Stopped Lexapro 8 Days Ago (Top voted first)


Hi guys hoping to get some advice here, I was out on lexapro after a pretty bad pannick attack from medication in as given by a doctor that dehydrated me and put me in the ER. I took 10mg of generic Lexapro at 10mg for a bit over a week and was so tired that it was hard to stay awake, spoke to the doctor and he said to switch to 5mg which I did for about a week the we cut down to 2.5mg for about a week then cut it down to half of that pill for about 4 days. After doing this I cut it down to half of that pill for 3 days.

During this time of cutting down each dose I had a few symptoms as In slight anxiety not much, nervousness, minor headaches which got stronger for a few days then went away, brain fog, depersonalization and just a alone feeling. Within the time I had been on it I have lost almost 17 pounds from not eating much and in the past 8 days I had some sever GI issues for the fist 4 days the diherra has stopped thankfully. In the past 4 days I have been getting much better a small headache every once in a while that is in the pemple with tingling not that bad. Seems like my appetite is comming back slightly and forgot to mention my hands the two fingers at the end of my hand is the ring and pinky finger both were going numb when I slept are pretty much gone. Question is I feel the taper was good in length, still having small minor issues but not sever at all. Was hoping to hear some advice if I should be out of the woods soon with this. Each step down had its own withdrawal which were strong then went away. I look forward to your responses, my heart goes out to all of you who have had a tough time with withdrawal.

2 Replies

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Hello, JCW! How are you?

Yes, the symptoms should go away soon, since you did such a slow and cautious taper. Other withdrawal effects, as listed by the FDA, may include nausea, chills, diarrhea and rebound anxiety.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Hi guys, things have been looking better for me, still get some anxiety from time to time. The stomache issues keep getting better day by day, headaches still come around from time to time. Started to eat healthy gaining some strength back and sleeping less during the day which has almost stopped. Hope you all are well and I will check back in soon with more progress.

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