Reduce 15 Mg (Page 6)


A friend of mine got some slimming pills called Reduce 15 mg that he bought in Thailand. They are not allowed in the country where I live, so I can't consult my doctor. I'm healthy but I have suffered from stress due to too much work, and have been medicated for that a couple of times, though not currently. I'm not fat, but I have gained 20 kg due to stress. Do you know which secondary efects these pills could have or if I should take them at all?

107 Replies (6 Pages)

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Did you ever get a response on this? I'm in the same position at the moment! Cheers!

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I'm currently in Phuket and can confirm that these are still for sale 20mg on Bangla Road. I first tried Phuket town and the chemists were refusing to sell me it. Next I went to Bangla Road and almost every chemist would sell it. Prices have gone up to around 300 Baht for 10.

Day 4 using them and so far do not feel hungry come lunch time. But come 4-5pm i'm really hungry and tend to over eat. Maybe worth taking a 2nd pill later in the day?

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If you buy it in Nanai road you would pay 200 or 150 at my local pharmacy.

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Did u have any luck? I can't find any slimex or reduce that's not fake...

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Hi there. Yes they are fine. l also suffer from the same things. They are good but one thing is that after a while it will be hard to get to sleep. But yes they work well and l had no side effects. But lm not your doctor, im just telling you how they went for me. But they worked fine for me. Good luck.

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Re: Hannah (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I have and found them the only thing that works for me as I have no Thyroid.

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Re: Hannah (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Where are you getting your prescription filled? They are the best.

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