How Long Does Oxycodone Stay In Your System For A Urine Test (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I took a 30mg of oxycodone friday and a half oxycodone sat morning. I have a drug test wed. Do u think it will be outta my system by then?

272 Replies (14 Pages)

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you are just fine it takes 3 days for a heavy user do any -0 test but please take some advice I have been detoxing people for over a decade I can even count for begin to count the people I have dealt with it is obvious you're new to this please walk away

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i was taken 3 10 mg a day on tuesday and 3 10mg on wensaday and passed on monday ay 4.30 an i did drink a little water just to flush a klittle but 4 to 5 dayd an your good 3 if your not hiting them hard like taken just one or two that day and thats it .an im on parol looking at some yrs so that my experiance !!!!

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@Crazygirl- percocet & oxycodone are the same thing.... just as vicoden and norco are the same thing.... So how about you take your own advice and get your facts straight eh?

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@T- just cause someone doesn't spell and punctuate well doesn't make them an i****. So many reasons for bad spelling. Being in a hurry, auto correct or cause it's not a school project. Not important enough to worry about spelling.

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I would say if you can't use grammar don't leave messages lol (I.e. fat sells - fat cells); (no what your talking about - know what you're talking about)... oh yeah btw oxycodone doesn't hang in fat cells because it's metabolized by the liver and gone within 3-5 days.......stop misleading people.

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I took 10 mg oxy 2am sunday. Will i be clean wednesday afternoon at 3 and a 1/2 days or more or less 84-86 hours. Almost 4 days. Will water juice b12 take out last of it. Test is urine lab test

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See there are two different terms of out of your system. There is direct filter and system breakdown results. Direct filter is when the medication is still in your system your liver is still filtering it and then their is breakdown where it's all ready been separated by the kidneys and processed threw the blatter and is ready for disposition out your genitals. It will be out of your direct filter in about in 2 days because your body has to kick it out of your liver and kidneys within 72 hours otherwise you can die from overdose. Then it sits in your bladder for 2 days, it sits in the pee and on the walls of your genitals. So even after you pissed it can still have traces coming out for about 2 more days. So total to completely get this out of your system you need at lease 5 days or run the risk of failing the drug screen.

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It is unfortunate for those of us with true pain (p.e. and spinal surgeries), because then everyone is put in the apple barrel together. It punishes everyone.

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Take the half life in the package insert and multiply icy by 6. Eight to be safer and that is the time it stays in the body

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I took 2oxycodone 30. I been clean for 13 days would it b clean for a urine test? ???

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Well, if they failed when they went to see their parole or probation officer they would be unable to post their results because they went to jail.

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It shows up as Oxymorphone and so does oxycodone once it's metabolized ...

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Opana er is the brand name for the drug dioxymorphinone, otherwise known as oxymorphone hcl. If you are taking opana er prescribed, you should be expecting to have oxymorphone in your drug screen, and it s what the doc will be lookin for to ensure you are taking the meds.

Oxymorphone shouldn't metabolize into morphine, since it is already a second metabolite of morphine (derived from morphine). The morphine in your system can only come from morphine, opium, or poppy pods/seed tea. If there is morphine in your test results, say you ate a whole roll of lemon poppy seed bread ( you have to actually take the poppy seed tea, because there are other metabolites that can only come from poppy seeds that they will look for to make sure the morphine did in fact come from that) then you can't be held accountable for the morphine if it wasn't rx'd to you.

Morphine metabolizes, In the body, into hydromorphone and hydromorphone metabolizes in the body into oxymorphone. The derivatives tree looks like this: opium contains codeine and morphine, true opioids: their derivatives are as follows: morphine -> dihydromorphinone (hydromorphone) -> dioxymorphinone (oxymorphone or opana) codeine -> dihydrocodiene <--> hydrocodone -> oxycodone

If you are worried about popping for morphine which you weren't prescribed, drink some poppy seed tea which contains, in addition to morphine and codeine, a number of other alkaloids which will confirm that the morphine in your results could have come from the "lemon poppy seed bread" you will tell them you ate a whole roll of, and they can't prove it otherwise as long as those other alkaloids are present.

If you are rx'd opana er, then they will be expecting to find oxymorphone in your UA results.

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Actually most places that test for jobs require that you have ID to make sure you didn't send someone else to take the test for you. So in that case it would work. However or prob. Or court ordered tests you are s*** out ta luck

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If you have a dr's note and prescription there won't b a problem. That goes for any of you who are taking medications. You're safe as long as a doctor is prescribing them.

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You must be right cuz I took 60mg morphine time realised but took coating off before using it and took a UA 6days later thinking I'd be fine cuz it was 1 time but popped for opiates... I thought they all only stayed in system for 72hrs so I was shocked! Luckily my Dr brought it when I said that's impossible... but now I know why it was still in my urine! In the past a perc after few days was gone but not with morphine... Thank you for clearing that up for me!

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Agreed, dr. Started me on them and now it seems no dose is enough. Your tolerance builds up. Now it has turned into an addiction.

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my nephew just spent 90 days in jail so he is clean he says he may have mistakenly taken a 5mg (a broken in half 10mg) oxycodone by mistake instead of a tylenol (for a headache) cause they look near the same. he has a urine test in 11 hours. will it show up if he has been clean for the 90 days in jail and has had NO other meds other than Alleve & Tylenol? he is thin, perhaps 6 feet tall & guessing 180 lbs...we are contemplating telling his new case worker but then they will likely do a more specific test and cannot ignore a positive result...dont know if we should tell them up front for what may have been but a half tab of Tylenol and they do a more specific test and do find it since he predicaded it, he may be violated his first day after his first drug court appearance and would go to jail/prison...

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You're basically telling the world you're a drug dealer. When you take meds from a dr and only take them when you need to get more.... That's ***** to me.... Think about how many people you are hurting...

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Yeah they will card you! How else are they going to know if it's really the right person taking the test? Wouldn't that make life easy for everyone who abused medications? Then any knucklehead could walk in and piss for somebody and not have ID so that they could pass!

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