Clonazepam Drug Test Along With Pain Meds... Could This Give A...


I go to pain man and knew I was going to be tested but I don't worry cause I don't do drugs. I have fibromyalgia and disc disorder neck and back. they give me methadone, percocet, neurontin and zanaflex. My shrink is giving me klonopin and adderall. My drug test came back positive for cocaine and THC. I don't do any drugs. I'm on enough meds. It was a blood test. Why would I hurt myself by taking drugs. Fibro causes me so much pain, I have a hard time and I take care of my mom. I need my meds to be able to do this and would never take a chance of being kicked out, now I will be. I don't understand this. I eat a lot of salmon and tuna, steaks, always use tumeric on it. I eat a lot of rice pudding with cinnamon. Would any of this cause this to happen? Also been mowing and been using viks inhaler to breath. Please help. Thank u. {edited for privacy}

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