Lyrica Lawsuit (Page 8)


Does anyone know if there is an ongoing lawsuit against the company who puts out Lyrica? I am a mess from it. Do we have a leg to stand on when it comes to the side effects they found out from people like us? I am a long termer. I have been taking 900 mg since 2005. Is there anyone representing us? Thank you

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Here is the company I order from Herbal Extracts.

Corydalis 10:1 - 60 Cap Bottle 1 $12.99

they are prefilled.

I take it for Fibro pain and headaches. Hope this is helpful.

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Hi again,

I just got out my scale and weighed everything -- empty capsule and full capsule, factoring in a little empty space because it's very difficult to get my capsules full. I use a jeweler's gold scale and computer weight conversion calculator, and have come to the conclusion that my caps are just about 600 mg! Cool! I estimated that they were about 200 mg. Good thing I did the weighing and calculation!

It turns out that my capsules are cheaper, but it's SUCH a pain to fill them, so I'll be getting prefilled caps as soon as I run out of the bottle of powder I currently have. Definitely worth paying a little more to have very precise dosing and not have to go through the mess of hand-filling.

Thanks for sharing your resource Vanessa!

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Connie- Fabriola asking to pass the info along is so exciting!!

I think I will also try the cordalis capsules. I get severely itchy from narcotics.

Thanks everyone for you helpful posts!!

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I put up a way to get in touch with me if you can't find the Lyrica Survivors Facebook page. I guess I can't put an email address, so it didn't go through. Let's just say the email is the name of the page (small case no spaces) & the account is at yahoo, Hope that helps!

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Well hey, y'all!

I've tried the corydalis. Took a cap about noon today and have thus far found no relief. It might be because I've got the tail end of a cold, or my body maybe just doesn't react to it the same as others might. It might be because one has to build up to a certain level. I'm hanging in and just dealing with pretty normal narcotic withdrawals. I'll survive and my dog definitely doesn't mind the extra cuddle-in-bed time! If status changes, you guys will be the first to know! LOL!

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Have any of you tried a gluten-free, cassein-free (GFCF) diet to help with the fibro symptoms? I went on it basically because I wanted to see if it helped my kids with some of their issues. It is not an easy or cheap diet to follow but I have noticed that I don't have as much pain as I did before going on it. When I go off the diet for a few days and eat out, etc., I notice a lot more pain.

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Another submission to request an attorney...

I also submitted to per Gina's suggestion. I'm on a mission!

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Alas, another no from lawyers:

Thank you for requesting a free case evaluation from Lopez McHugh, LLP, via
the LegalView Web site. (Reference Number: CA-106333)

Lopez McHugh received your inquiry. We have reviewed your matter and made it available to our network of lawyers. Unfortunately, we are unable to assist you.

Please understand that although we are unable to help you with this case, this does not mean that you do not have a case. Another lawyer may be able to represent you in this matter.

Please be advised that the statute of limitations varies from state to state, and if you are still interested in pursuing this matter you should contact an attorney in your state immediately, so that your right to sue is not lost.

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Listening to my favorite political talk radio host today, I heard something about the trial of Scott Reuben. Apparently, his defense is going to be that he had and undiagnosed mental disorder, and it was a bipolar episode that make him FABRICATE his study results. It it didn't hurt me so much to laugh, I'd be rolling on the floor right now.

I really wish I could find out where his trial is going to be, so we could all go sit in the courtroom with placards, listing the damage this greedy b*****d did to us. Let's, see, mine would read AGONIZING PHYSICAL PAIN, ADDICTION TO NARCOTIC PAIN MEDICATION, ATTEMPTED SUICIDE, LOSS OF APPROXIMATELY HALF OF MY PRODUCTIVE TIME BECAUSE I SLEPT 16 HOURS A DAY FOR SEVERAL MONTHS, DAMAGE TO MY EYESIGHT, MANIFOLD INCREASE IN MY DEPRESSION, COMPLETE LOSS OF SEX LIFE and that's just for starters. I'll bet you all would need much bigger placards than I.

Can we find out where this loser is being tried and submit a link to this message board and to the Facebook page, plus any other boards we might find, to the prosecuting attorney in his case?

Whatever slap on the wrist he's going to get is going to be a joke and an insult. I think he should be forced to take Lyrica for at least a year and see for himself what his greed did to so many people and their loved ones.

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Just contacted Jacoby & Meyers. If anyone else wants to join in this to see if we, as a group, can get them to do something, their web address is http:/­/­­

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If you are currently on Lyrica my suggestion, as a past taker of this medicine. TALK TO YOU DR. NOW (GET THE H__l OFF THIS MEDICINE) before it meakes you goofey. I got arrested from my job while taking this medicine. It made me very forgetfulto the point of forgetting a merchandise on my arm when I clocked out of work and getting arrested for theft. My daughter even thought I was getting Alzheimers. Need I say more?

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Lyrica Survivors
Page - if we can get everyone together on ONE site telling their story - maybe someone will listen!

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talked to the crawley law firm today, they tried to call me for over a week several times, I finally taled to them and they asked a lot of questions, we spoke for about 30 min. he said that someone would be back in touch with me concerning this matter, within 10 days! Has anyone eles spoken with that law firm? I already know the answer, we cant help you! I just fill it. I am now down to 150 mg a day and have not gotten to feel back to normal at all. I would have thought comming down from 900mg a day I would have a least not been so confused in a fog. But things are the same. I think reality is that we are not going to recover from the side affects of Lyrica. i hate to think that way but I am. I stood in line at the post office today, to mail a letter sent and have the receiver sign for it. I had everything I wanted to say in my mind and had myself so worked up by the time it was my turn. Needless to say, i panicked and nothing came out right, I felt like a fool. Its so damn fustrating. anyway i guess we will see what this firm has to say/ hope everyone eles might be feeling a bit better vicky

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My boyfriend has taken Lyrica and is now off of it. Now he is worse then before he took it. He had EXTREME confusion and couldn't put things together in his mind. He has a Chronic Pain Codition know has RSD.

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Just got a letter from Crumley Roberts. Based on what I provided, they are not able to help me at this time. My problems with Lyrica are pretty mild compared to some of you. It's possible that as they look at the cases of some of you who have contacted them and see how many people are having problems, they will do something. I'm not holding my breath though.

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Found out today I need another $1000 of dental work done. I also posted this on the FB page, sp sorry if you're reading both. Haven't applied to any more law firms yet, but I must - this is crazyland for so many!

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I just don't understand why no attorneys seem to be interested in cases where people are suffering from the lasting side effects of a drug that has not been properly tested and Pfizer has been cited for not reporting the unexpected severe side effects. The FDA knows Pfizer is not looking into us reporting the side effects in the required time allotted. And to top it all off Pfizer said the delay is due to a new computer system and untrained employees. COME on. Pfizer is a drug GIANT and if find it hard to believe they don't have the most up to the date computers and software! UGH!!! Just so frustrating.

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Please see the below link to the FDA website. This is not the same form we have posted in the past. this is for safety information and adverse event reporting. you can fill the form out on-line, call it in, mail it, or fax the completed form. PLEASE everyone fill it out and send it in.


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my wife was put on lyrica to help with a seizure problem and has since had 2 suicide attempts in the past 2 yrs.she is now being treated for schizoeffective dissorder wich she has never had any problems mentally before taking this drug it has completely ruined our lives.does anyone know of any lawters in pa.that will do anything about this?

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I am a 33 yr old woman, with no prior, major illnesses, extremely fit, 174cm, 60 kg.

When i was first prescribed Lyrica (150 mg a day), along with the anti-depressant drug Deprax, i had just come out of 7 day detox clinic for addiction to Diazapam, Stilnox & Tranquimazin (the last 5 months prior to detox, all mixed with alcohol, being martini the drink of my choice).

The withdrawal symptoms from taking a cocktail of these 3 drugs, for a period of more than 3 yrs, up to 180mg a day to sleep were horrific. One of the main withdrawal syptoms for the first 6 weeks was pain; headches, joint aches, muscle aches, interior muscle ache like extremely rapid, frightening heart beat etc. For this pain, i now know that i was prescribed the drug Lyrica.

The withdrawal symptoms from the Benzos, were so acute at the beginning that i couldn't really tell you whether or not i had side effects from starting taking Lyrica to begin with, being as the symptoms mirror each other alot.

I have been taking Lyrica now for the last 3 months & after the initial first 6 weeks of treatment, i started taking only 25mg a day, at night, to help me sleep (all of this was monitored by my doctor). I have now not been taking lyrica for the last 9 days and yes, i have been experiencing the following withdrawal symptoms:

Weight gain; Even though i can't really say i'm eating more, my activity level before was very high, running with my dog in the mornings, 1 hour at the gym every day and a job where i was running around everywhere. At the moment, I am probably doing about half as much as i use to do & have gained over 3 kg in the last 6 weeks (the first 6 weeks don't count, as i was so sick from the Benzo withdrawal, that i didn't even want to eat). I have a constantly bloated stomach & feel swollen (esp. face) as if i am retaining water in a really bad way. At night time i can weigh between 63-64 kilos & then the next day go running in the morning and instantly drop 2 kilos. Very strange.

Diarrhea; I have been constipated (badly) all my life & suddenly i have diarrhea.

Nausea; feeling sick to my stomach - all day.

Neck Pain; My neck feels stiff and the pain runs from the back of my neck down into my shoulders.

Numbness in hands & feet: numbness in right hand more than left, difficulty clenching fingers and complete numbness in lower leg and feet, specially after running.

Blurred vision; resides throughout day and then gets a little worse at night.

Suicidal thoughts; Self explanatory.

Depression; depression is something i have experienced on days, but not this kind, the crying for 4 hours before going to sleep, escalating negative thoughts that start at i feel guilty because i haven't taken the dog out, to my parents are going to die. Depression med deprax doesn't help. Depersonalization thoughts are worse.

High anxiety level.

Headaches: Throughout the day.

Speech; I speak two languages fluently and at the moment i can't seem to speak either. Writing is ok though (i think). Simply can't find the words

Painfull lump under left arm which magically appeared after day 3 (have doc appointment today)

Painfull jaw and mouth as if i had been grinding my teeth non stop for 24 hours. Tension in my lower face.

Mouth, Teeth; Pain all day in my gums and teeth (my teeth have always been perfect, i look after them and don't have one single filling), sensitivity to cold or very hot drinks. Also my throat is tight like i am about to have a panic attack any moment (i have only had one panic attack in my entire life, 2 weeks after coming off the Benzos)

Prickly heat in chest and neck. sweating.

i would also like to add that for for the last 2 months i have been bleeding between periods ( making it every 15 days ). i don't think this is a withdrawal symptom from the Benzo's as in my first withdrawal month from them, my period came like it always has; like clockwork & after 28 days and that was probably the most traumatic month my body has ever experienced.

Fatigue; feeling like a crane couldn't pull me out of bed each morning (and this comes from someone who normally gets up at 6am to run with her dog every morning)

There are other symptoms that i am experiencing as well, but i can't be sure whether or not they are still due to the Benzo withdrawal or the lyrica withdrawal. With benzo withdrawal, the first thing i got were all the physical withdrawal symptoms with hardly any physcological symptoms like depression etc. The physclogical symptoms set in about 2 months after coming off then. Withdrawal symptoms from Lyrica have been the other way around; first i had the incessant crying, depression, not wanting anyone looking at me, suicidal thoughts etc, which have now eased up considerably (this saturday i went out and had a really good time, yesterday i felt up for walking the dog and socialising, etc) and i feel optimistic again, but the physical symptoms have got worse; i have not eaten all day today as i feel sick to my stomach, diarreah , difficulty urinating but frequently feeling the urge to do so etc.

I have tried to give as much information as possible here in my testimony as i really feel for anyone who is going through the same thing that i have been through, or that i am still going through. My heart really goes out to people who have severe depression or illnesses that can only be treated with drugs.

I can only say that i started taking Stilnox when i was 27 yrs old. I had a very stressfull job at the time and spent my time flying between europe and the states and basically the only thing that was wrong with me was that i was tired. Nevertheless, when i went to see my local doctor with what were clearly sleep deprivation and stress symptoms, instead of prescribing me with a natural remedy, she instantly prescribed 5mg of stilnox and waved me home. That was 6 years ago, & what started out as 5mg a day of Stilnox to help me sleep, slowly escalated to 180mg a day of a mixture of Diazapam, Stilnox & Tranquimazin, with alcohol and maybe some ephedra & redbull in the mornings to counter the effects of the night before's excessive dosage. After 3 months of living Benzo withdrawal hell, i now have Lyrica & Deprax withdrawal symptoms to look forward to.

The most important thing that i have learnt from this experience is that in the future i won't be taking any more drugs unless i am literally dying.

With world crisis and rising amounts of people suffering from depression and other stress related illnesses, its just cheaper for the government to hand out pills which put a temporary band aid on the problem and makes the population shut up and not complain.

My advice is that before taking any kind of prescribed drug, seriously ask your doctor "is this really necessary?" & "Is there anything else i can try before having to resort to drugs?"

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