Ondansetron For My Pregnant Wife
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Hi everyone, my wife has been dealing with some debilitating nausea, accompanied with occasional vomiting. She's about 7 weeks into her pregnancy. For the past few days she's barely been able to eat anything more than apple slices, saltine crackers, and some sparkling water. I feel so bad for her! Even plain water is hard for her to stomach.

Anyways, our OB has prescribed some Ondansetron for her in hopes that it will bring some relief. She just took her first dose about an hour ago. We usually try to avoid meds as much as possible, but we have already tried some natural products such as ginger, a special morning sickness tea (with ginger, peppermint, spearmint, chamomile), and even an herbal pill (with ginger, vitamin B6, folic acid) ... to no avail.

Does anybody out there have some experience with this? I'm just wondering if it's pretty common for some other expectant mothers to feel so sick and have to take medications?

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No worries, I'm about seven to eight weeks myself and have been suffering from crippling nausea. Some days i couldn't eat, drink or get out of bed. I've been taking this, as well as Zofran (lifesaver!) and Phenergan. I understand wanting to minimize pharmaceuticals as much as possible, but it will not hurt your baby and will prevent your wife from becoming malnourished and dehydrated, which is much more serious. And miserable. This is very normal. I wish your growing family nothing but the best and I hope she feels better soon:)

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This drug will not cause any harm, I have taken it for years
for nausea caused by migranes. Chew it up and hold it under your toungue for a few mins for much faster action.
The injectable form is very helpful at the 8 mg dosage.

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My wife and i had an ultrasound at 9 weeks and there was no heart beat. It was found that the fetus had stopped developing at around 6 weeks which just happens to be around the time that my wife started taking this for her constant morning sickness. Of course i can't say for sure that the drug was to blame, but the next time we get pregnant we are going to really try to see if she can cope without taking any drugs. Hope that your wife is doing well.

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