How Long Do I Have To Wait To Take Suboxone After Taking Oxycodone (Page 10) (Top voted first)


How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone after taking 10mg oxycodone so i dont go into precipitated withdrawals?

194 Replies (10 Pages)

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If you are on suboxone then why did you take 10mg. of oxycodone? You're on suboxone for a REASON. Was it worth the 10mgs.? Now you will have to be in full withdrawals before you can function with suboxone!! WAS it really worth it??? You and others like you cause of CPP a raw deal. That's why WE are not getting the care we need to live. SHAME on you. But prayers are being sent because I myself have been in withdrawal because I couldn't the meds I NEED to keep me out of pain and out of my bed!

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Not true for me

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You should be fine to take your roxy 30s by then i took an 80mgoc 1hour prior to dosing with 2 8mg subutex but everyone is different but id say take away with no sickness if that's all you took iv taken with oxycodone 15 an 30mg all at same time i never got sick i felt okay but i was dumb to do that but i did good 2months then i toke together an its a nice pain free no sickness an see triple vision not 2trucks but 3 but wasted my money an time cause i came back an got back on them from the doctor who gave me them first time

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its been over 20 hr since i usedis it safe to take a bub by now

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I've taken a 8mg suboxone for three last dose was at 12am. Am I safe to take a Percocet 10mg for pain immediately now at 530am. Please help!

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Piece of garbage liar. Don't listen to him. Not nearly enough time.

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I have an answer to the twelve hours waiting to take a sub. NOT LONG ENOUTH !!!! It was horrible. I went into withdrawal instantly. Shakes,
S""", sweats, vomiting,I thoughts. About calling. Hospital er. It was that bad

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You can take suboxone immediately after. Suboxone only causes withdrawals if taken after methadone or opiates. Don't wait for full withdrawal, that's what it's for.

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your induction process is off. keep taking the Suboxone until you fell right it takes more keep taking.

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Re: Frank oxypk (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

No sir! If you're switching to subs and coming off of methadone you HAVe to wait at least 72hrs. I always go 4 days before subbin' it up. Then again O've been using methadone for 8 years.

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I have somewhat of a fast metabolism. I was on 40 mg methadone and my last dose was 7 days ago but I took a 15 mg oxycodone about 4 hours ago and I'm still feeling some withdrawal. Can I take 1/4 of 2-8mg Suboxone now? I'm really really scared of being any sicker.

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I have a question I've only took sub for a couple of days two to be exact at 8mg I now have my roxys its been since 200 pm today and I need it for my pain back surgery can I take it now at 7 pm please a straight forward answer would be great

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I have been on almost every painmed out here once i was going in to get on subutex been on sub pills an strips but told me to wait like 12hrs i hate to say it but i ended up taking both within an hour apart for me suboxone sucks subutex worked if i was able to stay on it an could afford it but i was on 12 30mg oxycodone aday with 2 60mg oxycontin an still never lasted amonth it sucks

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24 hours at the very least! It does depend on how long you were on the oxycodone, but if you just took it for a few days or so for an injury etc, 24 hours should suffice. If you can wait longer, do so...but that's easier said than done! If you've been on oxycodone for a long time (& are taking suboxone to get off it), I would try to wait the recommended 3 days or else prepare for HELL!

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