54 411 Subutex 8mg


I have run out of options with "pain pills" have been inquiring about subutex as a pain reliever for chronic pain due to a spinal injury. Ive been on just about every pain pill there is and they just don't seem to have enough "power" to keep my pain level at a acceptable position. Anyone with factual information that I can present to my healthcare provider would be my hero. Thanks

2 Replies

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Hello, Lee! How are you?

What type of factual information are you looking for? Anything that would be available on this site or others online is the same as what your doctor already has access to for information. There is nothing new I can provide you with.

Have you ever tried the Fentanyl patches? It is a very potent narcotic in a time released patch that sometimes helps those who have exhausted their other options.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Learn more Fentanyl details here.

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Lee have you tried opana's ? They have taken
Pain away

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