Teva Lorazepam Reviews (Page 3)
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I'm seeking insights and reviews on Teva Lorazepam and its comparison with Leading Pharma's version. There's a notable divide in user experiences. Some report Leading Pharma Lorazepam as being less effective or having no effect, possibly due to variations in the active ingredient, leading to side effects or adverse reactions in certain cases.

While there are those who recommend Teva Lorazepam for its efficacy, others find Leading Pharma's version more suitable. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to try Teva Lorazepam since it's not available in my area – no local pharmacies dispense it.

My experience with other brands, post the discontinuation of Qualitest, hasn't been successful in finding a comparable alternative. I'm particularly interested in understanding how Teva Lorazepam and Leading Pharma's lorazepam differ in terms of effectiveness and user satisfaction.

If you've had experiences with either or both of these medications, your reviews would be incredibly valuable. Any insights into their efficacy, side effects, or overall satisfaction would greatly help me and others in our decisions.

652 Replies (33 Pages)

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Re: Jibbs55 (# 611) Expand Referenced Message

Mine is .5 and still making me sick every day. We have 2 psych docs at the local clinic and neither will change it for me or order another brand. All they tell me to do is go to ER. Maybe if I did they could order me something else but I really doubt that. I just am couch bound until around 8 when I can do a little. Glad to hear it's working for you. I haven't heard many say it worked for them.

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Re: Paula (# 607) Expand Referenced Message

Paula can you tell me what strength of the Aurobindo you've been giving. I'm curious because I just got a small supply today to bridge me till I get my new fill and it's 1mg Aurobindo. I kid you not it feels like what I had before in both 0.5 - 1mg. It's been years since I've felt relief. If anyone else could chime in and let me know what strength y'all have been saying has changed I'd be grateful. I've only taking one 1mg pill and I'm feeling pretty good. Fill me in guys. Peace y'all!

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Re: Paula (# 607) Expand Referenced Message

I know Joe has had a lot of experience with Aurobindo. I believe it was he that said it changed formula. Few years ago it work awesome for me. Sure would help me now going through these withdrawals. Hope that helps.

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Here's my thoughts about Teva and Leading brand. I was on Teva probably over a year. It really isn't as effective as Leading brand for me. Here's why... As most of you know I'm being tapered down off from lorazepam. Yesterday I received my fill and got Leading. So I'm at a lower dose still. But this Leading is working much better then the Teva. My body is so sensitive right now that the slightest change is noticeable. But I have said in the past the two worked about the same for me. That's taking under consideration I wasn't being tapered off. Trying to be totally honest that Leading brand is not a placebo or sugar tablet. I'm perplexed that Aurobindo as a few of you have mentioned might have changed their formula. Nothing would surprise me. But dang it worked well few years ago for me. There's more stuff I'd add here but I don't want to trigger anyone what this taper is like. Also it looks like maybe they're going to back down a bit and leave me where I'm at. Can't give the details because what I said above. I did post a link to the Aurobindo chat that's on here. But the admins haven't posted it yet. Just search discussions if they don't post my last reply. Wish y'all the best!

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Re: Paula (# 607) Expand Referenced Message

It's just one of the boards on here:

Hope this helps!

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Re: Jibbs55 (# 593) Expand Referenced Message

Where did you find an Aurobindo chat? I have been looking but can't find anything on the internet. I want to talk with someone who is taking it and having a bad time. The pharmacy tells me that they have had no complaints but I'm sorry, I just do not believe that.

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Re: Paula (# 603) Expand Referenced Message

paula you will adjust right now your in withdrawal . when i went from watson to teva i felt terrible for 2 weeks teva felt a lot stronger to me . but in your case you got a weaker med so its like you tapered down your original dose this is why you are having the problems if it does not level off in 3 to 4 weeks you may have to take more of that brand to stabilize

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Re: Jibbs55 (# 604) Expand Referenced Message

i am in the north east and last month i had to call a few different places to find it as my normal cvs and all cvs in my area did not have it

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Re: Paula (# 600) Expand Referenced Message

We've got Teva here in my state. I'm out west. Seems to be the only thing they've got. But I haven't asked around. Both Leading and Teva work about the same for me.

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Re: Gsrmike2377 (# 598) Expand Referenced Message

If this Aurobindo is taking such a toll on me, is it possible that I might adjust to it? What symptoms did you have going from Watson to Teva? I take one in the morning and start the shaking and lightheadedness and pretty much feel the same after the other doses. I would try my best to ride it out if I thought I would adjust. Today it is affecting my stomach and I feel hopeless and cry alot. I had been on Teva prior to this. No problems

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Re: Paula (# 600) Expand Referenced Message

That's what Walgreens told me too.....I like Teva better than Leading if for no other reason-smaller pills, smaller bottles.

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Re: Paula (# 599) Expand Referenced Message

Your doctor is probably covering his ass in case you have a seizure from the abrupt lorazepam withdrawal.

Never hurts to have your doc submit a prior auth request to your insurance for the brand name Ativan.

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Re: joe (# 580) Expand Referenced Message

I read they may be back online in mid to late December for Teva.

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Re: joe (# 596) Expand Referenced Message

Nothing but Leading in my area. Can't help but think it has to be better than Aurobindo. I have been on it for a week and sick every day. Wonder if there is any chance I will adjust to it after awhile. My doc wants me to go to ER but what could they do but take my money for the visit?

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Re: Doobs (# 592) Expand Referenced Message

This happend to me as well when I switch from watson to teva. It takes about 2 week to adjust. But yes it felt way stronger to me as well

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Re: Paula (# 595) Expand Referenced Message

Leading works much better than M&Ms but not for everyone.

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Re: Paula (# 595) Expand Referenced Message

i feel bad as you have a choice of bad and real bad, i would be looking at pharmacies outside the county because your choices are just terrible, m&m;s would work better than your present choices, good luck

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Re: Lou (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I am searching for opinions on Leading lorazepam as this Aurobindo had tried it's best to kill me off the last 4 days. My choices are that or Leading so I am totally lost from here. I am far from the only one from what I have read.

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I'm sure what I'm about to say many of you are aware of what things trigger panic attacks. The biggest thing is caffeinated beverages. Chocolate really huge. Two of the biggest panic attacks triggers for many. Scented soaps as in hand soap, dish soap, laundry detergent and fabric softeners. Anything high in fragrance. Shampoos, deodorant and colognes will trigger folks. Wood smoke from BBQ's. I have neighbors that have passed away that used all unscented laundry detergents and fabric softeners. It was a blessing not smelling that. New neighbors moved in, bam, instant panic attack. People smoking or vaping. Marijuana takes me out. No dissing anyone here, just telling y'all what can trigger more anxiety. I'm still going through a very rough valley right now. Few things have changed and are being addressed as I'm writing this. Keep the faith y'all. I wish ya the best.

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Re: Doobs (# 592) Expand Referenced Message

I've experienced that same situation plenty of times. Where I get mine they switch back and forth from Teva to Leading. They are totally aware of my circumstances. All I could do and still do is just roll with it. The worst of the two evils is being off it completely. Aurobindo and Mylan worked great. Think some of the folks on the Aurobindo chat say they feel it's changed formula as well. I couldn't say because it's probably been 3 years since I had it last. You most likely won't have much luck getting your last fill changed till the next one. There's some good folks out there still that see what we're all talking about. Met two teams of them this past week. Hang in there!

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