Brain I Q Syrup Side Effects

4 Topics Found

My cousin who is 5 yrs old has a problem in communication though there is no defect in the ears.Instead of replying to the question posted by others the child utters the same question to them. Recently he has been diagonsed and reported that he has epilepsy in brain. Now he is advised to take Valparin 200 syrup every night of about 2.5 ml. This medicine is given for controlling the epilepsy in the brain and as a result of this the hyperactivity comes down. Doctor has advised to take liver test every 6 months as this medicine has got side effects. Are there any serious problems for this medicine? Can you please suggest us good ideas? ## Well, letting his condition go untreated can be far more dangerous, if he is having seizures, than those posed from the medication. It does have it risks...

11 REPLIES Filed under Anticonvulsant

I have a persistent and nagging cough that has lasted over a month. My family Dr. presribed Rezira for me 2 days ago. I was coughing my brains out and desperately downed the small sample bottle he gave me before I had even made it to the ground floor on the elevator in his building. As I drove home, the cough subsided without a doubt, but I would say within 15-30 minutes of drinking the little bottle (it was one dose per bottle) I felt a really euphoric high. Each time I've taken it since, I've noticed the same "feel good" that it creates. I believe the active ingredient is Codeine, which I've had in a pain reliever like vicodin before and never noticed this effect. Is there a reason that in the cough syrup formula it would cause this feeling, vs. when it's in th...

1 REPLY Filed under Rezira

What are the ingredients and indications of this syrup? ## Our doctor prescribed CYP-L syrup for my 15 month old son. His weight is 10.9 kg and height and head circumference are more than average. Is it advisable to give him above mentioned syrup? ## Hello, According to EverydayHealth, Andehist DM NR Syrup is a combination of Brompheniramine, Dextromethorphan, and Pseudoephedrine. Brompheniramine is an antihistamine that reduces the effects of the natural chemical histamine in the body. Histamine can produce symptoms of sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and runny nose. Dextromethorphan is a cough suppressant. It affects the signals in the brain that trigger cough reflex. Pseudoephedrine is a decongestant that shrinks blood vessels in the nasal passages. Dilated blood vessels can cause nas...

2 REPLIES Filed under Brompheniramine

Is Memory Plus Good For Children Below 7 Years is there any side effects ## is there any bad side effect taking memory plus for children 8 years and above? ## pwede bang uminom ng memo plus gold ang 4 years old?wala bang side effect? ## Ung anak ko po ai 5yrs old and 7 years old wla poh b side effect pag panainom q cla ng memory plus for kids... Anong age poh pwede uminom ng memory plus syrup?? ## Is their any bad side effect to the brain of a 6yrs old kid taking of memory plus syrup? ## Is it safe to use cherifer immunomax syrup together with memory plus syrup to my 4 yr old son?


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