How Do I Find A Pharmacy In East Tn That Wont Hold It Against Me? Have Been Treated For Chronic Pain With Suboxone (Top voted first)


I have been treated for chronic pain for the last 5 months with 2 to 3 suboxone a day but it's not touching the pain from my two bulging discs in my back that are pinching my sciatic nerve plus I have Rheumatoid Arthritis which is also very painful. I also have generalized anxiety disorder. this one one causes me lots of problems including chest pains, panic attacks, and lots of worrying. It also causes me to want to just sit in the bed and not get out of it for fear that someone will judge me. I went to this pain management clinic and they wanted me to keep coming and getting injections in back with no pain relief without giving me maintenance drugs so i won't be in all this pain and I didn't want to go through all that pain from the injections without the maintenance drugs. And he wouldn't give me those because I have been treated during the last year with suboxone for pain management,but he said the FDA hadn't approved suboxone for pain management yet so it looked like I was addicted to pain pills and he was trying to put me back on them! Now I have no idea what to do. Does anyone out there know of any pain management clinics in TN that does not have that policy? This is stupid! I go to the suboxone clinic trying to get help for my pain and and it keeps me from getting the help I need for my back! Now I guess I'll have to try to find an orthopedic surgeon and get surgery when I wanted to wait a little longer because I have a 4 yr old and a 7 yr old and I was hoping to wait until they were a little older before I have surgery on my back. Please someone give me some suggestions!!!!

18 Replies

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I think you need to find another dr. I've taking Suboxone for pain management for about 8 years! I think the dr that told you the FDA hasn't approved it for pain management yet is lying to you. The dr I see has pts that come in for detox and some that come in for pain management. Detox patients have an orange file and pain management patients have blue files. He is very organized bc the FDA audits the charts. So certainly the FDA KNOWS he treats pain managent patients with Suboxone. He actually made me go get an MRI and go to a speacialist (cant remember what kind now) to prove AGAIN I had fibromyalgia even though I had been diagnosed and treated for it for the last 7 years. I had just moved to Texas and he didn't trust transferred records! He wanted his own proof from dr's he knew weren't quacks! LOL Anyway, I didnt mind. He is just being thorough. Gave me peace of mind!

So are you in East Texas or TN? If you are in East Tx I can probably find you a dr pretty close to where you are. Reply to my post and we can try to get in touch. I don't want to post my email.

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hi, I just noticed your question. I was told by my doctor who I've known for a long time that Suboxone was not a pain reliever. I became addicted to narcotics after years of surgery and was told the same thing you were about it controlling pain. My doc. said that other doctors like patients to think subox. controls pain because of states putting pressure on them about narcotics. On the other hand because Subutex (which does not have the narcotic blocker) has been abused so heavily doctors don't want to prescribe that or Suboxone. The other thing is that a doctor has to be specifically licensed to prescribe either. The whole issue is a pain to deal with. My state of NH just decided that people on medicaide could not get suboxone tablets. It has to be the strips which are really nauseating to me. The main issue is that these drugs are being sold on the streets for a lot of money so states are cracking down. That leaves those of us who take them the right way out in the cold.

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Does your box or bottle of suboxone say "take such and such twice a day FOR PAIN"? If it does bring it with you and try different pain clinics. Bring any MRI,s or xrays with you.

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After being on over 80mg of Oxy a day, for over 10 years, for chronic pain, I can tell you SUBOXONE works for chronic pain. No I am not pain free, no I can't do things I could do on Oxy, and I know I never will be. I've only had surgeries when I am unable to stand/walk. I have had 7 already. Surgery doesn't help back pain, it only helps the pain from a pinched nerve going down your leg. I have DDD, pinched nerves, Spinal Stenosis, extreme nerve damage (from a disc exploding into my spinal column, the dr. had to pick out the pieces out. Luckily I was so inflamed, I lost minimum spinal fluid), arthritis, 2 broken vertibre, a broken tailbone, etc. "failed back syndrome."

Yes, Suboxone helps, but even the Oxy didn't take all the pain away. Sometimes it hurt to breathe.

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i am responding to Pain Free TX. I am in TN and no i guess u couldn't help me find a doctor. the pain doctors in this area will not see u if u have been to a suboxone clinic, dosen't matter if it was for chronic pain or not. the suboxone does not help my pain,i need a chronic pain doctor in my area who will see me and give me something besides suboxone.I have many painful conditions as u have read above as well as anxiety issues and PTSD now as well and I can't find a doctor who will not hold it against me that i have been to a sub clinic, even tho it was for chronic pain.I guess i will just be in pain for ever until i get lucky and find a doctor.

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I still haven't found a pain doctor that will accept me due to the fact that i have been on Suboxone for my chronic pain,I live in east TN and would appreciate it if anyone out there could help me find one that will take me as a patient. Please! My pain is getting worse and worse and i saw a back surgeon and he says i'm too young for back surgery.So i have to find a doctor to help me until i can have surgery. Any suggestions Please leave a name and contact info on here.

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Sorry, I guess I should of asked if you saved any of your subsciption boxes or bottles to show them. Can you get a letter from your old sub dr. that says he was treating you for pain? If you can you should,nt have a problem finding a clinic and if you do you might have to travel down I-40 a little closer to Nashville.

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To jolter. Where do I go down I-40? please tell me where to go, the doctors around this area (tri-cities) don't care if u went for chronic pain or not, they won't see me, I have even showed some of them my records that say chronic pain right on them and they still won't help me! I am in so much pain!My pain problems are getting so much worse, especially my back and my PTSD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder is getting worse also. I'm afraid if I can't get some help soon I'm going to lose it! I need a doctor, please help me jolter! And If there is anyone else out there who can help me please leave a comment please!!!

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First Of all, make sure what this doctor is saying is true by looking it up on a REPUTABLE WEBSITE yourself.

Unfortunately, we as former addicts, especially once our secret is out, have to learn to deal with people and especially doctors passing judgement. It's almost like it's our penance for hurting people when we were still using.'s like to lie about or exaggerate the actual laws that exist when it comes to people like us.
You have what's called pre-existing conditions. As long as they're diagnosed and documented in your medical record, other doctor's cannot withhold treatment for your pre-existing conditions just because you've taken a specific drug... UNLESS... It is State or Federal Law, the medication or treatment interacts with the other drug or your insurance won't pay for it for one reason or another.

There's your homework. Find out if there really are any State or Federal Laws against being treated(even if it's only a rule that clinic follows, you can say they are discriminating against you. Use what you have! You're legally disabled cuz Of those other conditions!)

Find out if your insurance has any problems paying for the meds and procedure and find out if there are any serious interactions with the meds you're trying to get. I'm a freelance Advocate for the disabled. I know what I'm talking about! Always stay educated and informed Of your local, State and Federal right's, as well as ALL Of your diagnosed conditions! No matter how insignificant you may think they are.
Good luck!

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I am sorry I do not have really any suggestions but I am very curious about your situation. I too, have bulging discs, stenosis, bone spurs, arthritis. I am a single mom of an 8yr old and surgery doesn't seem do-able. Have you been told by more than one Dr that surgery will help you? Because I get conflicting answers. Most of all I'm dying to know is; Were you prescribed Suboxone/Subutex for pain? Because I can't find a Dr to prescribe it for pain. I've been taking it for 5 months now getting it off the street and I can't believe I am going to have to lie and pretend to be an addict to get it prescribed to me. It's ridiculous. And a conspiracy I already ranted about in another thread.

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Suboxone and subutex can be written by any doctor as long as it is considered off label use. Which means it is not being used for drug or alcohol addiction. Your dr lied to you ab the FDA not approving it for pain management. I wonder, did he tell you the medradol or other epidurals ur getting in ur back are VERY dangerous and they are NOT FDA approved. The only people who should ever even consider those are people with a pinched nerve. Those drs go to a 2 day class to learn to inject those in people's backs and charge the insurance company $2000.00 per shot. And guess which insurance doesn't cover it? They ALL cover it to the fullest amount ur coverage will apply. After they go through the skin, bone, amd then even the slightest slip through the dura protecting your spinal cord, you could be paralyzed. We like to trust our doctors. But don't. Also of you've been taking the epidurals, or anyone reading this has been taking them without a pinched nerve, I plead you to immediately stop. Think about it...not FDA approved, all that money,....2 day training classes.

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Me again..Must address: East Tennessee Suboxone Clinics, according to Tennessee controlled substance prescribing laws, 2017, not only were not able prescribe a buprenorphine med for pain. And again, due to the heavy selling, swapping of subs, as addicts refer.. Many doctors have severe restrictions on prescribing buprenorphine meds..Only for addiction. Clinics were never heard of..supposed to be written privately in your Dr's office. I can see why Suboxone is Tennessee's new Oxy, heroin, methadone. Only I can take responsibility for being an honest friend. I did, FYI, make an appointment with my husband's PCP, and he signed a Controlled Substance and Pain Management Agreement. There is help at Vanderbilt University, and please, Google your state's Controlled Substance Prescribing laws: My concern also, Previous PCP stopped prescribing Clonazepam 2mg daily, while I was taking up to 6 Ultram. After the CDC Opioid Prescribing laws came out in July, 2016. I know the Opioid Epidemic is the #1 Government goal that has made daily headlines in Tennessee since 2012, and the Senator from Nowhereville wants to see the last prescription for an Opioid written in this fine state. Coincides with last week's Co headlines "Heroin laced Fentanyl Epidemic" killing hundreds in Nashville. My God is everyone's God. If we don't love, care, talk to, and help each other, we die. Choose love!

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I was on OPIATES for pain control for YEARS. I believe that because of the addicts getting a hold of our legally prescribed pain meds to feel high & due to A LOT of them Od's & died. So in the CDC's ATTEMPT to take care of this problem our pain management Dr's are being told to get as many pain patients on SUBOXONE. My doctor wanted me to try it but in order for that to happen he'd HAVE to write it for OPIATE dependence & NOT for pain control. I'm on it for SEVERE DAILY HEADACHES/MIGRAINES & I think it's working better than the OPIATES I'd been taking for years, BUT NOT ON the basic dose of 3 -- 8/2 mgs per day.


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Re: sharon (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I had an insane allergic reaction to medrol when I had a facet joint injection.
The thing is, if it even worked, they’re not supposed to do more than 3 or you can get tissue damage in that area. So even if t works, if you don’t heal, what then?

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Re: Mee (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

They sell for “big money” because they have opiates in them and junkies want to feel high. And they’re easier to get than vicodin or oxy.

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Re: Diamond (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

In my late 30s/early 40s I was told by two spine surgeons (one in Boston, one in California) that I was too young for a fusion because it’ll wreck the rest of my spine. You know there are many different kinds of back surgery, right? A broken back at 14 may require surgery where less severe problems later on may not.

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If they are not a pain reliever why are they selling for big money on the streets? Why don't they just buy some cheap Vicodin or Percocet? I'm confused; what are they using them for? They work for my pain.

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Too young for back surgery? Age has absolutely nothing to do with a need for surgery. It sounds more like you are not a candidate for surgery. I had my first lumbar surgery at 14 years old after an accident where I herniated L5-S1.

I know this post is extremely old and I would love to hear an update from you.

You are in search of a PM Doctor and a Rx for Xanax 2mg x4. That dose of Xanax is extreme! How could anyone prescribe that amount, that would knock out a 200 lb man for a day, then just stop writing it? Nobody just walks into a Suboxone CLINIC to see if it will help with their pain. There is a big part of the story missing. I agree you need to find a Psychiatrist. You just need to call your insurance company and they will refer you to one. Your Psychiatrist will help you get the other appointments you need. Bring your notes from your Primary Care Doctor that shows your referrals and his office will call and get you in.

Keep us updated.

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