Taking Suboxone After Norco (Top voted first)


I have been on 16 mg of suboxone for almost a month. Last night I took 3 norco 10 mgs at the same time. It has been 15 hours can I take my suboxone?

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From what I've seen on other threads, it seems like most people recommend waiting until the norco is completely out of your system before taking suboxone (which may be an estimated 24-48 hours based on how much you took).

So yeah, I get the sense that you're on the right track, but if it were me I'd probably try to wait it out for another day or so (may be easier said than done).

There's also something called a Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) which you can look up online that asks you a series of questions to help you better determine when you might be in withdrawals and therefore ready to use suboxone.

I hope this helps!

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I have taken norco while on my suboxone. Some people say they get sick . Like withdrawal. I have never gotten sick. I guess it just depends on the person

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No, don't take Suboxone until you are in the beginning stages of withdrawal, otherwise you will be thrown into PRECIPITATED WITHDRAWAL!!!
I have been on Suboxone for five years and I can tell you, there isn't any pain pill that WILL break through the barrier!

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I have only been taking 'suboxone for one month (8 mg. a day). Can I stop cold turkey since I have been on it for such a short time without having any withdrawal symptoms.

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