Heroin 4-5 Hrs After Suboxone??
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Any1 know if it's okay to take heroin say 4-5 hrs AFTER having taken my first dose - 6 decidedly inadequate mgs - of suboxone?

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I've been taking sub's since Saturday night. 1, 8mg every morning at 7am before work. Its now about 4pm, would it be alright if I took a .1 or would that just make me sick or start my whole withdrawal process over? Or is .1 in a 4 day gap not that big of a deal? Don't plan on having it again after this.

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If you're going to rant about people not knowing what they're talking about, please read the question. OF COURSE you wait to take bupe/subs after heroin. The question is how long after taking a sub, can you take heroin. Please read the question correctly. Especially if you're going to give a smart ass answer lol you can do opiates after subs, you just won't feel it and should be very careful. You will not withdrawal but could OD if not careful. I urge you to do exactly what you told others and read carefully and research. Thanks :)

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If u take say 4 mgs of sub U can feel euphoric effects 9-12 hours later. As long as Ur receptors aren't fully occupied IE a dose of 4mg or under 10 hours ago U can still feel euphoric effects. So enough with this 25-48 hours bulls***.

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Lola you are right to wait 24 hours to take sub but that's not the question. it's reversed. see he wants to know how long to wait to take h after already taking the sub. in other words sub is in his system and he wants to know when the blocker agent wares off.

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Hello tone I have some questions for you. I have been abusing drugs for almost 2 years now it is now February of 2015. I quit for about 3 weeks in June - July 2014 and I have been taking subs and still smoking dope. I'm wondering if I stop smokingandcontinue to take the subs will I get withdrawals. Some days I would forget the take the subs and take them a few days later mind u still smoking multiple times a day. And I wouldnt get sick. Is this because the 8mg subs isn't enough for the h in my system. Plz help me

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Been taking anywhere from 3-5 30mg oxys for 3 years and ate hydrocodone before that. 3 days ago I ran out. That night I ran out (3 nights ago) I was calling everyone I knew and found a suboxone strip 8mg. I was without oxys for about 10 hours when I got the strip. I took half of the strip right then. This was my first time taking suboxone. I didn't feel anything off of the strip but it stopped my withdraws and curved my oxy cravings. I have severe back problems and it even helped the pain a little. The next morning day 2 I woke up and my back was hurting really bad. I wasn't wanting for pills nor withdrawing... Just in pain. So I took the other half of the strip I had. I felt fine untill 10pm of day two, I was in so much pain I was in tears and had found some pills by then but was scared to take them because it had only been a few hours sense I took the Suboxone. So today is day 3 it's 9 am I took my last piece of suboxone roughly 14 hours ago I was in extreme pain this morning so I decided to take 3 hydrocodone 10mg to try and kill the pain and........ It worked! My back feels much better. After I get my back fixed I plan on going to a clinic and getting some more suboxone to kick this pill habit. Sub is great for withdraws off pills in my opinion.

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Reason this works for u but not all ppl is because there is always a bit of the sub still on ur receptors...it never fully leaves ur system, go over 2weeks with no subs then try to make switch that close and you'll be in utter hell

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Hey wondering if anyone can help. I have been on subutex a couple of times and for anyone who doubts that they will feel withdrawal after taking subs too soon after gear is crazy. I have wished myself dead many occasions being up and constantly clucking for days ( with 2 teenage boys to look after) until the effects of the sub have worn off. No matter how much gear you take within those first 24 hours you will not feel any better due to the blocker effect and the only reason you may is if it's more a case of mind over matter that you can feel the gear making you better. I take 8 mls daily and yesterday was my first dose on this particular script. Foolishly today I have used a bag which has had no effect but now worrying about tomorrow's dose. I am presuming I will be ok due to the blocking effect of the suby having no effect but as this gear is still running through my body will the same apply. I have work which is physical and can not go there rattling. Pls help.

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@ helpnout...... I have to disagree with part of what you said...and I am saying this in the most respectful way, honest. You are correct, methadone IS normally used for heroin treatment but not only....some docs use it for chronic pain. Although you did not say it was ONLY used for that.....but, heroin IS a narcotic, it is a schedule I, meaning it cannot be legally prescribed. That part I'm sure everyone knows. But, I have been told suboxone has been being used in many cases over methadone in the treatment of heroin addiction being that it is a NARC. Just thought I would add my two cents since I know a lot of things in medicine have changed and it is quite normal to use certain meds "off label."

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You wouldn't ask that question if you were an addict. An addict will stop at nothing to get the feeling they are looking for whether it be comfort from one opiate or another. That's why someone might take a sub and still think about herion/opiates. Think twice before asking a question without any thought to it. There are a lot of people as you put it "dancing with the devil," but unwillingly. I myself took subs and felt so horrible I thought a bag would help. So to answer your question, it's bc its a struggle and it will never be easy. Any more brain busters?

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I posted just around Christmas and have been clean since the 26th no subs no opiates and yes still i still feel like garbage. But I have sum useful information considering this questions thread. If you are taking any subs do not, REPEAT do not waste your time trying to feel high. the sub will block any good feeling you are looking for. I took 8mg subs for about 3 days straight, super long half life on these which makes it hard for a day after even. didn't feel high till the second day off the sub. And it wasn't what I was looking for. So doing any dope hours after taking a sub is just wasteful. I decided after putting myself threw precip withdrawal by taking the sub too soon. Terrible but has put me in a mindset of never wanting to feel this again. Trust me wait till u are kicking at least to the point of your mild withdrawals. Or u will suffer the worst withdrawal you wouldn't wish your enemies would experience.

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No offense but I think you misunderstood the question and I believe Vernon or whatever had it right... also naloxone is in sub to prevent the bupe from being abused.. has little to with using heroin after taking sub although I don't recommend this... naloxone will along with the bupe increase pwds when sub is taken too soon after dope

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Why bother taking subs if your still gonna mess around? You're dancing with the devil.

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Been taking Herion for 4 plus years, never switched to the points, some would say I'm loyal to the foil. I want out of being a slave to this drug but that battle has just begun. Probably quit a handful of times when I used pills before and at one point had a year clean before switching to H. Now 4 years later im trying subs. I'm taking 8mg subs half in the morning half at night before bed. Helps me sleep which in the first couple days of quitting can be near impossible. And by 3 days of 8 mg subs I usually don't need a 4th day. I'll power thru whatever's left for my body to go thru. But now I'm in a different boat. I was kicking pretty bad this morning, by 8 am took half 8mg sub and took other half at 1pm I'm still uncomfortable to all hell bought a bag and have been staring at it for two hours now. When can I use it?

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I know FROM EXPERIENCE you only get sick if you take a sub with opiates still in your system. Like, taking sub hours after a bag, sick sick sick. I've been on subs,prescribed, for years. Be careful :)

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Yes most drug tests used in most facilities have a test for opiates and buprenorphine separatley so if you havent had 72 hours since doing heroin, its gonna show up on the test and they will not be happy. Much Love

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Thank you, Michael. I wasn't too sure of using an opiate AFTER sub but I do know that if you are not in opiate withdrawl before starting suboxone you will most likely go into precipitated wd's. From what I hear, it is pure hell! I also know that if a person is on suboxone and, for instance, was in a car accident, the doc can give enough of an opiate to override the sub to afford pain relief....but, it is extremely dangerous if you don't know how much you can take to do the override.

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@ Comment..... What are you saying is not true? The OP asked about suboxone and it is known that, if given enough of an opiate, you can override the effects of suboxone. That is why if you are on that med you must carry a card stating so incase of an emergency or you have to tell the doc if you are able to speak. And, being that that is the only way to override sub, you can OD very easily. Look it up. If you weren't talking to me, I apologize. When you make a statement such as yours, please address the person specifically so there is no confusion as to WHO is wrong. This is an info forum and we try to give the correct info. Thanks

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The nalaxone in the bupe is not what causes percipitated wd... you can use heroin after sub, you just cant do it the other way around. Educate yourself from the right source.

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Uh definitely not true. subutex doesn't even have nalaxone in it lol. why don't you research research research haha

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