Methadone Clinic And Drug Testing (Page 4)


I just started going to the methadone clinic about 4 weeks ago. I used to be a very heavy drug user, Heroin and pills were my life. When I took my initial drug test at the clinic I asked them if my marijuana levels were really high, and they told me they don't test for marijuana. I live in Texas. Does anyone know what kind of drug test they are using and exactly what they test for? I thought on all standard drug tests, they test for THC. Also I mistakenly took a 1mg football mistaking it for an aleve. In highschool i used to put them in aleve bottles. My mom just moved and the bottle was up in the medicine cabinet in the new house. OOPS. When I started feeling extremely relaxed, it clicked at what I had just ingested. This was 10 days ago today. The clinic tested me this morning. I'm not very familiar with this drug test and what exactly they are looking for. I used to work in a treatment center (before relapsing) and the addictionologist told me that klonopin can be detected for up to 2 weeks, but it has a MUCH MORE SIGNIFICANT longer half life than xanax. I'm just looking for some people's feedback that are familiar with the clinic and the drug testing there. I AM VERY AWAY THAT IT IS VERY DANGEROUS TO MIX BENZOS WITH METHADONE. It has taken several of my friend's lives. No one has to tell me that, I have experienced it first hand. It was an honest mistake but if I come up positive, there is NO WAY my counselor will believe that. What do drug addicts do... con and lie to people. I'd appreciate any feedback people can give me.

138 Replies (7 Pages)

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Im worried about this exact situation myself I heard bentonite clay helps but not too sure let me know if you had any luck

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To be honest, that price is far cheaper than if you were using again. I understand, as my clinic charges $65 per week. It was hard to pay, but somehow having fed a very high heroin habit, it was super cheap. Check into programs, as many will pay. Now my insurance does as the state I live in made changes. As far penalizing you for something like that, it's bulls***. After 2 or 3 dirties at my clinic, they just drop you 10mg till your next drop a month later to see if that's clean - which really sucks, honestly I'd rather pay! I hate being sick. Guess either way is the price we pay, though not really fair depending on the circumstances, but I don't think they view us as individuals. I just try to view it as it beats sticking a needle in my arm.

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I am the foster parent of my grandson and his dad is my son. When my son comes to visit my grandson he ALWAYS goes to the bathroom and stays in there for long periods of time and when he comes out he can barely hold his eyes opened. He gets drug tested by his parole officer and a methadone clinic and this confuses me because he passes these test but never seems sober. Please explain how he does this

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If you do any kind of drugs will the clinic know or are there some drugs that you can do that will not show up if tested

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He's probably using someone else's clean urine. Also, some drugs leave the system rather quickly. Most opiates are out in 2 days, alcohol 24hrs or less, cocaine is around 2 days. Depending on what he does and when he does it he could pass.

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im in the same boat you are.....i have not gotten any answers myself !!!! and im a dumba** because i was close too take homes i have no clue whats going too happen i had my urine screen done on Monday October 5th 2015 and here it is the 7th and still have not heard if i passed or if i failed im with you !!! im a flipping nervous wreak !! ugh !! if i should receive any information on this i will sooo pass it onto you !! please if you know anything will you please let me lnow thank you sooooo much in advance !!

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Methadone may be making him drowsy. Most drugs have a shorter life span than methadone. Methadone attaches to the fatties in your body so no matter what it stays in your body 36 hours. Although i have never used opiates and methadone, opiates have a shorter life span in my opinion. It all depends on your metabolism. See marijuana is suppose to stay in your system 30 days, but me as long as i don't have it on a regular basis its out of my system in 3 days; opiates 24 hours. I don't know why, but opiates can be washed out of your system quickly with water. I have been able to pass a urine test within 6 hours before when i was on parole. Now blood, hair follicle or saliva i haven't been tested by.

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Stop repeating old habits of medicating yourself with medications that you know could show up in your drug screen and you will have a clear picture of your drug screen before it is processed through the proper staff and returned to your Counselor. If you continue to take other meds and you know what they are when you take them! Then your not trying to recover you are just playing games.

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C. Gurl you are very wrong! New tests can pick up drugs way longer, way way longer, in some cases 15-25 days on methadone. And everybody thinks 3 days for coke, you are going to fail your tests or cause others to fail.

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Did you get your results back yet? My husband is going and had a drug screen. They said it came back positive but there was not way. Come to find out, they swap the urine from one cup to another after you hand it to them.

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Saliva-''salt sticks'' if I brush my teeth before given this test it always comes back with nothing in my system...
Urine and blood tests are more accurate.

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He may very well be on to high of a dose. And is prolly falling asleep in the bathroom. I know this because I do it myself. Talk to him about seeing if he would lower his dose some. Chances are he will say no but he might.

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I've been at RTC for 2 years.I take 110 mg of methadone daily,Iget 2 weeks take homes.never once have I fail a drug screen.last week mine came back with morphine in it,they took my take homes and drop a level,only God and I know that I didn't take morphine and this is not what an addict wants to happen trust me,its a false positive or something don't have a clue but really upset and don't have a clue what to do any ideas?

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SCOTT, I am on methadone at a clinic (not sure about your situation) but I know they can test for metabolites wich is what your body breaks the drug in to and the detection times are much longer.Let us know what happened.

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I go to a treatment center,I'm on 110 mg of methadone daily,I've been there 2 years never failed anything, last week my test results came back morphine 84 ng/ml by gc/ms isn't that really low.they have took my 2 weeks take homes and dropped me a level not to mention my whole family thinks I'm on pills again. Any help would by appreciated.

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I have NEVER heard of a clinic doing this! Are you self pay for your methadone or just the tests that they keep doing on you? Either way it is not normal to test weekly although we are at their mercy but if it is causing a financial burden get the director and respectfully explain the situation.

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Hey D, I also had a false positive happen to me. I tested for cocaine when I had never even used it before. I was taking methadone for back pain and not an addiction so when it happened I was shocked as u can imagine. The doctor dismissed it and said he was as surprised as I was. The only thing I can come up with is that the urine bottle was reusable and it hadn't been cleaned properly. If u were testing clean and this was out of character for u, then ur doctor should have dismissed it.

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Thanks my sister and bro-unlawful have been going to pain management clinic for a few years. But they didn't have to go everyday until they test positive which is meth. They have 2 boys and I don't understand why they are still letting them spend almost 200.00 a week for that and drive an hour away and not report it. They can't even pay their bills. I just wanna know how it works or is she lying to me

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The same thing just happened to me. I have not been dropped a level, yet, but it's totally BS. I wouldn't even know where to get morphine, let alone use it. I am hoping my 3yrs off clean urines helps my case. I did however find out that poppy seeds metabolize as morphine. So with this extra weight I've gained from methadone, I've been on a health food kick lately, and gid only knows what kinda seeds, are in some of the weird ass rabbit food I've been doing myself to eat. It is very frustrating cause I have never been so squeaky clean in my life, I'm even eating healthy, and I have this "positive" on my UA records now, and they say they believe me, but I just can't help but think in my face they say one thing, but are probably thinking another.

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I don't like to hear about anyone getting on the methadone program.....if u thought getting clean was most likely will never get off destroys your body.... in a few years your teeth will be gone....I just spent a year getting off of methadone....went through hell...I wish you the best.

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