Olmetrack Am
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OLMETRACK AM-----this medicine is used for bp controlling or not.plz help...........

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Olmetrack-AM contains the active ingredients Olmesartan and Amlodipine and yes, it is used to help lower high blood pressure and to treat certain cardiac conditions.

Learn more Olmesartan details here.

Learn more Amlodipine details here.

Nikita, have you tried just taking it earlier in the day, rather than at 5pm? That could help eliminate the nighttime urination issue. Several times I've taken different medications and my doctor has specifically told me not to take them at night for that reason.

And Sanjay, like any medication used for a long period of time, there is some risk of developing liver or kidney damage, but the risk of letting your blood pressure or a cardiac condition go out of control are far greater and much more dangerous.

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impact of long term use of olmetrack am and its side effects.

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57 year old diabetic patient, CKD stage 3, BP and cholestrol. Taking meds:
Telma 20, morning
ecosprin 150 after lunch
minipres XL 5 pm
dilzem 120, atorva 10, after dinner

night time urination is the issue. is Revolol Am 50/5 or Olmetrack AM safe in this case to prevent night time urination, if minipres XL is stopped

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