Apotex Vs Pliva Trazodone (Page 2)


My pharmacy just switched manufacturers of my prescription trazodone 50mg. It used to be made by apotex now it is pliva and I am finding that the new pills are having little to no effect and I am starting to suffer discontinuation syndrome. I talked to my pharmacist and doctor and neither one could tell me what was causing this. I was just wondering if there is anyone out there who could shed some light on the subject.

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Hope this works. (Appotex release has been delayed)

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I have called everywhere and no one carries it anymore. I think it's been yanked from distribution for some reason. Traz by Mylan is the only alternative I've found that works for me. Good luck.

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Thanks, I see that the apotex shortage is due to the fda ban just recently being removed so maybe they will be able to catch up. I also found that Mylan works fairly well (anything is 100 times better than plavia) but I see there is a shortage there too. Again, many thanks to you all.

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Does anyone know if Teva traz and Pliva traz are essentially the same since they're owned by the same company? BTW, Mylan is not working for me at all. Has anyone tried increasing the does of Myland? Thanks,

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When I got my first prescription for Mylan 50 it was in desperation due to TEVA and PLIVA being totally ineffective. I made the decision to taper off the Mylan which I did during the last few months since the middle of May. I was very angry that I was made to feel hostage. I no longer have a full nights sleep but at least each time I wake up I can go back to sleep. It seems like I wake up every 2 or 3 hours. I do seem rested the next day and walk 6 miles every morning at rising feeling refreshed but the days of sleeping 8 straight hours are over for me with NO trazodone. When appotex returns I may try going back on it.

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Now that Apotex can ship to the US again, has anyone tried ordering from a Canadian pharmacy? Or getting a smaller independent pharmacy to stock it for you? Just curious. I have managed to keep enough Apotex to stay on it this whole time. But I am now running out.

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Has anyone been successful getting Apotex T50 or other mgs? I tried again recently and Rite Aid's suppliers said they can't get it. I've been on Supplements (St John Worts and Tranquilnight) and doing pretty good....no longer captive to insurance companies, pharmacies, and the FDA. But, I'll try other pharmacies if anyone out there has been able to get it.

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I hope this link works. It is the USA site for Apotex and shows that they have available to US pharmacies NEW prescrips for Trazadone:

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And all for the governments political corrections vis a vis, phar producers without any consideration at all for the human costs and deleterious effects on people's health and well being to kick from generic made here to made there to the next generic guy in the market place.

How about tightening that stupid 20% FDA uses to okay a generic for a brand to 2.5%? Too many really bad effects have occurred in some cases, death threatening events that noone seems to care about.

Why should sick people be put in this position vis a vis medication roulette, brand and generic, and also endure horrible shortages for no reason explained.

No standards; no QA/QC; no standardization of the efficacy of meds when the 'generic equivalent' comes to town.

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Thank you for the info. I just took it to pharmacy and they were able to order. This is a "new" product, is it as effective as APO? Again, thanks so much for your help.

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It should be the same. It is just that they haven't made it in a while as you are aware!
I will try at Pharmacies here in San diego also.

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Finally.....first night on APO slept well and it seem to be as effective as it was before. Not real crazy about breaking up the divi-dose (not scored well like the desyrel) but I'll take it. Were you able to find in San Diego ? You might try Point Loma Drugs on Rosecrans Michael the Pharmacist really helps me with my mess went I go home. Again thanks for all your help this forum really works

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This is a very serious matter that should be brought to the attention of the FDA (Federal Food and Drug Administration). I have this same problem with Ativan.
The original manufacturer was Wyeth. When the patent expired and Ativan was sold to another phqrma co. Valeant, the medication became totally ineffective yet charged Brand prices!

Your psychiatrist needs to find for you another medication that can offer you the relief you desparately need now and if your current psychiatrist isn't helping you right away, find another now.

Good luck. We are all getting screwed by big PHARMA with the Government's complicity by its omission from this terrible situation with CNS meds.


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I've had chronic insomnia for most of my life and would go days without sleeping. I tried a ton of medications before I found Trazodone. Now I've been taking it for 10 years and have been through many different manufacturers.

My most recent batches were from Teva and then Mylan, and both worked as they should. The current batch is from Apotex and I cannot sleep AT ALL!

But I just have to get my doctor to write a Dispense as Written prescription for Teva or Mylan and go without sleep for a few weeks until I get the new one. It'd be nice if insurance companies would at least refund your copay in situations like these or give you a replacement for free :-/

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Yes Pliva Is just junk, Should not even be allowed to be called trazadone.But every one wants cheap drugs and thats what happens how do I get Mylan or Apotex ..I will pay more been taking trazadone for 30 yrs back when It was Desseral

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I am looking for a new Trazodone manufacturer since Mylan is no longer shipping. I've tried Pliva with disastrous results. Qualitest works some but I have to take twice as much as with Mylan. What results have people gotten with Apotex and Teva???

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I was just switched from Teva to Qualitest and find that I do better on the Teva. I have been on Teva Trazodone for 15 years and now they switch me! I called the pharmacy and they referred me to another pharmacy and will get back on the Teva. I guess everyone's system is different and we get used to one and when we are switched our bodies know the difference.

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Drug Companies Know Trazadone Is a good Antidepessant/Sleep medication .Problem Is It was to good..So they compensate thease other small Co. that make good trazadone not to make It anymore !! And they flood the market With this cheap Pliva.So you have to go In and try other Medications Its Probably near free to Pharmasists..There not making enough money on the good Trazadone. Thank the goverment For $4.00 scripts.Drug companys are only interrested In one thing money..You find a med that works then they change It.

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You know when you click on thease trazadone properties here you never get any pliva Ingredients ..Its Definitly a dirty drug with to many fillers ,You look up Apotex And It tells You no Preservatives,,I was on Pliva now seems like three years becuse I believed my Pharmasists,Finaly I find out It is available sinse sept 2011,Have not got It yet but will This week.Yea maybe theres more wrong with me than just a Little Anxiety But The VA The Pharmacists Dont know or dont care..I lost three years of my life becuse the F.D.A.shut the Apotex Co down For two years of importing to The US ,Europe and many other countries kept Getting It ..Apotex Is Suing The F.D.A. And If They want me To Testify I will !!!! Drug Co.s. and there Money Can buy Anyone, Bouught the F.D.A.Becuse Half There sales Were In the US. Just Give Me that Chance!!!

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I agree. I am just now getting this pliva trazadone and it is not working. I am going to have to talk to my MD to see if there is an alternative. I am going to call around to some other pharmacies to see if they have the APO brand.

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