Fill Oxycodone Prescription From G A (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have a Kentucky Licenses and went to a pain clinic in GA, they prescribed me Oxycodone 15mg and Hydrocodone 10mg. I have been to several pharmacies in Kentucky and cannot get them filled. Does anyone know where I can get my prescriptions filled rather here in Kentucky or out of state in GA or TN?? Please Help at all if possible, thanks!

85 Replies (5 Pages)

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i urge ALL of us start doing what i have been doing, take your smart phone in with you and hit record, i did this a couple of times and seems to get their proper mannerism, THEY know they are telling us whatever it is they want to and that it is illegal, they alos know MOST are just pill seekers and when you say you dont have it, they assume you are just going to give up and move onto the next, NOT ANYMORE! im tired of being made to feel as if i am a criminal, they have us on camera 24/7 when we come in their store so why cant we film them. start posting on their social media pages, post on youtube using their store name as keywords, once the word gets out something will be done, IT TAKES US AS PATIENTS, NOT PILL SEEKERS, LEGIT PATIENTS TO START FILMING THEM. I PROMISE YOU WILL SEE A TOTALLY DIFFERENT PHARMACIST, KNOW YOUR PATIENT BILL OF RIGHTS AND EXPRESS THEM IN THE VIDEO, LET THEM KNOW FIRST OF ALL YOU ARE RECORDING FOR LEGAL MATTERS. SOMEONE ELSE BESIDE ME TRY THIS AND REPORT BACK ;)

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Good idea for those having problems with pharmacies

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Hey average person, I live in Georgia, my doc is in Georgia, and I still can't get my meds filled. So you are very correct there. I think it is very sad that a minimum wage pharm tech can play doctor. Just today I was lied to again by kroger. My friends mom filled hers, said they just got a shipment and 30 mins later I am denied. It's also sad that I have a history with some of the pharmacies lying to me. Nuns not that exact location but I am in the computer and they say no without even looking at this fact. Tomorrow I am taking my mri's and my handicapped tag in with me and telling them "before you say no have a look." Maybe I should be an ass to the person who can't walk at all and use the electric wheelchair even though I have trouble walking some days. I'm only 30 but I look 24 so I am sure that doesn't help any either. From what I was told last year if you are under 30 a lot of places won't fill the Meds and one doctors office let me go since I was six months from 30. The dea said if they are under 30 then nothing can possibly be wrong with them to be prescribed anything. So I'm sure the pharmacists see young male and just say no sadly even though I have never sold or abused one pill. Hell I am shipped the new Oxycontin and anyone who abuses oxy won't touch those. Now from the holiday weekend my Meds won't be here tomorrow and maybe not Friday so I pray I can atleast get my breakthrough Meds filled tomorrow.

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All the pharmacy in Ga are saying u have to go where your doctor is located at. I live ib Monroe i haven't had no problem until now . Nobody will fill my prescriptions. I don't know where to go. They say the dear is releasing 6bottles to all pharmacy to all the drug store and they only fill for who they want to. I have been to alt of them yesterday where i live they had them but refused to fill it. I lost my doctor he is in jail. So i have to find another one. All of this running around is not worth it no more.

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If you have a good job you should have insurance and what you pharmacys do to some people is wrong not everyone is an addict and yes some people can get a month supply cause they cant go every 7 to 10 days and some of us on medicaid actually are hurt and need it and arent pharmacist that make good maney so we need help paying and what you dont know is most people that get pain meds dont have insuranve cause there doctors dont take it so hahaha you dont know what your talking about and i hope you need them one day and you get them and get addicted and then you will not be talking trash some pople no most people need there meds and you sitting here talking like everyone is a drug dealer and addict cause they are on meds well you will one day be on meds so when that day comes you will be eating your words and i hope they are harder to find for you cause you say the patients and doctors are wrong but i say the pharmacies are they dont know anyones medical history to say who does and doesnt need there meds but you guys play god and only fill for who you want and then charge extreme amounts for them and thats crazy how in the hell can a pharm charge 10 dols for a pill that was 1 dols well they do it cause they can and you pharmist are drug dealing yourself by what you charge to fill someone needed medicine and if they dont pay it they cant get them filled so you shouldnt talk s*** when you guys are the ones in the wrong

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So len, what kind of memos do they send out. The only reason I have had to go elsewhere is the two places I have a history with are really not getting them, I got to se the letter from mckesson. I'm hoping they have them this week as the memo they got said any a month six weeks ago. I have my 5 page mri work me, pharmacy report, handicapped tag, ct report, pretty much everything since I left a copy in the car after leaving my attorneys office for my settlement. Also my doc accepts insurance unlike 90% of clinics and a friend of mine I referred to my docs office and a cvs fills for him no problem and no he hasn't been going there very long. Of course I look younger than I am so sometimes I think that's it. Sadly most of them are lazy because it would take 5 minutes to verify all they would need but they don't want to which is really sad. I did not ask to be in pain and really wish I didn't because honestly it makes life pretty crappy because I don't enjoy doing thongs I like to do because it hurts. Now I can't get the less I need that actually work without killing my liver and last month had to pay $300 for 75 pills but I didn't have a choice, I had too much going on with my girls and didn't want to disappoint them.

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@ GA Boy, my dad is retired military so I know how the VA can be sometimes. Of course you are probably my age or younger and they don't want to give u the highest dose at first. If anything they so make a 5 and a 10 mg oxycodone with no tylenol and trust me from experience it will harm your liver. My doc is on your side of Atlanta, he takes all forms of insurance. Since your out of state he may look at you funny but if you can get him all the VA records he will possibly take u, esp if I talk to him. I am prescribed 60 oxycontin 60mg and 75 oxycodone 30mg, Soma and gabapentin every month. I am on the patient assistance program so I dont have to pay $500 a month for my oxycontin. If need be I can give you the info somehow to go. I don't want to just post it because I don't want a bunch of seekers trying to get in. For years my dad has complained about how the VA treats folks these days. If I can help I will damn sure try since literally my whole family except me of course has been in the military.

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@Jason, I live in Atlanta, last time I checked it was not a hick town. I went to 15 places yesterday with no luck getting 75 of them filled. Most places don't want the trouble with the dea. I know one place I went yesterday there was 4 dea agents going through everything at that place. I am also not willing to spend $525 for one prescription, I refuse to do that.

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EXACTLY CHRIS!! People who have insurance CANNOT fill their pain medicine because the pharmacies want to make the money street dealers are making and the insurance company will not pay 5-10$ a piece for a pill that only costs the pharmacy 33 cents. IT'S RIDICULOUS. It is the people like the guy in KY who is traveling to different states to see a Dr who f*** it up for people who are in need of this medicine. The DEA needs to step in and STOP these pharmacies. A pharmacy in my town got shut down because they arrested the Owner/Pharmacist for selling 30 mg oxycodone out the back door of the pharmacy for $15 each. He sold them for $5.50 to those who have a rx through the front door. The authorities need to tackle the pharmacies who are now legal ''DRUG DEALERS". 11 YEARS AGO when I first got put on this medication, no one even knew what oxycodone was. I DIDN'T EITHER. I wish I never found out. Unfortunately, because a man decided to drive intoxicated one night, I have to take this medication to function semi-normally every day. I have tried several times to do without. The pain is unbearable. All these people going to the DR. who don't need the medicine, have no IDEA what it is like to be in pain. I have had to learn in the past 4 months to do without my medicine quite a bit. Not a good day when I don't get to take it. This is no joke though. The guy who is traveling out of state, the person who says you can't get in the mail are both examples of drug seekers and they are in the same category as these pharmacists who don't know what they are talking about and also are profiting or benefiting at others expense.

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@Jason, sorry but I would never pay some random person on the web $500 to find a pharmacy, you may find some dealers who can throw you that and run back up to KY to sell em but not here, that honestly wouldn't even be worth it if you were to sell them in GA, we don't have ky prices here. But I do know a few people that are legit and don't sell a thing that have been having problems. It turns out walgreens is sueing the dea since there was no evidence of wrong doing. If they filled for people when others wouldn't like cvs, publix, and kroger around here their numbers wouldn't have gone up. Publix I know for a fact tells everyone they have none when they do, I knew a tech at one and he said you can tell who needs it which is complete BS since they wouldn't fill for my ex girlfriends brother who is sometimes in a wheelchair and has to walk with a cane. If walgreens Soma and enough people call their congressmen then something will change soon. Too many pharmacists are afraid the dea will come in if they fill. They are scared they will fill for one person and twenty more will follow them in two days to fill theirs, which happens a lot with folks who don't really need them that all go to the same doc.

@nick good for you, I don't approve of what you do but if you keep your s*** together unlike most I guess that's a good thing, even though folks that get them to get high have messed it up for legit patients now which is a big drawback. If you take them orally you don't really feel a thing esp if you have chronic pain, I have talked to many people about that even before I was taking them and was still taking lortabs. Of course taking tylenol everyday for four years was toxic and I had to change to something without APAP in it.

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Exactly right some of us on disability have medicaid who wont let us get surgery i have stage two cancer, adnemyosis, cysts in my thyroid which im not sure yet if thry are cancerous, along with all the back, neck, spine, sciatyica, a botched tmj surgery the list goes on needlrsd to say medicaid wont even let me just have a partial or full hys. until i finish all chemo for year and lupron depot and hormone replacement pills that have mafe me gain fifty plus pounds much less will they let me just get back neck etc surgery its assanign. I am made to continue pain pills to make sure i have a dependancy not an addiction there is a difference. We are not given any choice its take pain med or be stuck in bed well i have three step children as some of you who know me on here before this forum became the presidential debate and now state to state. We started this forum from Florida and to help others like ourselves suffering to find places that are willing to fill and can for us. So please unless this is what you are on this forum to do then by all means share and rant and rave all you like and need otherwise start one of your own. Donna Ratligf I speak for you in your absense i hope you dont mind being that you are in case ones here did not or dont know it already she is the advocate for Fl mainly south who originally became involved personally due to the very real and down right wrong way that the chronic pain sufferers are being treated. I am sorry if I have offended anyone this in no way is meaning to single anyone out personally but we are on here for help that we give one another in the information of availability of meds in certain areas and what kinds period. Thank you and god bless as I always say I pray each and every one of ud ends up pain free while we still walk this hell on earth.

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So I spoke to my friend who is a pharmacist at cvs and has been for 10+ years and he has relayed to me why there seems to be a oxycodone drought. Per my friend he has stated that the FDA over the past year (when the drought seem to have started) has been doing a mass Audit on pharmacies across the USA because of thee high percentage of abuse with "oxycodone". This has caused 90-95% of pharmacies to tuck their tail between their legs and pharmacists have just outright stopped ordering the medication all together to prevent and protect their asses from being probed by the FDA. Now in cases there is pharmacies that still carry it but only fill the drug for what they consider low risk,cancer/terminally ill (with paper proof) and or reocurring patients they have filled for years. You may get a lot of malarky like when u call around to pharmacy after pharmacy and they come back everytime with nope we don't have it or some other lie is because they no longer will disclose that info over the phone due to liability or chance of being robbed for the drug and believe me it happens. Now let's move on to in pharmacy excuses...example: you bring your script to a pharmacy and they say no we don't have it and they give u the excuse of blaming the distributing company saying they don't have any (bulls*** I've called all of them they do and they say no orders have been placed and confirmed it is NOT on backorder) or we haven't had it in months that's because like I said before they aren't ordering it anymore or they already have the select amount of people they have decided to fill for because they ARE rationed by FDA on how much they are allowed to order per year of the drug or have stopped carrying due to fear of robbery which I know for a fact that is the case in Tennessee since that doctor in gainsboro was burned alive by drug addicts. Im sorry for the bad news to you guys and I guess until they have solid way of filtering the abusers out it will continue to be like this. Brutal punishment and a violation to constitutional rights but that's the governments way of controlling us sadly. My advice if you are trying to get an oxycodone script filled is to speak to your local pharmacist and provide him a copy of your narcotics agreement and document of your illness and let him make the decision to order and carry it for you. Oh and paying full cash price for the script (no insurance) at the pharmacy is a huge help too. Good luck guys hope this helped! <3333

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Must be hard to see all us little unscrupulous peasants from your sactamounious mountain on high. Yes there are legit patients and non-legit ones but what qualifies u to decide?

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TN? LOLOLOLOLOL! Good luck dude!

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Hey I saw your post on the previous page and I am extremley interested mainly because I am actually in a really painful situation. I was i a car accident last year and as a result I have a piched nerve, which has debilitated me. I am from MA and its hard as F*** to get any type of pain medicine. And they're 35 to 40 dollars a piece on the street. So basically Im willing to sacrafice my time and money to take care of my situation, and you seem like a guarantee so I would def like your help. Within the month Im looking to travel down there so it would be great if you could help me out. Thanks, CJ.

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Please don't ruin it for us in TN. Why the long distance driving to a pain doc? How many do you have to sell to cover the cost of gas? Please stay in your home state so that folks who really need doctors can get prescriptions in their own town and fill them at their local pharmacy.

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WOAH! There cowboy, first of all keep in mind that opium was used and legal for 4000 years before so eone thought is was addictive. Why? Because white women shakcjed up with chinamen and negro men. Why did it take that long for addiction to be realized? Because as legit medical communities started using it and big pharma started playing with it to stretch their profit, all kinds of crap was added to it. The withdrawal really comes from the ether alcohol used to process it to whichever drug, much like alcohol DT's. Take your cannibas and poppies and use for health and recreation like God intended and yeah, some substances have no cap limit on dosage. People have been CURED, let me repeat that i. Case you ddnt hear me CURED from multiple personality disorder, cancer, seizures and more from high doses of opiates so dont give legit patients a hard time about something you know nothing about.

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I live in Oklahoma and have been on pain/anxiety meds for over 2 years due to an accident. My doctor treated people that had nothing wrong with them, gave them meds, he is now incarcerated for murder! I think people abused their meds, but I wasn't one of them. I went to a "clinic" today, I'm using the smalest portion of meds and ibuprofen/acetaminophen and OC sleep aid. I'm having panic attacks and can't bear weight on my knee. I went to a doctor I've never been to before and he basically lauged me out of the office, claiming even my old doctor (the one that first prescribed anxiety meds years ago) must have lost his license. This is not true. My knee wasn't even looked at! I'm not sure what to do. I can't sleep more than 3 hours without my xanas, and I can't walk without pain. I work full time, I'm just trying to live painfree, with sleep and no panic attacks. I need help and don't know where to turn. I have insurance, just don't know where to turn.

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