Metoprolol & Hair Loss (Page 9) (Top voted first)


I have been taking 200 mg. a day for about 4 years. I thought it was a coincidence that I've lost 50% of my hair during this time because I am also going through menopause. I just found out that it is possible the hair loss is caused by metoprolol, so my doctor just wrote me a RX for a different drug. Will my hair grow back? It was very long, down to my waist, but I've been cutting it to compensate for the thinness. I just touch my head and lose a few hairs! Any ideas?

165 Replies (9 Pages)

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Thanks for the reply everyone. It seems everybody is having the same symptoms. I will most definetly talk to my doctor and tell him my concerns and see if he has anything in mind that will be better for me to take. I know this sounds crazy but I have a meditation book I just borrowed from the library. They have a meditations that treats high blood pressure, it says that it is just as effective minus the drugs! I plan on trying it, I'll let ya know how it goes. In the meantime, maybe you's should try it! It wouldn't hurt :)

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Did your hair grow back?

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Do mention to your doctor! I have mentioned it to my internal med doc last 2 visits as Metoprolol related. He seemed to ignore my concern! I plan to mention to cardiologist who prescribed it for an occasional fast heart rate. Mentioned it last visit. He ignored it or didn't think important!! As a senior citizen much is overlooked in a 5-8 minute visit! My neurologist says it is drug of choice for essential tremors. We need to be proactive in our care today!

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I too was on that drug but after I realized that my thick hair was thinning I got off of it. Now my hair is thickening again. But it has not grow the length that it was before I cut it very short to start over.

My blood pressure was high but it was taken by my doctor before 12noon each time and it was usually up. Now I have taken control of my health and I have been taken Pomagrenate Extract for 3 months and as of yesterday my blood pressure was 120/79. This is great. The extract works and I no longer need any blood pressure medication. Let's go for preventiveness and not just treament. That's what most conventional doctors offer.

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I'm beginning to think that all beta blockers can, or will, cause some hair loss. My new doctor added 5mg. of Bystolic (nebivolol) to the 20mg Lisinopril that I take. This did help with my irregular heart beat, but again, I am beginning to lose more hair. Not as much as I did taking Metropolol, but a noticeable amount each day. Perhaps those of us with heart problems are just doomed to having thin hair?

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