If I Snort An Opana Er How Quick Will It Show Up On Urine Test
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How quick will opana er show on urine test if i snort it, will it show up quicker than swallowing it. Test tomorrow. Take half tonight and half in am? Or all tonight, or all in am? Please help!

7 Replies

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Shut up. You shouldn't be snorting anything. They don't make Opana anymore because of stuff you're doing with the drugs. PATHETIC. This site should not be for Drug seekers. It should only be for people with real pain and don't abuse their meds. Shame on you. Go ahead say what you want now. It's all BS if you ask me.

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He is trying to get one in his system so the dr. will think he is taking them and keep writing them to him. Exactly why it's so hard to get true help for pain now. Pitiful!! I hope you get busted!!

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You go girl. I've been in your situation for years. 3 back surgeries. Good for 15 years, then all hell broke loose. They just put me on opana but my ins only pays for generic. I love how you put thse "get help" asses in their place!!!

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You were right; it does work! I really can't believe these lectures here. Yes, believe it. Many of us suffer from chronic, debilitating pain.
For me, the stop signs didn't work at first either. I read online about snorting and FINALLY I got relief from my pain. I've had 4 back surgeries, a million spinal shots, physical therapy, laser treatments, acupuncture - you name it, I've tried it.

Opana finally gave me relief. So you can imagine how upset I was when they changed the formula and it didn't work. One pharmacist sometimes can get me the generic version. More often than not, I am stuck with these plastic things that don't work and give me a stomach ache when swallowed.

Thanks to this message board and this brave man with a dremel, I don't have to hope my pharmacist is in a good mood and orders generic Opana. I can use the brand name now and get good results. Thank you, man wit a Dremel! {edited for safety reasons}.

I resent the govt stepping in and saving me from myself. I am a grown, middle-aged woman who walks with a walker.

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Obviously by now you must know if you did it but trying to cheat a drug test by taking it before you think it can reach your urine is not a good idea i would guess a few hours at most that it would reach your urine of course even much less if they check your blood. why not just wait till you take the test then take it?

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Well, first it is not safe to snort any medication that has not been specially formulated to be used nasally. Tablets contain fillers and not all of them are meant to be broken down by the human body, they are normally just expelled as waste. If you crush and snort them, you are putting these substances into your sinuses and lungs in a manner, in which, your body cannot process them out and this creates the risk of blockages. Such blockages can lead to respiratory arrest.


Additionally, what you may run into here is not having the proper amounts in your system. If you have been prescribed a certain dosage to be taken at a certain frequency, your levels should fall within a certain range. Anything outside of that range may alert your doctor to a problem.

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