You People Need Help I Found These Pills In My Kids Pocket

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i found a round white pill, about the size of an eraser. one side has the #'s 275 in the center and the other side has a horizontal division line in the center with a small 2 on the upper half. i found it in the pocket of my sons jeans. ## my friend gave my little broth 2 white pills with vertical lines with 2 cursive L's....what kind of pill is it? ## found a little oblong pill in my daughters room it is white with the letters ECR/2.5. What is it ## i found out that the white pills with 275 on one side and 2 on the other side with a split line is 2mg klonopine.....i called Med X pharmacy and they told me what they were....please let the lady that found them in her daughters pocket know about it... ## Why don't you people just ASK your kids what they are? Hint: If we wanted ...


oronge oval pill with 2/0 on one side and the letter b above 973 in my kids pocket ## Pill Image This is Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine 20mgs, a generic for Adderall XR, which is used to treat ADHD. These are coming up a lot with people having them that aren't supposed to, if you aren't ADHD then they can give a speed like effect. Even if your kid wasn't using them, if they aren't prescribed to him/her by your doctor, you will want to have a chat to make sure they are aware of the dangerous and that even possession of these, without a precsription is illegal.

1 REPLY Filed under Amphetamine

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