Contrave / Rash


what does the rash that a person might get while on this med look like?

5 Replies

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It depends on why they are getting the rash.

If it's a side effect rash, it usually just looks like a systemic rash that covers a large portion of the body, but it isn't itchy and doesn't include hives.

However, an allergic rash will usually be itchy and cause hives.

The FDA lists the other typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, insomnia, nervousness and anorexia.

Have you consulted your doctor? They should be able to let you know what has caused the rash.

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I have been on Contrave for 2 weeks. I didn't have any side effects until I started taking 2 pills a day. Now I am breaking out in bumps under my arms, under my belly, my back and on the inside of my thighs. These are actually clusters of 2 bumps - not hives. I am itching like crazy! I am switching back to one pill a day to see if that helps. If not, I am going through have to stop taking Contrave. Had anyone else broke out in bumps?

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I just started contrave and no side effects so far to days dose is dose 3 , no shakes.,no head itching and hair standing on end. No fast heart rate ( like phenterine) .so far so good . I take burspar and gabapentin and I feel calm ,I'm not hungry just the thought of food makes me sick (not really ) just don't want it. I do however drink lots of water . I move more . And I sleep so much better . I am on my first week so starting Sunday I will go up to 2 pills . So far one has been fine.

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Re: Beadbaby (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I am on week 3 of contrave amd began having clusters of hives on my stomach, neck and upper legs. It began last week when I began taking two pills in the morning. It seems to get worse at night. I have bruised myself scratching so hard even though I’m using a prescription cream to help. Unfortunately, I will probably have to stop the Contrave.

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My rash looked like welts on different parts of my body. It appeared under my arms, on my stomach and neck. I bruised myself from scratching so hard and had to stop taking the medication.

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