My Md Claims This Drug Will No Longer Be Made (Top voted first)


My md wants to stop me from using this med, he claims it is a old drug and they may stop making it. I am 83 years old & have been taking this drug for over 30 years.

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There are drugs that have been on the market far longer. He must just want you to try something different, it is hard to say.

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Today mar. 9th 2011 My pharmacy has advised me they no longer make triavil

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It is an older drug that is quite effective for some.
Even if they quit making Triavil in its present formulation which is Perphenazine 2-4MG and
amitriptyline 10 -25MG. One dose is 4MG perphenzine 50MG Amitriptyline. You can still get it by having him write two scripts one for Amitryline and one for Perphanize. Brand names are Elavil and Trilafon. They will not quit making these drugs so you will always be able to get them at any pharmacy. Maybe there are better drugs but if it has worked well for you all these years then changing could be a problem.

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