Is Ilvitrim Used For Diarrhea
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So in December I had diarrhea,my baby was 6 months at that time. I got admitted in hospital for four days. And while I was in hospital, my baby was with my aunt. So he also had diarrhea,probably got it from me coz I am breastfeeding.She took him to the clinic and they gave him ILVITRIM SUSPENSION,
Does it help with diarrhea? And what's the correct dosage?
My aunt told me that at the clinic they said he should take it anytime when he has diarrhoea
And I have just read about it being an anti-biotic, and from what i know... You finish the course of anti-biotic
But we never finished it coz i was not told it is an anti-biotic

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5ml,apparently only when I see he is still pooing too much

But i stopped giving him coz he was getting worse

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Ilvitrim is an antibiotic, commonly found in some other countries under the name Bactrim, or Co-Trimoxazole, it is used to treat bacterial infections, so it will only help if the condition being treated is caused by some type of bacterial infection. According to the details provided by MedlinePlus, it can actually cause diarrhea as a side effect, along with nausea, dizziness, headache, and non-allergic skin rash.

Taking it too much also creates the risk of developing antibiotic resistance, so it should only be used if directed by a doctor who has verified the presence of a bacterial infection.

And yes, you are correct, you are supposed to finish the full course of treatment.

What dosage did they prescribe for him?

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