Can You Cut A M367 In Half To Take

3 Topics Found

When you break a norco in half is it difficult? And is it possibly fake if it ends up breaking too easily? ## Hello, Warren! How are you? I've always known them to break easily and never had to use a pill cutter, but I suppose it can vary from manufacturer to manufacture. Can anyone else chime in? The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. ## I just broke a norco in half and it was kind of easy. Is it fake? ## My bf has 176 pills and they break easily in half. they look real but after he took 2 in the morning and 1 more in the afternoon he said he felt nothing like a m367 pill or Watson? Is it possibly fake or what? ## If the man...

5 REPLIES Filed under Norco

Can I break a m367generic Norco in half and take it ? ## Ask your doc first...I take half's when I am in less pain, & holes when I have brake through pain..less pill is better for you liver & whatnot. If I can take 3 & 1\2 & still control my pain....than I consider I'm doing my body a favor. But Still Ask Your Doc First!!! Before Changing your regiment!!!! ## @Yvonne, While I agree with Patrick that you should discuss this with your doctor before making any changes to an existing regimen, I will say that M367 is made to be cut in half for a divided dose. The score line (divid) on the back is what confirms this...and you'd actually use that as a guide to measure half a dose. Several years ago I resorted to taking half of one of these (every 4-6 hours) after a ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Norco

I need to know what these 3 pills are? Each pill is white with a dividing line where the pill could be cut in half on one side and M367 stamped on the back side. Three prescribed pills have been misplaced and we are wondering if a bag of 3 pills could be the ones that are lost. ## These tablets contain 10mgs of Hydrocodone and 325mgs of Acetaminophen, the active ingredients in Vicodin or Lortab, this is a narcotic analgesic. Learn more Lortab details here. Does that match what the missing pills were? ## You didn't think to use Google??? Something isn't adding up. If your meds were prescribed to you, you would already know what the markings were. Sounds more like you got the pills off of the street or from a "friend" and now you're trying to verify that they're in...

2 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

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