Lexamil 10mg And Alcohol
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Hi! I am on lexamil 5 mg daily for a week before that wellbutrin 150 mg and 5 mg lexamil for 4 weeks before that wellbutrin 300 mg for 2 years. Weaning from the Wellbutrin because dr feels that it increases my anxiety, which is my main problem. Can these meds lead to alcohol blackouts? One minute fine to next minute waking up with memory loss. My memory is really bad on day to day basis. Also need to know will i pick up weight with lexamil?

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Hi, Ive been taking Zytomil for 2 weeks met up with a friend of mine, drank too much and crashed my car into the back of someone after fighting with all the people in the restaurant I was at. I woke up in a prison cell and have been charged with 10 year criminal record for drunk driving... I dont remember anything from the night before and would never have done this before taking the medication. Just be careful when you drink.

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The memory loss can be side effects of these medications, but it could also be due to other issues. Alcohol may worsen side effects, such as nausea, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, and diarrhea. According to FDA.

Is there anything else I can help with? Are you on any other medications?

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