Pain Medication Cut Downs (Page 9)


Is it just me or is all the pain management docs trying to cut everyone down or back!!?? When I went to my last visit the doc had the nerve to ask me if I still needed my Oxymorphone 20mg ER (56). I was like YEAH, what do you think?! This is after they closed down for 3 months and I had to switch to Subutex to not get sick. And I got dropped from the 30mg oxymorphone. And by the way the 20'mgs are garbage. Then my doc asked me to get an MRI on my lower back, which I did the month prior. It just goes to show what a dumb ass he is and how they're so not in tune to what is going on! All they want to do is lower and lower your meds. Has anyone else had their doc try and taper them down or try and lower your stuff? By the way, I'm in south FL.

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This morning I feel inspired to share a story about the late Mohamad Ali. His occupation was a bit different than most, beating people up. This was however a livelihood that he was entitled to. Go to your favorite search engine and you will see he refused induction into the army on religious grounds. His response in so many words was; "I'll beat people up, but I don't want to kill them." In a spiteful move the US government said: "YOU DON'T KILL THEM, WE WILL TAKE AWAY YOUR RIGHT TO BEAT THEM UP." Whether Ali was right or wrong is not at issue for this discussion. The issue here is how a rabid bunch of bureaucrats in an attempt to flex muscle in front of the country stripped a man of his right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In a stroke of genius, the US supreme court restored the rights that had been taken away four years prior. At this point I'd like to offer up a thought question for the day: WILL IT TAKE A SUPREME COURT DECISION TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF THE INFIRMED AND DISABLED?

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Re: Focked (# 155) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Docked,I'm in Australia ,I hope you are safe,just wanted to know what people do if they are on daily pain management,and can't get to collect it because of cyclone,I truly believe the weather climate has changed, unfortunately the guy in charge here is a non believer in climate change ,I don't know how they can sleep at nite ,it's not enough to take people s pain or anti anxiety meds away and play God, there got to wreck the planet as well .take it easy stay safe.

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Re: Lizzy dizzy (# 159) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Lizzy, I hope you're doing well, I hope you come back on here and give me an update on your life..

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Re: Rawdog (# 149) Expand Referenced Message

Hey mon, It seems this thread sizzled out after what appeared to be an interrogation, but it wasn't supposed to be that at all. I hope Lizzy Dizzy will pop in and say hi, cause we're not here to judge anyone. I hope you're doing well. Did you look into Belbuca? Since I was taken off of my meds (oxy, valium,) this is all I can get.. At least I have something to curb the pain..

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Re: Jack175 (# 164) Expand Referenced Message

Rawdog, how are you? How are things in FL after Dorian, the b**ch? I want to keep your thread going, so who else is on here that's having problems with their meds? Please share and vent your frustrations, cause that's all we can do here, right? And then we gotta laugh because if we don't then we shut down, and then we go dark. Let's not allow that to happen, ok?

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Re: Jack175 (# 165) Expand Referenced Message

Hdy Jack luckily the hurricane missed us thank god cause if it would have came I dont know how I was gonna see my doc for scripts and or fill. That's a scary thought I eould have to get ahold of my pain management clinic and find out if they were writing scripts early but post dating them for later use.
Yea this post slowed down a lot i wish more people would come here and vent their concerns and maybe be able to help one of us out at the same time untill then hope everyone stays safe and keep your heads up

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Re: The former addict (# 150) Expand Referenced Message

That's a heck of a story amigo. Sounds like you've been through a lot in your life. Thanks for sharing this, and I hope some folks will give your story a read. I've read little pieces, but I don't have a good attention span, so it's taken a bit to read your whole post (it is a mini novel). I'm glad to hear you've got that stigma off your record and can get the treatment that you need..

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Re: The former addict (# 150) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I have plenty of questions that I'll get around to asking, but first of all, what's your Name? I'm Jack, and pleased to make a potential friend. I'll start with that one OK?

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Re: The former addict (# 150) Expand Referenced Message

Hey, it's Jack. After you tell me your name maybe you can explain to me how your "friend" used to come by and hang out and then turns s****y on you with a gun demanding your meds. I mean, with friends like that who needs enemies, right? Was this some guy you met and for lack of better friends and didn't pose a threat? Is it this kind of scenario that happened or am I way off. I grew up in South Boston, and if you would have been in my crew, the outcome for this cat would be a whole lot different.. But it sounds like you got poetic justice, I hope to hear from ya soon..


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Hi, I do not know who is reading these any longer. I have grown so weary and for whatever reason my body has not responded to medications which are now coming from an implanted pump. I am angry and frustrated, why did I go through so much to receive so little if anything? I try to be positive and I guess that is why I have not posted. I can't for the life of me post anything positive. NO, I can think of something! While I feel tortured, I feel like someone does care and I thank you for that. It does not help the pain but to feel loved is all I am hanging onto! My car battery died. Could it be that I no longer drive my car much less leave my home? I sent a message to the person I know who has not deserted me and told him about my car. It was about 8 hours later and I heard this very familiar voice and immediately knew who it was. He had got my message and drove 350 plus miles to check on me and make sure my would start. He did not even stay; he had a doctor's appointment and a funeral to attend so he was back on the road within the hour. I do not know anyone who would do this for me or anyone else except him! I am holding on by a thread because he is in my life! He has never let me down and I am having trouble letting go because I do not want to hurt him!!!! (know that I deleted and am regrouping) It is like I said, I am in such pain and I no longer sleep, it hard to think positive.

I cannot see the doctors any longer without crying. I do not feel unstable. I feel like I said, weary and in pain and I do not feel like anyone is wanting to do what is in my best interest. I know my friend knows I am completely debilitated at this point; I know he knows this but he cannot find a way to get me help either. I have written you but you do not know because in the end it made so little sense that I deleted it, I have done this multiple time. I have promised myself I will send this one no matter what! If nothing else, it is a document describing my HELL! It seems as though doctors have been given immunity from prosecution as long as they withhold these medications but if they prescribe them and we either overdose accidently or on purpose, the law WILL prosecute them. Is this why I am unable to find help? No wonder I feel hopeless. It has been more than 6 months now since I had this damn devise implanted in me. I was expecting more relief than this! Somehow, I initially felt some jubilation as I thought I had made this remarkable accomplishment! I had come off 100 mics of fentanyl and other oral opioids as well as clonazepam which I took like a muscle relaxer. I was not sleeping until I had been awake for more than 24 hours but I assumed that was the consequences of taking clonazepam for so long and it would eventually get better.

A few weeks ago, I saw my primary care doctor again. I am no longer up for spans of 24 hours; they are well over 36 now. I do not know how my body even does it. So, like any other visit they took my blood pressure. I do not know who was shocked more. My damn blood pressure was 180/? They would not let me leave until they gave me something and I waited to see if it was going to work. My blood pressure now seems stable as long as I remember to take my medication. I have to log everything that I am now taking orally as it appears when we are not on a 16-hour routine with 8 hours or something close for sleep; this other clock also goes haywire. The doctor also gave me sleep medication but it is not helping! I am so convinced that these are all linked to not being able to get the medications that helped me for many years. I was about 45 I guess when they finally found broken screws after a surgery that continued to cause me pain until I was about like I am now. I will be 62 in a couple of weeks, if I can hold on that long. I would have looked for another doctor if I thought I could have found one that could have helped me. I would have never had this pump implanted if I thought there was any other options! Enough of this! I am going to look it over for errors and hit send. I hope you all are doing better than I am. Please know I am thinking about the lady who lost her love one to an overdose. She will know if she reads this who I am referring to! TAKE CARE ALL.

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Re: Jack175 (# 164) Expand Referenced Message

Hi my friend, I hope you're doing well. Thought I would give you a little update on how it's going with me, life is good Jack. So far so good, I love this doctor I thought it was over for me because you know how doctors are of course. We all need more doctors like this guy. He's pretty amazing. A little strict, but I get that. I totally do. A lot has gone on in my life since the last time I was on this site, I am now separated and living life. Enough about me, tell me how you're doing. And a big HI to Rawdog....

Stay strong. Hope to talk to you soon.

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Re: focked (# 170) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Focked,I read your post and I sorta feel helpless to do anything for you. I wish I could as it sounds like you're not in a good place right now. The only thing I can do is try to ride out this storm with you. I'm glad to know you have a friend that seems like he must care about you to come all that way to check on you, so you mean a lot o him,and if I'm reading between the lines correctly, I think he would be devastated if something were to happen to you, as would your friends here on this forum.
It'shard to say positive things when you feel like crap, and no one is expected to post positive things in this forum that is based on how miserable life can be without the resources that make our lives livable, in this case our pain meds, cause everyone here is suffering with their demons everyday. I don't know what kind of insurance you have, and just wondering if there's any kind of care that you can receive from any insurance that would provide you with home visits or something of this nature. I recall you live in South FL? Would it help to have one of those services to take you to doctor appointments? They have them here in TN and it's so rural here and I don't have neighbors that I know cause we're far and away from anyone. I live in the mountains and anywhere I go to a doctor is at least an hour drive. My truck has issues as well, so I might be relying on this service more and more in the future.
Quality of life.. These pain management places claim to strive to enhance one's "quality of life" , yet at this point I'm just having a hard time with that saying. Regardless, I'm just not feeling it right now. So, you see, I'm not full of optimism, therefore I'm struggling with posting something positive as well.
I don't get how someone that's struggling as hard as you is having such a hard time getting some relief. I really wish I could do something to help you. I'm your age,and I'll be turning 62 in a few months, so I hope we can have more conversations about this, meaning I hope you will hang on and try to find a new reason to wake up each day.

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Re: Lizzy dizzy (# 171) Expand Referenced Message

Well hello Lizzy! it's nice to see you back here.I'm happy that you got things straight with your doctor, what a relief, yes? Today's been a challenge for me so I'm feeling a bit far from myself, just issues that I'm trying to work through. So you're separated? That can be tough. If it's something that you want, then stick to your reasons and fight for what you want.. I'll check back here in a few days once I get a few things sorted out.. Until then, stay the course, Jack

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Re: Lizzy dizzy (# 171) Expand Referenced Message

Thanx for the shout our Lizzy, im glad things are going good for you and you found a doc that you like. Keep your head up and keep us posted..

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Someone complained to the board of medicine in my state about their cut down and the doctor got in trouble. This might be the new trend. Finally.

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Re: Optimistic (# 175) Expand Referenced Message

That's the first piece of positive news to hit the media in a long time, let's hope it continues!

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Re: Jack175 (# 176) Expand Referenced Message

I feel bad sharing it because that man is a really good doctor, but I saved it in case I ever have to argue for myself.
The points he stipulated to were considered misconduct and other doctors need to know it’s not ok.

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Re: Focked (# 158) Expand Referenced Message

Can you get a ride to Sarasota Pain MGT/ They might be able to help you out.. Get with John w, I gave him the details, and I may be coming down there as well, so maybe we could coordinate this effort somehow..

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Re: focked (# 170) Expand Referenced Message

Hi from Australia,I feel for you,seems same here ,I'm convinced all we are to the med world is guinea pigs make sure we are in pain don't give them anything that stops pain, I was talked into doing latest hepatitis treatment a 12week course of strong medication ,pre treatment they were so helpful. lol,post treatment no support at all,I'm cured so far,but has left me a wreck,,I'm in 60s no anxiety tablets nothing for muscle pain,every Dr I see think they are god, how do they know how we feel why should they control our lives ,I'm sure they don't take ibrabrufen for pain excuse my spelling..all they will do is force people to the streets or black market to find relief,iv never felt so bad after doing the treatment they insisted was best ,seems worse every day I finished treatment a year ago .what gives them the right to play god and look down there noses at us ,our bodies our rights.take care your not alone.

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Now that I've been forced to acquiesce to the whims of faceless regulatory bureaucrats and assume my new role as a government dole recipient, I dwell less on issues of petrochemical engineering, and more on issues related to my new role as grocery procurement manager!
The change has afforded my opportunity to ponder and observe.

I can't help but notice the downtrodden, and weather beaten appearance of one particular grocery store employee as he extends his nicotine stained fingers into a shirt pocket where he will extract his drug delivery system we commonly refer to as a "cigarette."

In my assessment, this guy looks like a zombie!

All at once it dawns on me! This guy is in fact killing himself, and his drug of choice is readily available, 24 hours a day, any day of the week, at any street corner convenience store!! He never ever has to provide a prescription! He never ever has to pee in a cup!! As my cerebral functions kick in, it occurs to me that my government is sanctioning this product, and realizing a tax windfall IN THE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS!

I think everyone knows where I am going with this. While my tax dollars support a product of known toxicity, an established pharmacology that I have depended on for 20+ years has become CRIMINALIZED!!!!!


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