How Long Before Surgery Should You Stop Taking Phendimetrazine (Top voted first)


I will have surgery in 9 days. How long (how many days) before surgery should phendimetrazine and phentermine NOT be taken

4 Replies

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Hello, Pat! How are you?

Your surgeon would be the best person to advise you on that. Are they aware that you're taking it?

It may vary anywhere from 3 days to a week.

These medications are used to aid in weight loss, they carry the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability and insomnia.

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I take phendiametrazine. I have to take a blood test. I assume they will be looking for anything and at everything. I don't want to disclose that I take it. How long does it remain in my blood? When should I stop taking it to be safe?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I'm have surgery in a Dr said I should stop taking it a week before I have it done..

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I'm having laporscopic syrgry next wed..and I really need to know if I should stop taking my phendimetrazine? And how soon can I start it back after surgery??

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