Losartan Hctz 50 (Top voted first)


Can this medication affect the liver in anyway ?

2 Replies

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Hello, Brenda! How are you?

Most medications are processed through your liver, so yes. Though, it is very rare for it to cause any problems.

However, when most people are taking it for a long period of time, their doctors will do liver and kidney function tests to monitor and make sure they aren't developing any problems.

This medication is most commonly used to help lower high blood pressure and treat certain cardiac conditions. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, hypotension and dehydration.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I have been taking losartan 25mg for about 6 weeks for high blood pressure. Within that time I started to experience back pain, Anxiety and, scariest of all chest and muscle cramps to the left side of my chest followed by dizziness. I went to the ER To be checked out. Cardiologist says everything read normal. I stopped lossartan 8 days ago which was ok by my Dr, but the side effects have still not gone away. Wil they ever??

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