I Need A Pharmacy That Will Fill Oxycodone 15mg
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I need to fill a Rx of oxycodone 15mg in miami dade county FL. Does anyone know of a pharmacy that has them?

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I was just recently discharged from my doc. who was prescribing me
1. 8mg Subutex.. quantity 75 a month
2. 30mg Dextroamphetamine salts (Adderall)... Quantity 90 a month
3. 2mg Xanax... Quantity 90 a month.

I was not given a month supply so I would Have time to find a new Dr. Not even a 2 week supply.
just Nothing.......
Im in Tampa,Fl. and looking for a new Dr. to prescribe me the medications Ive been taking for well over a year now. These combonations of medications has been the 1st that has ever worked for me. It has literally changed my life and I do not want to go back to life before these medications..
Please somebody point me in the right direction.
Im deperateley looking for a LEGIT Dr, to help

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I am having the exact same problem, did u find one???

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