White Pill Blank Both Sides (Top voted first)


The pills are white or maybe a bit more off white but are completely round. They have absolutely no markings on either side. A friend ordered them from India (or New Delhi, India). No marks AT ALL!!! About the size of a flattened marble in diameter

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I believe it's melatonin which is an all natural sleep aid from Walmart. Very mild, no Benadryl or anything. Nothing fun if u get my point lol

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Unfortunately if your friend ordered medication from India and they came in without any markings the only way to tell what is truly inside is to take them to a pharmacy and have them analyze the contents of the pills.

In the U.S pills are required by law to be identifiable through the physical appearance (color, imprint, shape etc.), however, other countries do not follow the FDA regulations and this can often lead to pills being less consistent in their ingredients and sometimes even lead to you getting completely different medication than you thought you had.

I would advise your friend to analyze the pills for their own safety. Better safe than sorry.

Have a nice day.

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