How Far Into Withdrawal Do I Need To Be Before Can Take Suboxone
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I am on oxycontin and fentanyl patches. My uncertainty is how much into withdrawal do i need to be before taking suboxone? Can i take it at the beginning when i start with the stomach problems (i.e. diarrhea, heavy fatigue)?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

My doc switched me from Percocet to suboxone for pain control and had me take no pain meds for three days and then go into his office with my suboxone script and start it right in front of him.

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My GOD NOooooo!!!! Taking suboxone and fentanyl can make you severely ill...omg...the fentanyl patch needs to be OFF at least 12-24 hours before suboxone, or you will force precipitated narcotics for at least 24-48 hours before any suboxone!!!!

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I have a 50 mg fentanyl patch on this is my first time 3 days ago I put it on I've been having withdrawals but not too bad can I take a small amount of Suboxone or no I'm talking 2 mg only while my fentanyl patch is still on

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About 12 to 14 hours after taking your last opiate u can start taking the suboxone

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Ok here is the rules. I have been off and on suboxone for 5 years. You must wait to be in fu withdrawal before takin suboxone- I started suboxone too early inv thinking I was sick enough and man was that a bad idea- it had been only 12 hrs. Now my rule is wait a minimum of 24 hrs before taking a sub- If your feeling s***ty wait 6 more hours using want to take it too soon in fact I have been told by doctors to wait 24-48 hrs which I think 48 is a bit too long and not necessary but I think ppl would go into their appointment and not be truthful to them about when their last dose was and therefore taking the suboxone too early and gettin worse. If u take patches u don't want to take method one again just wait to b sick and take the suboxone you should feel better within 30 minutes after the sub has dissolved fully under your tongue you may get a little sleepy after the first dose because of your body adjusting and the opiates leaving and probably lack of sleep from w/d but u will feel like totally new person after that once your doctor gets u on the right dose

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How long do U have to wait before U start feeling better after taking a 8mg Sub. I took a 8mg n still feel really Bad

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i went into rehab on a TON of oxy, after having been on it & every other pain narcotic med for over 6 yrs, but i went into rehab on a saturday expecting to not see a dr until monday. i took a LOT of oxy not wanting to go into withdrawals too badly. to my surprise i saw a dr saturday evening who started me on suboxone at 6 a.m. sunday. i PRAYED FOR DEATH for 24-36 hrs... then slowly got better. a lot of people said afterwards that i probably shouldn't have been started on the subs so soon, with so much oxy in my system. so i'm just saying... you might wanna keep in mind the sooner you start the subs and the more of the other meds you have in your system, the more unpleasant your experience will probably be. GOOD LUCK!!!

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Hi. Gotta question. Can i go from fentanyl to suboxon? I was on methadone and i wanna quit so i got two 75mcg fent patches. I didn't put the patches whole, i cutted them in 1/6 or 1/8 cause i was scarred. Now i don't know do i have to go back on methadone then suboxone or i can skip methadone cause i hate it. Thanks

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Can u help me.. I have my first app to see about being prescribe suboxone. Is it ok that I have stuff in my system

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Dear Jessie, u must b in full blown w/d b 4 u can take suboxone. It's a fact! Or, it won't work properly. Dr. Verwon is correct. I'm also a nurse and worked in the field.

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Are you saying I should not mix suboxene sublingual with a half a milligram of xanax? I just took my first sublingual this morning after smoking H for approximately 2 years. Perhaps a gram a a day. I did wait 13 hours before I took the S, but I also took 1/2 a xanax just before the suboxene and another half a few hours after taking the S. Please advise. Thank you

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You cannot take right away. It Depends what your withdrawing from. I was taking 60mg of percs 3-4 times a day. When I started suboxone treatment, I was told I need a12 hour withdrawal Window.

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Better Days, methadone isn't the only med to wait before taking suboxone. Of course, it is one of the worst ones to be thrown into rapid withdrawl, but by no means the only one. BC of the naloxone, a narcotic antagonist, you should always wait fot full on wd's. now, a lot of docs don't tell their patients this & they end up taking it right away with very nasty side effects. I believe your experience was with methadone, but have you tried it when getting off any other narc? I have never been on the drug but do know a bit about it.

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You should wait at least 12 hours, but you could as early as 8 hours. The only medication you want to wait longer is if you take Methadone!! Methadone and Suboxone don't mix at all, you will end up withdrawing to the point of hospitalization!! Suboxone is amazing, it changed my life. With in 20 minutes, no more diarrhea, no pain. it actually will peek at 7 hours and it has a 3 day half life, so right when your at your worst it will kick back in and give you relief. There are also some meds that can be lethal like Xanax it's not like mixing it with Methadone where people will get wasted off it. It can kill you. Good luck and I hope you get the help you need. God Bless

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Not only will suboxone cause a rapid onset of severe withdrawl, but naloxone by itself will do that, hence the reason this happens as suboxone has naloxone in it.

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I was only 5 days into methadone wd when I started taking suboxone and it helped instead of making it worse. The dr said I was starting into severe wd and I'm only on my 2nd day of taking it. Not all the wd symptoms have went away but most have and I have some energy back.

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No, Suboxone can only be taken once you are in full withdrawal. This is due to the fact that along with the Buprenorphine, it also contains Naloxone, to prevent the abuse of other opiates while someone is under treatment with it.

Thus, if it is started too soon, it can throw you into severe, dangerous withdrawals.

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When has your doctor advised you to start it?

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