Why Backorder
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Ziac 5/6.25 mg Mylan Generic
l have been taking this medication about 3 yrs now and become therapeutic, but 2 months ago l went to walmart for refill and was given Unichem generic which l have being reacting badly to it. CVS told me they have it, l switched but only gave me 15 days worth and now saying is back ordered or may be discontiuned. What is going on with our healthcare, is it all about american company or the benefit patient derive. lf it is necessary to switch generic brands then they should evaluate the potent and effectiveness of the new generic before putting it on the market

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CVS pharmacy here is suddenly having to back order a prescription I've received there for years: Clonazepam 1.0 mg - generic for Klonopin. 2 weeks back order! This has never happened. What's going on? Please advise.

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Unfortunately, under the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984, the FDA allows generics to differ from the name brand by as much as plus, or minus 20% of the active ingredients. The FDA considers that to be an acceptable therapeutic window. They also do not have to measure against other generics, only against the name brand. Thus, there can be significant differences from one generic to another.

The FDA lists the typical side effects of Ziac as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, dehydration, and hypotension.

How are you doing, now? Has there been any change? Are you on any other medications?

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