Lo Loestrin Fe And Continuous Bleeding (Page 12)


I started taking Lo Loestrin FE on Feb. 2nd and it is now Feb. 21st and I have been bleeding non-stop (literally all day, every day). Doctor says to wait it out for 3 months... 3 months of non-stop bleeding? I've heard of breakthrough bleeding but this crazy!

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Yes, Kendra, for the short time I was on it, it made me extremely tired. When I came home from work and saw my bed and pillow I just wanted to crawl in. I did not even have the energy to go for my customary walk or bike ride Sat/Sun mornings. I feel ALOT better off this pill. However...the past four days, I have had spotting. Sun, Mon and Tuesday was brown spotting, only when I wiped. Never even had to wear a pad and felt like I had my period, swollen in that area, very crampy and very bloated. Now yesterday afternoon, I actually could feel the bloat subsiding and the cramping going away. Last night and today just very little light spotting. Wondering if that was my period that would have happened had I never been on this pill. It was expected to come Tues/Weds of this week and often rears it's ugly head via cramps/bloating a few days before it arrives. So, by being on this pill, but stopping it 15days in, last pill I took was on the 21st of Sept, then I am sure I screwed up my cycle and may not get my real period again for maybe another 10-12 days.

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Okay is anyone having this problem? So I started LoLoestrin Fe about 7 weeks ago, and i started the first pill on the first day of my period. The first month I had no problems, but by the time I got to the white pills, I wasn't getting my period (before taking the pill my period was always right on time). Freaked out, took a pregnancy test, but it was negative. So a week after I'm suppose to get my period (about 6 days into the new pack) I start having HORRIBLE cramps, and nausea, really bloated, and am exhausted, my boobs kill, and I'm irritable. The next day I start spotting this brownish red goo, and it's been like this for 9 days no. No period, just cramps, nausea, bloating, exhaustion, and spotting. I was gonna just try to get through the third month, does anyone find things get better?

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That is how I was first go around. I started this first day of my period and on the 6th or 7th day was still bleeding and got exactly what you described. So I bled constantly. Stopped the pack on the 15th pill...kept bleeding for three more days..then had another HORRIBLE bout of cramps..bloating..etc and theb sppotted for another seven days. Started the pill again on Sat the 5th...stopped spotting and now maybe once a day when I wipe I may have a tiny trace of blood. I am going to the end of this pack to try and right myself but then I'm out. Tuck and roll on this pill. I know I screwed up my cycle by stopping on the 15th pill of my first pack but I had horrible headaches and basically bled for 20 days.

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Hi Ladies, I am on my 4th pack of lo loestrine fe and I had my monthly then started back on the regular pills 2 days into the 4th pack I started bleeding. I'm guessing break through? I'm about ready for my next monthly cycle but I am still bleeding going on like 30 days. Any Suggestions?

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I just stopped taking it. after you stopped how long did the bleeding last? Its day 2 and it hasn't stopped.

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No I have continued to take the white pills and now I'm on the brown ones
for my regular period

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I am now on my third pack of lo loesterin fe. I finished my period 10 days ago. For the last 4 days I have had a light to dark brown discharge when I wipe. It is very uncomfortable because even though I know I am not going to start my period it feels as if I though I am. I have been going through this since I started on this birth control. At first, I felt alot of the side affects. I had mood swings, depression, I would get irritated very easily and I noticed that my body odor increased in addition to spotting and cramping. I want to stop taking this pill but at the same time I hope that if I continue taking until the three full months that I will see a change in my heavy periods. As mentioned in another post, I had the nova sure procedure in may 2013. This procedure was unsuccessful. I bled as heavy as I had before I had the procedure done. Can anyone tell me if they too have experienced what I have for the first three months? And if so, was there a change after for better or worse? I've realized that this is probably the time that I should be ovulating and instead of my discharge being clear its a bit brown. Did anyone else experience this?

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Oh my, this caught my eye as I too had issues but I had Nova procedure 4 years ago and my ONY other option was hysterectomy and I have had ZERO bleeding so something is likely being missed. My sister had the Nova done the same week w/very little improvement but she did gave improvement for 2-3 years and went back to anemia and we ladies know this disrupts in so many ways. I would consider 2 things (don't know your are, but if you had Nova Sure you are probably done w/children (when I did it you had to be). Consider having just your uterus removed vaginally (not bad at all, then you are done w/all but possibly some PMS symptoms which you can treat just fir those days), I would strongly request re-evaluation of cause of heavy cycles, turned out my sister had 2 fibroids the size of cantaloupes that were missed the first time when they were smaller, the second doctor didn't think they were a problem (for HIM!), she had to have her uterus removed but is sooo much better. The last option that worked for me for awhile is stop these "new" pills hyped for continuous use b/c he old school birth control pills can also be taken continuously (just don't take a break and your doctor CAN write this way) they just get more "perks" if they write for newer and more costly pills (Yaz is awful and dangerous, my 19 year old niece had a stroke on Yaz b/c she didn't tell anyone she was smoking socially and this pill has a ton of risks-not worth it). If you don't get the right answers, go to another doctor that is not solely focused on delivering babies. Getting this resolved was a most happy time, concerning since you JUST had the latest & more effective Nova. I think some people can have unpredictable spotting they say fir up to 3 mos. and for some always so if it were me, I would definitely look I to other options. Good luck!

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I am 35 and have two children. I had the novasure ablation procedure in may 2013 due to heavy periods ( ultra tampon +- every hour plus pad) that would last about 6 days. Light cramping on or about the first day. I am enemic and I would grow tired of planning everything around my period. I had two ultrasounds performed and everything looked normal. I had the nova sure procedure done a week before my period. Everything was fine for about the first week. After that, I started spotting and then bleeding. I would use a super tampon and that went on for about a month. After that I went to my Obgyn and told him about my dissatisfaction. He then recommended lo loesterin fe. I started it on the day that I was on my period. This was back in July. As soon as I finish my period I am fine for about a week. After that, I spot thedark / light brown discharge. Only when I wipe. This is usually around the second week of my pills. By the third week, my spotting gets heavier. By the time I start my brown pills I start my actual period. Then, the whole thing happens all over again. That's where I am at right now. I finished my brown pills and I was fine, now I am spotting.

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Hi gina. Im on the 3rd pack and went thru the same "period " as y. Heavy cramps. Nausia.fatigue. my spotting lasted for 2 days. I wonder if i will get a real period this month? If not i wont complain ad i bled for almost 3 months. But i havr no energy to excersize and i have developed a burning achy pain in my r upper quadrant. I read loestrin can cause gallbladder inflamation.i had mine removed 19 years ago but i think these pills are whats causing the pain

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I had mine removed seven yrs ago and I have trouble with a lot of foods now anyway. Ugh. I decided to retry..if anything take a full month and try to right my schedule. Well, 11 days into a new pack and a regular period started yesterday. I am too old for this nonsense. 43. This pill is garbage. I used Demulen for 12 yrs without ONE issue. Had my kids. Periods have been lasting 10-12 days so gyno put me on this. No thank you. I'm done after this pack. Tuck and roll! At least I have my humor.

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Awww gina im 37 and feel the same. I had a tubal 9 years ago so the thought of being on birth control is a bit humerous, i used to have a period evry other month and sometimes every 3 months. All ive ever wanted is to be regular! But i wouldnt call spotting for 2 days a period altho the cramps and nausia fatigue and crankiness was present. I kinda hope i just have a regular period this month, if not im afraid they will try to put me on a higher dose estregen and i dont want that so i will refuse but anyway i wish u good health

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Have you considered uterine ablation or what many refer to as the Nova sure procedure? I too had a tubal, and once I stopped BC pills I was MISERABLE, I was chronically anemic and felt like I couldn't leave my home. I had great results from the ablation and 4 years ago so I'm told it's much better now but my sister did not have the success that I did, I stopped bleeding altogether from the Nova sure, so for once the statistics were in my favor, haha! But I know many that don't have it done "well" and don't kid yourself, skill in this widely used procedure is more important than anything and likely your doc just didn't remove enough tissue so you are still shedding b/c your body senses the lining. I know several people that had same or worst outcome than you or many others speak of on this site and I know one of my girlfriends was able to have her Nova sure redone, I asked my GYN and she went to him and he was able to redo and she also had no bleeding again, my sister had to have her uterus removed vaginally, she is thrilled w/the results, she couldn't lift for 2 weeks so if you have small children you need to make sure you have enough help, but it really was an easy procedure for her and any others I know that had these heavy and long cycles. I personally am so happy to be done w/the BC pills, I never took the newer pills, I think I actuall remember what I took, it was a low estrogen version but NOT "Loestrin" brand, my doctor does not RX based on what pharmaceutical companies "like" to push, he really is devoted to care throughout the life of a woman, from adolescence to peri-menopause I've been w/him and he still has tons of babies he's delivering but when I hit peri-menopause (I'm 46), I was shocked b/c it was fast and furious, and he called me and gave me the news and then scheduled an appt. w/me at the end of the day later in the week so I could ask questions and I didn't really know what to ask, but he knew what to say for sure and then I did have some questions (started hormone cream) and he returned my call promptly and answered them all. My point is, I've learned that not all OB/GYN's are equal in skill and knowledge so IMHO, the thing that I think sets him apart from the rest (many men & women are great, I just found the female docs to be much more judgy, saying things like "oh come on you can handle it" so I'd rather deal w/a little embarrassment (a bit modest) but see a really highly recommended doctor (get referrals from your other doctors or friends) that has pictures of his wife (of 33 years, right out of college) and daughters that he obviously loves. Ultimately his compassion and devotion to women personally translates well professionally so if you are miserable now, it doesn't get better w/age, find the right doctor that cares about your discomfort, doesn't trivialize it or puts you on pills that don't feel right to YOU, and if you really like your GYN, than speak up and pursue, I regret waiting 5, that's FIVE years of never ending miserable cycles.

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Done..I am done with this pill. On the 14th pill of this pack and I am wearing a tampon! I mean really...who gets a full on period in the middle of the pill pack? Ridiculous! :) should I just stop again....or finish the pack?

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Yes. Ablation is an option. Was trying to go this route first but there is no way I am staying on these. I give up. ;)

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I took this pill for a month after not being on anything for 2 years. In my past i was VERY regular. Im 31, no kids. I bled like 3/4 of the month just enough to need a light tampon- blood and brown while taking lo loestrin and was advised to NOT take them anymore.. I have been off the hormone pills for over a week and NO PERIOD! ... should i be taking a pregnancy test? i expected my period to start but since i bled the whole month im not sure...

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same exact thing here. Was finallly clearning up and hoping for a clear day and I fell asleep last night, woke up to take my pill 4 hours late, and went back to bed. NOW I have bright red new blood again! I am so pissed about this pill and I am on it to help stop the cramps that sent me to the emergency room two months in a row. I don't have those massive cramps anymore but I don't have clear days either. I need to figure out a better BC to continue to help without this strain. It's ridiculous. I also started these pills at the sane time of my Novasure procedure. I traded ridiculously heavy, long periods, for light periods everyday of the year. Great.

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I *HATE* this pill. I'm 43 years old and have not been on BC for a decade. Have been taking this pill for four months now. Just quit 3 weeks into my fourth pill pack. Have had headaches nearly every single night for four months. Have had the most irregular periods of my entire life. Last time my periods were that irregular was back in junior high when I first started menstruating. My period used to be like clockwork. On this pill, it is a total crapshoot. I had spotting two weeks in on the first pill pack, then no regular period that month or the following month - just spotting at totally inopportune and odd times - not just two weeks in of each pill pack. More like random spotting for a day at odd times - never went more than seven days without a random day of spotting. Had to wear pantyliners practically the entire last four months as I was never sure what might be going on. And, the breast tenderness was hardly normal cyclical breast tenderness. It was more like holy crap what massive knife just stabbed me? Done. Had a 36 hour headache that no amount of ibuprofen could cure and threw the rest of the pills away - probably hundreds of dollars worth. This stuff should not be on the market.

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You described my very situation. Since being off of Lo Loestrin FE, have you lost the weight you gained?

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I had the ablation procedure done on may 17,2013. The procedure did not work for me. Iuused to have a regular cycle that would last about 7 days with a day of strong cramping. My periods were extremely heavy and I would get very moody and bloated. Since the ablation procedure did not take, my Dr. Suggested Lo loesterin Fe. I was hoping that by taking birth control that would lessen both
My flow and length of time. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. I start cramping on the 3rd week of being on my blue pills and I have a dark brown discharge. I then start having breakthrough bleeding in which I have to use a regular size tampon. This has been happening the entire time. I have been on this birth control for six long months. Its worst than before I began. I can't believe I am actually getting my period two times a month....what a disappointment!

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