Pass Etg In 30 Hours (Page 16) (Top voted first)


I've been clean from alcohol for 30 hours. I've had a gallon of water yesterday and one before testing. I also drank a creatine mixture to raise my levels. Do you think I'd pass an EtG?

326 Replies (17 Pages)

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Re: Ric (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

What did your probation officer do to you for having dirty tests?

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Re: JJ (# 201) Expand Referenced Message

Somewhat helpful
I had 3 shots of jack and only have 36 hours. Drinking lots of water and tea. Hope I pass.

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Re: pmoney (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Everything on the internet will tell you it takes at least 80 hours to pass. That’s BS. I drank beer on a Sunday until about 11pm. I took a lab test Tuesday at 6 pm and passed. Drank lots of water all through Monday and Tuesday leading up to my test, took a ton of B vitamins a few hours before to help the dilution. They tell you 80 hours or more but if you take the right steps and drink TONS of water (like keep drinking water non stop) it is possible.

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Re: Buddy (# 311) Expand Referenced Message

Did you pass? I know this is super late

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You should be fine...But please check back in and let know how things went good luck!
**Also be careful not to dilute (sometimes it is an automatic positive)

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This is really a question for my Gfriend, she drank 5 NA beer "ODouls" and clamato, and came up for ETG test the next day, so roughly 20 hours after consuming this, I wonder if the ETG will be above the minimal limits. she purposely drinks NA beer because of the sensitivity of her job, but usually does not drink at all.

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todd007e (# 151) --

Well good luck! Hope things turn out well for you!

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Re: Student05 (# 152) Expand Referenced Message

Hi - kristen again. Went to Mexico last Wednesday, (in a wedding), flying home tomorrow. HEAVY drinking ALL week long. Have a test on Saturday at 10am which will put me at 84 hours clean. Am I good even though it was a heavy drinking week?

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Re: Omar (# 169) Expand Referenced Message

That is great to hear!
Thank you for sharing your experience!

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So I drank heavily Saturday night. Two bottles of wine. Then another bottle Sunday day last drink at 7pm. Did not drink again until Monday at 4pm 4 glasses of champagne, last drink at 6pm. I take a UA at 5:30pm Wednesday. Will I be okay? 48 hours after last drink.

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Re: KW (# 231) Expand Referenced Message

As far as I know I passed. It's been 2 weeks now and heard nothing. Sorry about the late replly. Good luck!

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Re: pmoney (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

No not at all. Do not take the test. I know for a fact u wont.

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Re: On Probation (# 284) Expand Referenced Message

Come on. If you diluted like this you’d test diluted. Which is a FAIL!

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I have no idea ive heard a few drinks will not show after 24 hours but ive searched the internet and noone has even been able to answer the rate at which the etg is eliminated, i wish anyone would, im sure plenty are tsking this test and noone really answers, best i know is if mod drinking you will pass after about 56 hours but if anyone could give an example like say my etg level was 2300 at noon what would it be at 6 p.m.

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Re: Student05 (# 99) Expand Referenced Message

And also 2.5 glasses of wine between 12-1 in the afternoon...Workout at night...Lots of water...And Test at 430PM the next day.

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If I drank 3 glasses of wine 14% and a bottle of sake 14% with dinner. Not sure if I finished the bottle on Thursday 5-8:30pm and might have to test Monday at 4pm. What are my chances of passing. Drank a ton of water yeastersay. Drinking a ton of water today. Took vitamins. I’m worried.

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Taking an ETG be very careful because it will show up within 80 hours. You have to wait at least 80 hours for you to pass this test. Please be careful wait at least 80 hours. Knowing me if I had to take a test like this I would wait 90 hours that's just me. Lol
Good luck. Please wait at least 80 hours.

Just trying to help.

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Re: On Probation (# 286) Expand Referenced Message

Instant or not. The etg would have shown no reading. You did not pass any etg after 30 hours when you drank that much. Absolutely no chance that’s even remotely possible. Please stop telling people lies to get their hopes up

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Re: On Probation (# 288) Expand Referenced Message

You’re lying and giving people false hope. Either your test was diluted or you failed. 36 hours after all of those drinks is not passable. The test even at 500 cut off would nail you!

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I have found the ETG to be a pain in the butt, I tested positive twice and had no drinks of alcohol but, had been exposed to many things in my line of work that contain alcohol. Of course the Probation Officer does not believe. It has been several months since, I have been on desk duty due to Spine surgery and I my Last test came up Negative, I do drink a NA beer or 2 a few times a week. This last Saturday Morning about 10:00 AM, I was out of town and had a Mimosa with some friends and Saturday Evening, 2 Becks NA, Monday Morning Check-in for UA and have to give sample by 7:00 PM, I am kind of worried because if it becomes positive because of past failures, I lose a lot! Should I be worried with near 60 hours of no alcohol?

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