Ectoplan Tablets (Page 3)
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They are like a gold color. the meduim sizes.

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Hello Everyone,

I am a 22 year old mother of a three year old little girl. I'm 5'1 and weigh 101 pounds. I have always been petite to say the least but I have always had the voluptuous "girly" parts, until now... After I had my daughter I weighed 150 pounds and was doing everything to lose it, three years later, I have lost it all and then some. Now I'm trying to gain it all back, but CAN'T!!! Between chasing around my very active baby girl, going to school full-time, working, and having to much sexercize. I can't gain a pound. I do eat all the time and I try to eat late at night before I go to bed too.
It's crazy I didn't know there were other women who suffered being TOO skinny. Everyone's answer is always the same... EAT MORE!!! I wish it was that easy... lol Like I read on previous posts, I'm tired of being mistaken for the teenager. My sister is four years younger than me, and always gets asked to pay for things... lmao I laugh it off but it truthfully hurts my feelings sometimes. I often look in the mirror and hate the way I look, I just want to gain another 15 pounds and get my womenly figure back... I hope these ectoplan pills really help, becasue I have tried it all. The shakes, re-placement meal bars, and eating until I literally get sick.

P.S. Has anyone ever head of the Weight Gain Plus pills by Viti Salveo??? Just a question, I heard they really work, but when I tried to order some off of they have been discontinued.
It's very nice to meet all of you and very comforting to know there are other women out there who suffer from the same problem! :-)
Well I just got the ectoplan pills today and took one so far so I'll check-in, in about a week or so and let you know how things are going.

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hi! did any1 buy da periactin online??????? im lookn 4 a safe website 2get it offf and make sure im gtn da right pillll!!!!! please sum1 let me know.....thanks!

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hey Clive, you gave me more hope. You said the drowsy feeling only last for a couple days with you maybe i gave up on it too soon hehehehe i'm gonna try it again and stick with it maybe play around with the time I take it or the amount of 1 pill i take. Thanks :-)

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Hi everyone! Salina you're right on the money, my doctor also prescribed for me Periactin. I took it one day and i got not only drowsy but got knocked out asleep completely! Then i was afraid to take it again. I'm gonna try to take half a pill today and see if it gives me any appetite without the complete fall off your chair asleep feeling. I just ordered ectoplan so i haven't tried it yet. But people, the pill is all vitamins! So even if it never lets you put on 1 pound, it's still healthy for you. So it's not a total waist regardless :-) And if it does work well then it is a win/win situation. Mainly, Periactin and i'm assuming also ectoplan is just there to make you feel hungrier more often. The real weight gain comes from EATING! My problem is i'm usually tooooo lazyyyy to make myself anything and rarely ever hungry. So really it's all about staying motivated and committed. This forum is great for that. Thanks everyone for your comments and post up updates on your progress and any tips! It helps yourself and helps everyone else too :-) much love everyone and STAY PERSISTENT!!!!! Don't give up and don't lose hope and definitely don't skip meals!! I say this to myself before anyone else cuz i sure as heck have that problem. But nothing changes without taking the 1st step. Ok enough with the pep talk lol .. take care all over n out. :-)

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ok i did more research and want 2do the periactin pillz. but where 2get them from??? is there a safe web site 2go 2????

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hey every1! ive read all the post and want to try these products!!! im 5.2 n only 90 pounds!! i look sick! i had a baby n got skinnr aftr!! which product is bettr is what i want 2know and is there any side affects other than sleepy?

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thank u 4 th info ^.~

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hey Ln0m0rel4eva - Doctors recommend taking medication after a meal, very unhealthy to take medication on an empty stomach.

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i just want to know , should i take extoplan tablet before or after meal ?

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I want to try this from the sounds of it it seem as if it works..I just was taking the 2000 calories supplement and it work I gained 10Ibs within 2weeks i lost it all once I got on the stupid depovera the birth control shot...Im going to try this ectoplan I will be buying it next week...

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For some reason the site did not want to get me the web address where I want to order the drug, in this case white Box with light blue stripes in pink down the sides? I want to be sure I buy the right medicine?
Thanks again!

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Thanks you so much for all the advice! cyproheptadine, This allergy medication? And when I take it before bed, I had to take it with food?
I want to order it online? Tell me if I chosen the correct medication.

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Vicky, ectoplan is good but it works very slow it's probably for ppl who don't want 2 gain much weight. I bought a 6 months supply (wat a waste) cuz i only used like 2 or 3 bottles. (maybe 2 and a half) Anyway i thought it was perfect cuz i actually began putting on a little weight! which was NEW to me b/c i don't gain. lol.

Then i got real frustrated and my doctor and pharmacist recommended periactin/peritol whichever u have in ur country. It's same thing cyproheptadine. It's GREAT! Now i gain more and want 2 eat everything! lol. But u should try exercising to b/c u dont want fat alone. (Well i want fat and muscle) so i look toned and HEALTHY! so gaining weight is not easy! It's extensive research, money and time, persistence!!! Eat healthy fattening foods.

So the right foods+exercise+peri OR ecto= WEIGHT GAIN
LOL!! that's my equation. Some ppl can do it with just exercise and the right foods, but some ppl like myself need a little help. lol

but both is gr8....just ecto tablet is bigger and smells kinda eew! Periactin however is small and tasteless.

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I bought the ectoplan tablets.
What is peri? Is that better? The tablets? What's full name?

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Vicky which product ecto or peri? Ecto has instructions...... so if it is peri u cud take it at night (at least my doc recommended) reason being, at the beginning it makes u sleepy so 2 avoid being drowsy during the day, taking it at night is better.

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AWW THANKS CLIVE! I LOVE HELPING PPL! Don't thank me though lol Thank the makers of the product. I thank them too. lol. But i'm glad u c results!

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Hey, I ordered the product, and I wanted to know when to take the tablet? In the morning, lunch or dinner? When it is better before a meal or after a meal?

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im doing great so far on periactin ... at first it made me very drowsy for the first 2 days .. but now , no more drowsiness and more appetite!
its about 2 weeks im on it .. and i already gained 5 pounds .... i cant f*@$#EN believe it !!
i have become a pig in eating ... finally lol .
and this is all thanx to you salina gomez .. god bless you .

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well Bethi,
it's better than nothing. It's not healthy 2 gain more than 2 pounds per week. Be grateful. if not switch 2 d periactin. I know alot of ppl who would die 4 3 pounds nw. Anyway go talk 2 ur doctor and hear wat he says.

Ppl just want A MIRACLE PILL. i've done extensive research and there exists NONE. Weight train, eat protein and love yourself. Done talk. Adios!

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i have been on ectoplan for about 3 weeks now and have only gained 3 pounds..its making me feel sick ..every time i eat i can only eat a lil bit at a time....its pathetic..i barely look any different....

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