What Mg Is Peach Xanax With G3720

3 Topics Found

Is this 0.50 mg alprazolam?" ## Based on the description provided, I can confirm your peach pill to be generic Xanax, also known as Alprazolam (0.5 mg). Although I have yet to figure out who the manufacturer is. Alprazolam is primarily used to treat moderate to severe anxiety disorders (e.g., social anxiety disorder) and panic attacks, and is used as an adjunctive treatment for anxiety associated with moderate depression. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Alprazolam Details I hope this helps!

1 REPLY Filed under Xanax

Oval orange pill ## oval pill orange/peach in color.has G3720 on 1 side and an indention/line through back side.i found these while walking my dog. ## The pill you're describing is Alprazolam, generic form of Xanax ## I FOUND THESE PILLS WANTED TO KNOW WHAT THEY WERE ## It is indeed Alprazolam 0.5 mg, generic for Xanax.

4 REPLIES Filed under Alprazolam

OVAL PEACH COLOR ## Based on the description provided, I found your pill to be Alprazolam (0.5 mg); also known as Xanax. Alprazolam is primarily used to treat moderate to severe anxiety disorders (e.g., social anxiety disorder) and panic attacks, and is used as an adjunctive treatment for anxiety associated with moderate depression. For information about this drug, please refer to the link below... If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you. ## what company makes this light pink oval alprazolam? I was getting the pink ones but forgot the company. This time I got the oval yellow ones and they don't seem to be as strong as the pink ones. I really need to know the company who makes it

2 REPLIES Filed under Alprazolam

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