Can I Take Penicillin And Amoxicillin At The Same Time (Top voted first)


My dentist gave me 5 days of amoxicillin they didnt work i went to a & e and the doctor gave me pencilin. Is it ok to swap my antibaotics over. Thought id ask for a secon oppinion please can someone get back to me asap. The infection is very painfull

6 Replies

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clairebell yes if the amoxicillin wasn't effective and you were written for the penicillin go ahead and stop the amoxicillin and start the pen. do plenty of warm salt water rinses/gargles this will help dry up the infection and make it feel better. also a cool compress to your face helps. hope this helps

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clairbell they will start absorbing in your system within 30 minutes of taking them, but you may not see an improvement for 2 days, but because you were already on amoxicillin you may see improvement quicker. do the salt water rinses I cant tell you how much this will help. do it several times a day if you need to, good luck

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The general rule for antibiotics is, if they are working, you shouldn't see any worsening after being on them for a full 24 hours and you should start to see improvement after taking them for a full 3 days.

The FDA lists the typical side effects for antibiotics as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

I hope it clears up soon, Clairbelle! Is there anything else I can help with?

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Thank you. Do you know how long before it will start to work? am getting the tooth removed on monday if there is no pain.

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I have a tooth infection and also a cut infection on my finger ,I take amoxclav for the finger and Was womdering if I Could take amoxillin for both infections

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I had appendixes surgery for two month now I can see some small water coming out what should I do

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