Neurological Disorders Forums (Page 3)

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I noticed since I took myself off Savella. I know I should of weaned myself off it. I'm now having bussing or vibration sounds in my ears off and on Does anyone have this issue. I hoping it goes away it very annoying. Thanks ## Hi Arlene, I haven't found much on the specific side effect you're experiencing, but visual & auditory hallucinations are listed as a severe side effect of Savella (Milnacipran) on a number of different webpages. Ref: How long has it been since you last took any? I'm also thinking it could just be withdrawal type symptoms that will eventually subside as your body levels out. I hope this helps!

1 REPLY Updated in Savella

I started savella about a month ago. My Dr prescribed it for fibfomyalgia. My problem now is that I am constantly thirsty, especially at night. My pain relief has been tremendous and I have lost about 9 pounds. Has anyone else experienced being so thirsty? ## Dry mouth is a common side effect of Savella, just like it is with many medications, and that usually leads to dry throat, which causes the thirst. It's not a dangerous symptom, just annoying. In many cases it worsens at night, because people tend to breathe more through their mouths then, especially when sleeping. Unless you start drinking so much that it leads to fluid weight gain and edema, you're most likely safe to just sip liquids and moisten whenever needed, but you should double check this with your doctor to be sur...

1 REPLY Updated in Savella

Why won't any of the insurances pay for my savella? Where can I find help? PDQ ## It is a fairly new medication, which really translates to two things when it comes to insurance companies, it's very expensive and it hasn't been use by a lot of people, yet. Learn more Savella details here. And unfortunately, the only assistance programs that I am aware of are for people that don't have any insurance. Have you tried looking into alternative medications?

1 REPLY Updated in Savella

Having been experimented with and suffered daily side effects of many other drugs to deal with fibromyalgia and related pain disorders; I am reluctant after reading the others reports of increased insomnia, severe sweats, nausea to the point of vomiting, not to mention increased blood pressure and heart attack risks. I have got to be my own best advocate and exercise caution. This is a relatively new drug on the market and notice that it is being recalled in Europe. Would like to hear others thoughts on this subject. ## Laurie. I too am a Fibro/CFS patient of 22 yrs, and have tried practically 'everything' under the sun. I was given samples of Savella, in a packet from my doctor. I brought it home, and proceeded to read EVERYTHING I could find on this med. I am very sensitive to...

9 REPLIES Updated in Savella

I started taking savella in place if Lyrica because of the side effects I was having from Lyrica. Terrible memory, weight gain, swelling in hands and face, feeling goofy and unable to concentrate. Also, not able to sleep. The savella seemed to give me back my life. I slept all night the first night. That hadden happened in twelve years, without rx sleep med. my osteoarthritis was significantly better. My mood was better. I told the doctor that she gave me back my life! Now I have been on it for two months. I started experiencing several hot flashes a day with terrible sweats. Thought it was just menopause. Now my blood pressure is high, my heart is flip flopping in my chest and causes me to cough. My resting heart rate is constantly between 85-110. My ears are ringing and buzzing terrib...

2 REPLIES Updated in Savella

I have just increased dosage of viibryd to 40mg from 20. i have ms, fibromyalgia, and epstein barr. does anyone know take savella and viibryd together or on the same day. ## WE do have a very active thread involving people that use Viibryd, here's a link to it, so you can see what other's are experiencing: As to combing it with Savella, has your doctor told you to do so? There are some possible serious interactions, so it is generally advised that they shouldn't be used together. Taking them both creates the risk of Seratonin Syndrome, Hyponatremia and several other problems. ## Thank you for your reply. In fact I have switched to celexa as vibriyd was not working for me andI i found myself uncontrollably tearful. ## very sorry to read that, but you did the right thing, we h...

5 REPLIES Updated in Savella

As I was weaning off of savella, I started to have intrusive thoughts. I already have anxiety, so I know that it's probably fueling these thoughts that I am having. I was wondering if anybody else had this issue from weaning off of savella. ## Savella contains the active ingredient Milnaciprin, which is an SNRI, so it does have an effect on brain chemicals and can cause such symptoms, when you are stopping it. Learn more Savella details here. Have you spoken to your doctor about the problem? How bad are the intrusive thoughts? ## They are pretty bad; I'm having them every day, with other symptoms such as panic, and BAD depression. I talked to my psych yesterday, and she said that Savella was going to be approved in the US very soon for depression and anxiety along with fibro.

2 REPLIES Updated in Savella

I just started taking zabella to treat fibromyalgia today i have a awful headache i was wondering if i can take the bu/apap to get rid of it. I took the zavella at 8 am ## I didn't find any interactions listed between the Savella and Fioricet. Learn more Savella details here. Learn more Fioricet details here. However, you should check with your doctor or pharmacist to be certain. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated in Savella

Does Savelle have Gluten in it? ## Does Savella have gluten in it? ## Hi Paula, In order to determine whether or not a medication has gluten, one would need to contact the manufacturer for a list of the inactive ingredients. I can tell you based on personal experience that most medications do not contain any gluten; but caution is always advised for those with an intolerance. Do you perhaps have a pill imprint or name of the manufacturer that you could provide? I may be able to find this information out for you if I have those details.

2 REPLIES Updated in Savella

The doctor recently changed my medicine from Cymbalta to Savella. Savella worked for the pain from fibromyalgia but the excessive sweating, constantly feeling drunk, and horrific nightmares has caused my doctor to change the meds again. Anyone else experience nightmares while taking Savella? ## Savella contains the active ingredient Milnacipran, which is an SNRI and really, any medication that works on brain chemicals may cause you to experience nightmares, or other mental issues. Learn more Savella details here. What medication are you taking now? ## Thanks for the information. Right now I am not taking anything but an occasional Hydrocodone for pain. Weaning off of Savella was one I the most painful things I have ever done. Constant pain is my companion. I do take the new drug Viibyrd...

3 REPLIES Updated in Savella

Ive recently been getting my Savella from my Insurance. Now, their saying I can't get it for free anymore. How can I get help paying for it? ## The manufacturer, Forest Pharmaceuticals does have an assistance program for Savella, however, I haven't been able to find any specific information on the requirements for it. You can call them to check into it at 800-851-0758. Learn more Savella details here. How much do you have to pay for it now?

1 REPLY Updated in Savella

I wish to purchase Savella, (also known as Ixel, Dalcipran, Toledomin). Is this drug available in the UK? ## From what I could gather, Milnacipran (trade name Savella) is not yet licensed in the UK. This information is referenced from the following PDF file: I haven't located any other specific details as to when it might become available, but in the meantime you may have to consider other alternative options. Hope this info helps!

1 REPLY Updated in Savella

My first Savella was last night (tritation pack) This Fibro has me ready to just scream. The pain has been unbearable and has altered my dialy life. My Dr, has me on pain meds and we are starting the Savella in hopes it will be some help. Anyone who has input with thier experience would be so appreciated. Thanks so much.... ## You can probably gain some valuable information from this thread from users. And you can learn more Savella drug information here. How has it been going so far?

1 REPLY Updated in Savella

I am getting off Savella , due to sever leg & hand cramping, nausea, fast irregular heartbeat, and trouble sleeping. Savella did help me with the Fybromyalgia pain for the first 2 months and it was great not to feel pain, but now as other medications " The Thrill is Gone". I am still having the leg cramping ; how long will that go on ??? ## Since you were on it for a few months, it may take about a month for your body to adjust to no longer having it and for the effects to taper off, so things return to normal. Will you be trying something different, now? ## Well, I don't know what my Doctor is going to offer now. I have tried most of all the new medications but it seems that I get all the side effects to them . When the pain level gets to a 10 then I go to the ER & ...

2 REPLIES Updated in Savella

OK I am taking savella at a low dose half the normal and only been on it a week I am taking the titration pack. I'm sure I'm off on spelling. I am taking it for dysthesia in my face. Anyway I was wondering If anyone is experiencing yellowing of the eyes? I have felt a lil cloudy and tired but No nausea yet. This Med is really already causing me benefits and that's awesome I am excited to feel less pain. But I've only seen yellowing on the severe side effect list? I c the Dr Tuesday. Just looking here till then ## Have you contacted your doctor? While it isn't common, Savella has been known to cause jaundice in a small percentage of people that use it, so you may need medical treatment and it may not be the right medication for you to take.

1 REPLY Updated in Savella

I take Savella and Prednisone daily. Any problem with that? ## There are no interactions that I can find listed between using the two of them together, but you should check with your doctor, or pharmacist to be certain. Were they both prescribed by the same doctor?

1 REPLY Updated in Savella

Does savella contain salicylates. What about ibuprofen, flexeril, and hyoscyamine sulfate? My wife has a problem with salicylates. ## Unfortunately I can't look up each medication by name to find this out, but what I can provide is information regarding what products or foods generally contain salicylates, and based on this list you can single things out that may or may not be a problem. If you take a look at the link below and scroll down a bit, you'll find a list of "Brand Names of Common Drugs containing Salicylate" that was put together by the Mayo Clinic: While it's not a complete list, it does recommend that if you are taking a medication and are not sure if it contains salicylate, to check with your pharmacist or doctor. I could also look up each drug you have...

1 REPLY Updated in Savella

i have a nefrotic syndrum i have been using it for 5 weeks and i didnt see any result how long does it tack to see results my creatnine is 6.7 now ## Have you consulted your doctor? Acthar gel contains Corticotropin, which is a manmade form of a naturally occurring hormone. However, there is no way to certain of the effectiveness of anything for any given person that uses it, so it may not be the right thing for you to use.

1 REPLY Updated in Acthar HP Gel

im needing help paying for my savella-and i do not have any insurance ## The manufacturer, Forest Pharmaceuticals has an assistance program for this medication, for uninsured patients. You can call them for more information at 800-851-0758 Many of these programs provide the medications for free to low income people, or on a sliding fee scale. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated in Savella

After being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia I have taken Neurotin, Topomax, Lyrica and now Savella. During this period of time I have gained 70lbs. I want to know what medication I can take for the fibro that will relieve headache pain yet will stop the weight gain and maybe even help me to get rid of this extra weight. ## There is actually no way to say how any medication will affect any person that takes it, so there is really no way to answer this question. While most of these medications can cause weight gain, it's usually not as extreme as what you've experienced. Have you discussed this problem with your doctor? Are you watching your diet and making sure that you get proper exercise on a regular basis? ## yes, this has been discussed with my dr. She suggested exercise and diet...

3 REPLIES Updated in Savella
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