Greenstone - Closest To Original Xanax (Top voted first)


Everyone who has a problem with Generic medications, which is what we are stuck with under the current "you must be covered by government cheap crap." You can get any store to get your preferred generic by writing to their corporate office and telling them you'll switch ALL your medications to another pharmacy. I found Rite Aid has no problem whatsoever at making me happy with their service of getting me my suited generic. Beware once a generic can be available you get the original (which is almost always best) only until the generic companies have their grip. Until the public takes a stand, all medications will be gunk scrapped off the bottom of the barrel. Go to the main company of the medication, and see if THEY in fact make their own generic. That is your best generic. Fillers and binders DO change chemical properties of the "active" ingredient. (Thus, sleepy eyes rather than relieved anxiety! etc.)

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I have taken xanax for over thirty years and was on the one milligram for about ten years then was moved to only one mg. For a year now and it's been really hard to cope with my anxiety. Now this sando brand is like I took nothing at all. I Just hope when I contact my doctor on Monday to discuss this that I can get some help again. This has been like a nightmare with no sleep at all. They need to take some of these generic brands off the market if they are not going to work. So unfair to customers.

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If you want your provider to continue to write for you, it would be best to take this up with the pharmacy and tuff it out this fill

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Why did we need to know that though?

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Another thing comes to mind, Rite Aid makes you happy? Why ever since Thrifty Drug and Discount Store sold out Rite Aid has been more like Wrong Aid?

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