Off-white Oblong Pill Alza 18 (Top voted first)


small oblong cylindar shaped cream colored

14 Replies

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They are like adderoll and other ADHD meds. They are good for slowing down to focus if lyou take one when you dont have ADHD you get sped up and you focus on what you are doing a lot better if you have ADHD it slows you down and helps you focus. You find it alot on college campuses kids take it to help clm down and focus before a big test. It is good, it doesnt impare your vision or ability to do anything, it symply help you focus.

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i used it during my high school years, i have adhd but was never prescribes alza 18. some kids gave me his bottle after i tried it a few times,it helped me concentrate but also gave me a a seedy high, so it could be abused or used as a head start in studying

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I found this pill in a chair of our home. Would like to know what its used for. Alza 18 was written on the side of the pill.

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Me too!!!! I found one too.. Thats why I am here.. I would like to know too.... Thanks

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my little brother takes them and thay make him sick.and its like thay tern him into a lomby.and im trying to find ou what thay are couse his dad wont tell us what thy are please help me

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hi, my friend found Alza 18 drug in his backback and wants to know if its good or bad. and what it does.

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This is Concerta, just as Vanessa said in her post. Methylphenidate CR 18mgs, once daily dosing. So it is used for ADHD treatments.

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I found a oval cream colored pill with alza 18 on the side of it.. It was in the bottom of my 16 yr old daughters purse.

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Tina - does your daughter have a prescription for Concerta? If not then I wonder if she got the pill from a friend?

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This pill is for a type of adhd but THESE ARE A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE so make sure that you have paper work for these and demand them

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yah im about to take it before my finals, works so good helps me focus for hours and i ace the final :)

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Hi All,

alza 18 is Concerta extended release.

This is a med for ADHD, but is always up for debate as to whether it's good or bad.

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Alza18 pill is a ADHD PILL It will cause drowsiness or dizziness

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