Mobizox (Top voted first)


i would like to know the status of this drug i,e; if it is a banned drug or if its muscle relaxant component (chlorzoxazone) has been banned in the US?

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my wife is house wise. couple of weeks back she started shoulder pain and ne day it become sever that she was not able to move it up.
Then we consult doc and doc suggested for Mobizox with some other medicines.
Pain use to gone after taking medicine but if she miss the medicine pain start severly.
she is fedup with Alopathy then she started Ayurvadic, it is very slow But she has to take atleast one mobizox one whe gets the pain.
And she gets the pain every after 2 days. There is no swelling at all.
After taking Mobizox whe can do work but if she will take this then her arm become like a fractured.
She is not able to move her arm.
Please suggest.

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Suraj, I am sorry, but this site is not medical nor legal professionals, to really see if you have a case and how to proceed, if you do, you will need to consult with an attorney.

Have you tried consulting with one?

Chlorzoxazone itself has not been banned in the US and is still used as a msucle relaxant.


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I'm prescribed 90 of these in 500mg form every month. I have had zero side effects?

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I have just got a cramp in my ankle n its swelled up.i can move my leg so its not broken but its paining looks like some ligament has got damaged advise pls?

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hi is mobizox effective in neck pain

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My daughter got admitted in a hospital for delivering baby. Two days after delivery, she was crying with back pain. The doctor prescribed mobizox but she resisted that it would have side effects. Inspite of this the doctor gave her mobizox. After one hour her condition was critical and she died of heart attack with hemorrhages in most organs and rashes over body parts. I have now come to know that this medicine is banned in advanced countries. Can anybody suggest how to proceed against the hospital and the doctor on duty?

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