Side Effects From Alcohol
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Dear sir, I'm not a heavy drinker but i'm a regular user of whisky or beer; like 180 ml. of whiskey added on to beer. And i sometimes feel after taking whisky or beer, like my eyes become full of redness or I get redness on my face, blurred vision, increasing heart beat or feeling hot. What is going on? Please tell me about this and also provide a solution. Thank you.

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To add another possibility, you could also be reacting to something in the alcoholic beverages that you are drinking, according to NIH reports. Some people are sensitive to some of the ingredients, in which case the solution is to stop drinking whatever causes such reactions.

Additionally, some people just react that way to alcohol, for example, regardless of how much she drank, or what she drank, if there was alcohol in it, my mother's face would always turn beat red and I've discovered that certain wines cause my face to be flushed and feel hot.

I also have to agree with the previous person who responded, there is a risk that these symptoms could be due to some other health issue, so you should have this checked out by your doctor. I can also speak to this, since many domestic beers elevate my blood pressure, so I can't drink them, at all.

Are you on any medications?

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From one who is a recovering alcoholic, may I suggest seeing a medical professional to conduct a comprehensive examination
and run appropriate diagnostic testing to rule out underlying systemic issues that the consumption of alcohol MAY exasperate. I'm NOT a doctor but have been employed in the medical profession for over 20 years. The reported symptoms you present is consistent with those suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure), KNOWN AS THE SILENT KILLER. This condition is best treated when
diagnosed early. In the interim I would consider refraining from ALL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES at least until your condition can be assessed. Please see your pcp sooner rather then latter. God speed, Kenie

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