White Round Pill 54 411 How To Take (Page 6) (Top voted first)


How do u take a subutex? Is it the same as taking as taking a suboxone?

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Subutex is to be put under your tongue until it dissolves. Do not eat drink or smoke for 15-20 mins before or after it dissolves. You are not clean just because you aren't taking other drugs... You are recovering and still on drugs, but the good news is you're on your way to getting clean. All u have to do is taper yourself off of them and not do any more drugs and then u will be clean, but u will always be an addict so don't think u can just pick up and put down ur drug of choice whenever you want. U will always be an addict and the only way to stay clean is to stay away from your drug of choice and i'm not some AA person, don't believe in it... just an addict who still uses and will quit when I recover from my back surgery. I'm no better or worse than anyone else on this page.

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Not talking s***. I just feel that most people are completely misinformed when it comes to subs. It's a very potent maintenance opiate just like methadone. Only difference is that it's less likely to be abused because it's got a low ceiling effect and doesn't affect the "pleasure" receptors (doesn't make you feel high). I think it's great that it allows people to live more "normal" lives. However just like all opiates that hijack your natural endocrine (endorphins) system, subs make you numb to life. You don't get happy, you don't get sad. Food doesn't taste as good, music doesn't sound as good. And then if you decide you wanna stop, the w/d's make opioid w/d's seem like a walk in the park. I just wish doctors were more honest about what it really was... Instead of just trying to get you hooked so that they can receive their kickback.

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Re: here2help (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Yes it will , I busted one and a half and took a half and it threw me into withdraws

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Re: bopee (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

No, It will throw you into immediate withdrawals.

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Re: Bruce (# 108) Expand Referenced Message

You can break Subutex. I break mine into half's or 1/4s every day. On another note. Don't take any other opiates with suboxone or Subutex. It will either put you in withdrawal or not work. The suboxone will put you in withdrawal if you try to take it any other way then putting it under your tongue. Even if you crush or break it.

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Yes it tastes bad....but under the tongue is correct....

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So true all your doing is switching drugs trading one drug for another your not clean

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what will it do and is it good for at work

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No. Subutex will not put you in withdrawls. suboxone will. Big difference between the 2.

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First of all ur not clean if you have been on methadone or subs, I don't know why everyone says oh I've been clean for a year except all the subs or methadone they are just as addictive as pills. Ur not clean unless you are taking nothing. I've been an addict for the past 5 years my soon to be ex husband gave me my first pill. It has ruined my life. I've lost everything that I worked so hard for; even lost custody of one of my sons.

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Actually you're not "clean" you're just off the illicit drugs. To be CLEAN means you are free from all mind or mood altering drugs. And Subs are mood altering. So NO you are absolutely NOT clean. You will be clean the day you never need a pill/drug to get through the day. End of story. Be you like you were as a child or before drugs or alcohol were in your life then you can consider yourself clean. Until then you are still on drugs.

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Is it harmful to use Xanax with subutex?

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So you just spit it out once it has dissolved under tongue?

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Sub tex pill 54/ 411. I swallowed it and did not put under tongue. Is it still going to work as good or should I put another under my tongue ? Any help asap would be great thank you.

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