. Even my doctor called and told them I needed them NOW, they still refused! I don't think the doctors are in on this, I think the Insurance companies, druggists and D.C. are our bosses/doctors. Offer to pay cash....see what you are told!!!! I paid cash and got my pain meds!!!!!

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CVS told me they quit making Roxicet...I can no longer get it....period!!!! I can get the Fioricet w/codeine, so far, if they take that off the market (or so they say) then I am doomed. My Nurse Practitioner tells me to do a slow taper to get off them, how can one do that if they don't give you enough to taper with??????????? Now you know why ObamaCare doesn't care about people, I hope you all understand this, he only cares about the poor...!!! Ask the druggist if you can pay cash for your meds, see what your answers are!!!!

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My online pharmacy does not carry schedule II medications. Although this might work for some, be careful that the online pharmacy you choose is legitimate.

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Well I know how you feel heard all the same excuses but I should guess I should feel lucky even after two days of hunting I finally found them but did have to go a full day with no meds but was informed that all Walgreens are now under new guidelines so just hope you don't need to get meds on the weekend cause it's all call an verify and they will only do this Monday through Friday so just hope you're fill date isn't on a weekend!

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I agree, it's not easy to find a good pain mgt physician who will listen. A good Dr will order an mri. An mri doesn't lie, and will show problems that will explain pain complaints. I think this is key for the Dr to weed out pain pill seekers from legitimate pain sufferers. That being said, personally, I've had more problems filling the medication, than having it prescribed. Maybe this is bc my mri shows herniated discs among others issues. I also don't want more medication than is needed to control my pain.

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Wiiliam, as ironic as this sounds, that's a goid sign? I looked for 2 wks without luck. Had to go on opana, and been sick as hell from them. I'm praying I will be able to fill the oxycodone after next appt. My life has been a nightmare on this opana. Im so nauseated and tired. The pharmacy wouldn't fill the while prescription either. Made me forfeit 60 of them, which turned out to be a blessing bc they make me so ill. This is so wrong, I'm fed up with the system. I tow the line, and I'm still treated like crap from pharmacy and even my spouse is giving me a hard time, can't understand the pain I'm in, and now, sick from this new med.

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hello i have been in pain management for 5 years and this situation is out of control. i never dr. shopped got 4 mris passed all this drug screening went to physical therapy and still i have problems filling my scripts. i think they are doing this on purpose to control the population. look up opium wars it tells how countrys control people through opiates. this goes back thousands of years. why else would they flood the market with oxycodone and wait until everyone is addicted then change the laws our dea is way way out of line. my dr. told me the state came in and inspected everyones file. isnt that against the law. we have to ban together and stop this bull. if we dont we will be living like north korea very soon if we are already not living like them now.

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Hey Untamed.....get used to is absolutely horrifying the treatment......just dont let these creeps make you they did me....after I left......The ARNP at my Drs office said " Dont you dare give up....DO NOT let anyone deny you the right to live pain free" I am surprised you are shocked.....I havent filled since June 11, and have been told the exact same thing with "I dont have to give you a reason" over 30 times from Walgreens after 4 yrs on same meds same dr ....keep remind me of myself about 2 months ago.....I have started to just give up even though Nothing else works for me....Nothing.....Good luck oh yeah WALGREENS is the absolute worse...CVS, too!!!!

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it is a joke I have been using the same Pain mgment doctor for 7 years same pharm and went to get it filled 15mg oxycodone and they are out every where in Sarasota and tall the pharm besides that one treats me like crap I saw one go back grab it bring it up to the phamrcist and then the pharmicist told me they can't fill it even though I have been a walgreeens customer for the same type meds for 7 years. This is a joke I am a professinal with 105 employees I am not a junkie a criminal and never have been. When you call corp they say go to any pharm and they will fill it and then they won't it is a joke the pharmiscist are making life and death decsion becuase they feel they are taking a moral high ground they are full of crap and it is going to take lawsuits and the DEA and FDLE to chill out before its fixed. Focus on busting the bad Doctors not the people. I spent all day June 28th trying to fill it and had to head out of town for a bussines trip and won't be back for 2 weeks what a joke have two scripts of oxy 15 and oxy cotin 10 and not alot 120 of one 60 of the other. They can't do this to tax paying citizens

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Ive been reading your posts and feel for each of you. I too have used Walgreens for a long time, and heard the same BS story. Not comfortable filling it, and don't have to give you a reason. I go to Dr on Thursday, and have been taking 3 opanas a day, and I'm in agony. I'm sick as hell, and I know I won't be able go get roxycodone filled anywhere. The whole system is fu**ed up. They get you hooked on the meds, and then they control us like puppets. I'm furious for all of us. It's so wrong of the pharmacists to have the power go play God. The dea is making them scared, by busting and raiding them too. If a Dr writes a prescription, he and the patient should have sole responsibility of that rx, not the pharmacist. I'm sick of being sick, between the pain and nausea, ive had it. I saw on the news they busted more pain clinics and raided pharmacy all over FL the other day. I'm preparing myself for having no meds, and w/d. I ha e enough meds for about 9 more days. Ive been trying to cut back, it's hard when my back is killing me after being on my feet all day. I will have to stay in bed for a wk, I don't know what else to do. I was thinking of asking Dr for suboxone, I feel for all of you who are suffering. I've wrote my congressman, Senator and governer. No one cares, plain and simple. We're all junkies to them and to most in my life who know I take pain meds. My own husband of 30 yrs has been calling me that for a few months now. I'm furious with him too. How dare he say that to me. I work hard, keep my home spotless, cook everyday, and am a good wife and mother. I'm in such a state of depression and feel so low right now, I could care less if I dropped dead. Living in this misery is getting too much to bear. Thanks to all the pos government and whoever else is behind this conspiracy. God Bless all of you

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Hello Junebug, been doing not so good at all. Last month went into my Dr's office told them I couldn't find my roxies anywhere he was like"why not" didn't even know about all the bull s*** what was happening. He told the nurse to get on the phone and call around and get my meds. LOL that was a joke, told the Dr she had no luck either. So what does he do he puts me on viciden 10s with 500 mg of acetaminophen.I have to take 2 at a time3 times a day so I am taking 3000 mgs of that crap just to get out of bed in the morning. I am sure my liver will be dieing soon from this s***. Not to mention it don't even work.When I went back to tell him the problems I was having and my concerns about my liver he refused to write my scrip anymore for my roxies, even tho hes been doing it for over 2 yrs.He sent me to 2 different pain clinics and they both wanted to do back and neck injections and I wont do it.I was told by by surgeon NOT to have them so not I am without my scrip and now I will have to try and go to my husbands Dr and pay out of pocket of 300.00 for a visit just so I don't have to take the injections. The last pain Dr I went to he gave me such an extensive exam I was in so such pain and was in tears and after all that because of refusal of the injections walked out with nothing....

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