Myrbetriq Side Effects
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I started taking Myrbetriq 4 months ago. About 2 months ago I became very dizzy and was diagnosed with Vertigo. I am now in therapy for it, but nothing is really helping it. I am concerned it is a side effect. Otherwise this med is fabulous. Has anyone else suffered from this or did this just happen to me?

35 Replies (2 Pages)

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I have been taking Myrbetriq for 3 weeks. Every time I take this medication, I sneeze and sneeze, my eyes are super dry and my sinuses are horrible. Now say I miss a day and all's well.

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Re: bill (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I take myrbetriq at night because I was getting up 5 to 6 times to pee. Now I only get up twice. So night time (7PM) has worked for me.

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My hair started falling out after 4 months on myrbetric. So I stopped, and wow has the pain returned! Hoping my hair grows back.

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I just started taking Myrbetriq a week ago and my blood glucose has increased. Will the increase eventually go away or will I need to stop this drug? The increase has gone from 100 to 115.

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I’ve been taking myrbetriq for 5 years and have recently developed a lot of the side effects. I’m not sure if I can just stop it or if I need to wean off?

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I had headache 1st morning after taking 1 pill. Flu like symtoms followed. Light heaviness and constipation for three days after. Stopped taking med.

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Hi. I took Myrbetriq 50 mg for two weeks at night. I was leaking thru 6 pads a day, for overactive bladder. I stopped peeing so much and was ecstatic. Did not even need a pad. Now I have the UTI from not peeing enough and I have a bacteria that resists everything. I have had two painful shots of antibiotics and some med they injected into my bladder. I have a low backache from hell, bloating and pressure. My urologist let the nurses deal with me and said they would call me in 5 days. I am ready to go to the emergency room if I can't get relief. The doctor told me to keep a pee-diary for 3 days and said to do therapy. I'm very unhappy. Please don't take this med. Can anyone help me deal with the pain?

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Before going to bed is best time to take it
it works great except for the headaches I stoped taking it because of headaches.

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I used 25mg samples for 2 wks without side effects and some improvement. After that Dr. put me on 50mg once per day. Since then I have had severe itching all over my body including my eyeballs. I normally have low blood pressure and haven't checked mine, but I will check it today. Anyone else have this itching all over?

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I have been taking 25 milagrams of Myrbetriq for a Month now for over active bladder. It works great but I'm having stomach pains and noticing black stool. I don't take any other medication but regular tylonal. I think I'm gonna have to stop taking the Medicine just to see if that's causing these problems. Has anyone else experienced this?

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Myrbetriq Causes HIGH blood pressure!

I had normal and sometimes slightly elevated BP when I first started taking this drug. It worked great for the OAB, but after about 6 months, my blood pressure climbed sky high (170-180 systolic, well over 100-120 diastolic). Of course, blood pressure meds were prescribed next. Then came a med for fibromyalgia. Well, I got sick of all of it. I was gaining weight, feeling like crap, and my blood pressure was still on the high side. So, I weaned off everything and started taking supplements. My fibromyalgia was flaring pretty bad at the time and I said, "if I die, I die! I am in pain all the time anyway." I figured I had nothing to lose at that point because the meds weren't making me feel a darned bit better. I was sore, tired, and getting fatter by the day.

Now, after being off meds for almost a month, my BP is back to normal, and only occasionally is high-normal (approaching 140). Sometimes it's actually low.

I am going to have to find an alternative to Myrbetriq (maybe go back on Detrol LA?) as peeing my pants all the time isn't a good option!

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After my first pill last Friday, I was carried to the ER. No memory of it. My blood pressure went over 230/109. Could not walk. Both my doctors say it was a drug reaction. I am not allergic to anything but Percocet. I am lucky to be alive. Dye scans are ok.

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I went on this medication. 2 days later I passed out and went to ER with severe vertigo that lasted 1 week. Urologist says it is not related but I won't take it again.

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Yes. Just went to ER after starting this drug. Had blackout spell and severe positional vertigo. I believe it interacts with other medications that I had been take good. Unproven but I have stopped taking it.

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I had the runny nose when I first started it. Went through a whole box of tissues in two days. Did not feel ill but nose would not stop running. After two days of it the runny nose stopped.

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I know drinking any amount of alcohol while taking this drug can cause dizziness the next day.

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when is the best time of day to take myrbetriq

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I have had EXTREME hair loss after 3 months of taking 50mg of Myrbetriq. Anyone have this side effect?

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I had been taking Toviaz, provided free by the manufacturer on its low-income program, but there was a delay in the annual renewal process and I ran out. Got samples of Myrbetriq from doctor's office to tide me over. Noticed an improvement in symptoms after the first day! But about three or four days later, I developed a runny nose. Now I'm in danger of running out of Puffs! Other than the Puffs issue, I'm doing very well. Will continue using samples for a little while longer to see if the runny nose goes away. Has anyone else had the same side effect? If so, did it persist or get better?

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How long before you noticed a difference with having to keep going to the rest room?

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