Patient Opinions On Tris Pharma's Vicodin 10-300 (Top voted first)


Need opinions for hydrocodone, specifically Vicodin 10-300 manufactured by Tris Pharma. I have had bad experiences with several generics of hydrocodone recently, like many people, the terrible headache & NO pain relief - such as white Watson & Mallinckrodt. So I might be trying Tris Pharma and need pain patient's opinions. Thanks.

2 Replies

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I haven't tried this one, so I cannot give you an opinion on that. I hope there are others that will chime in with their experiences.

But, I can tell you that it can vary from person to person. What works for me, might not work for you, and vice-versa.

The FDA does warn that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and it may cause side effects, such as dizziness, headache, nausea, constipation, and dry mouth.

What are the markings on the tablets in question? I am asking, because sometimes the pharmacist lists a licensed distributor, rather than the actual manufacturer.

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Tell your Dr what side effects you're having. If you need a different brand the Dr can write a note saying it is medically necessary for you to be on certain brand. Or if they are not helping you ask the Doc to try something else. Tramadol is very good for pain and works differently in the brain than hydocodone. Hope you get some relief soon baby. God bless.

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